Welcome to VVCA

Varsity View & Grosvenor Park are dynamic neighbourhoods bordering the University of Saskatchewan and a short walk away from the beautiful Meewasin Valley. Residents of all ages appreciate the beauty and vibrancy of these neighbourhoods. Please enjoy our website and get to know us better.

The Varsity View Community Association is a vibrant, volunteer-driven group that is always happy to welcome new members.

Located near the University of Saskatchewan and encompassing the neighbourhood of Grosvenor Park, the area’s population includes seniors, growing families, and university students.

The Association works to meet the needs of all residents. It organizes events, delivers recreational and leisure programs, coordinates sports programs for children/youth and maintains the outdoor rink at Brunskill School.

VVCA 40th logo

We are planning a day-long event for all to enjoy and are looking for local artists, builders, writers, musicians, storytellers, historians and dancers who would like to share their talents during that day. If you have a talent, please let us know if you would like to be part of the celebrations!

We are also looking for businesses that would like to help to sponsor the event. Sponsors would be given space for signage and business promotion, as well as receive recognition by the event emcee. Please support your community and make this an unforgettable day in the park!

And, more than anything, we need some smiling volunteers for the day! If you can help out for some or all of the day, let us know. Let’s build our community by working together!

More details as they become available: http://vvcasaskatoon.com/40th-anniversary-event/

Important Upcoming VVCA Events:

See our Facebook page for more City and community news.

Brunskill School skating rink: We can always use more hands on our rink crew! If you would be interested in helping out during the winter season, give us a shout! Email us!

Cross Country Skiing: VVCA is funding the City-groomed trails in Grosvenor Park this winter. More information on the Grosvenor Park trails courtesy Barbara Szpunar, here...

OUTDOOR SOCCER SEASON 2025 – Registration open February 1 to March 15. More details…

Monday, March 17, 2025 – Link College Drive Open House, 11AM-2PM, University of Saskatchewan, Place Riel.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 – Link College Drive Open House, 2:30-5PM, University of Saskatchewan, Place Riel.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 – Link College Drive Open House, 6:30-8PM, Merlis Belsher Place.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 – Link College Drive Open House, 10AM-1PM, Royal University Hospital, main floor.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 – Link College Drive Open House, 3-8PM, Merlis Belsher Place.
More information…

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 – Spring program registration; Brunskill School front foyer; 7-8:30PM. More details…

Wednesday, March 19, 2025 – VVCA Board meeting; 7:00PM; Brunskill School library. All are welcome to attend. Come out, volunteer and get involved in your community! We hope to have a speaker from USask Properties to talk about the Stadium Square development (south of Merlis Belsher Place).

Wednesday, April 16, 2025 – ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING; 7:00PM; Brunskill School library. All are welcome to attend. Come out and get involved in your community!

Saturday, May 3, 2025 – Community Cleanup. Volunteers welcome. Details to come!

Thursday, May 15, 2025 – SUM Theatre in the Park; 7PM; Grosvenor Park; free performance, all welcome! Watch for more details about a VVCA barbecue happening before the show! Volunteers always welcome!

Saturday, June 14, 2025 – VVCA 40th Anniversary event; 11AM – 6PM; President Murray Park. More details…

Varsity View Co-operative Preschool – new families can register for the 2025 school year (beginning September 2025) starting on Monday, January 27, 2025. More info…

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The following board/coordinator positions will soon be vacant and we need volunteers to step forward to continue this important work.
Secretary: Records, preserves, distributes and reads the minutes of all executive, general and special meetings of the association; keeps a record of all committees and committee members and maintains attendance records of the executive; is responsible for notification of all executive members of next meetings; and handles all correspondence as directed by the executive.
Basketball Coordinator: Work alongside the Saskatoon Minor Basketball Association (SMBA) to form registered players onto teams within your own and surrounding communities, recruit and communicate with coaches regarding their desired practice times, arrange equipment drop off, etc. Time Commitment: 30-40 hrs/year (depending on number of registrants) with the bulk of the work being in mid-October. Minimal work in mid-November, late December/early January and at the end of the season in late March/early April. SMBA has support people in place so there is always assistance available.
Newsletter Delivery Coordinator: Recruit and communicate with volunteers regarding their delivery routes, dates the newsletters need to be delivered, pick up of the newsletters from the printer and distribution to the volunteers. Time Commitment: ~ 6-8 hrs/year divided into the 3 times per year when newsletters are delivered (late December/early January, Easter break, and late August/early September).
Newsletter Delivery Persons: Deliver the VVCA newsletter to houses within Varsity View, Grosvenor Park, Greystone and Nutana areas. There are 5 areas in total each requiring delivery of ~500 newsletters. Individuals/families/fundraising groups are welcome to apply for any or all areas for any or all distribution dates. Time Commitment: ~4-8 hours per area. The newsletters are delivered 3 times a year in late December/early January, March, and late August/early September. Honorarium paid.
Contact info@vvcasaskatoon.com and we’ll put you in touch with the right people!

Community & Safety Resources:

Albert Community Centre: Interested in renting room(s) at the Albert Community Centre for a wedding, meetings or other event? Email albertcommunitycentre@gmail.com and include details such as the rental date(s) & time(s), room you are interested in booking, and purpose of the rental. More information…

City Police Services online bicycle registration: Recording your bike’s serial number and other identifying information could make the difference in getting your lost or stolen bike back. https://www.saskatoonpolice.ca/obr/

City Police Services security camera registry: The Security Camera Registry is a completely voluntary program where community members (individuals or businesses) can register their security camera(s) with the SPS. If you register your camera(s) with the Security Camera Registry, you may be contacted by the SPS to request footage you may have available, if a crime is being investigated in your area. It is up to you if you provide any footage to the SPS and you are under no obligation to do so. https://www.saskatoonpolice.ca/scr/

City Police Services reporting options: Reporting non-violent activity like suspicious persons in your neighbourhood can prevent serious crime. Reports can be made by calling 306-975-8300, attending to the front desk of the SPS HQ, or online for some reports. https://saskatoonpolice.ca/onlinereporting. In an emergency, please call 911.

Saskatoon Crisis Intervention / Police and Crisis Team (PACT): Call for assistance with crisis or emergency situations, 911 (emergency) or 306-933-6200. https://www.saskatooncrisis.ca/

Saweyihtotan Mobile Outreach: Saskatoon Tribal Council, call for assistance with mobile outreach services, 306-381-3143. https://sktc.sk.ca/saweyihtotan/

Community Support Program (CSP): A year-round foot patrol team promoting well-being and safe streets for everyone. If you see someone in distress, or maybe you’re lost. Perhaps you’ve seen negative street activity, and you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. You can call 306-382-6935. https://cspsaskatoon.ca/

Sexual Assault Crisis Line: A Saskatoon-based, non-profit, charitable organization dedicated to taking a leadership role in responding to sexualized violence in our community. Main Office, 306-244-2294; 24-Hour Crisis Line, 306-244-2224. https://ssaic.ca/

Illegal encampments: The fire department is tasked with the responsibility for illegal encampments. Make note of location and any other pertinent information. Contact fireinspection@Saskatoon.ca or phone 306-975-3030.

Needle pickups: Saskatoon Fire Department, 306-975-3030 (non-emergency) OR Saskatchewan Health Authority, Street Health, 306-655-4620.

The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act is intended to empower residents to take back their neighbourhoods by reporting problem residences or businesses that are habitually used for illegal activities. If you are suspicious of a property in your neighbourhood, do not investigate it yourself or approach the occupants. Saskatoon toll free number: 1-855-933-6411 or report online https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/justice-crime-and-the-law/your-rights-and-the-law/keeping-your-neighbourhood-safe

Wildlife Management: For concerns about wildlife in Saskatoon, please call Urban Biological Services at 306-975-3300.  If there is an emergency after hours, please call the 24-hour Customer Service Center at 306-975-2476.  For concerns about larger animals (e.g. moose, deer, bears), contact the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment at 306-933-6240. City of Saskatoon website: https://www.saskatoon.ca/services-residents/pet-licensing-animal-services/wildlife-management

Dutch Elm Disease: DED is a serious disease caused by a fungus that clogs the elm tree’s water and nutrient conducting system, which eventually causes the tree to die. To request a tree inspection or identify elm wood, please complete the online form linked below or call Urban Biological Services at 306-975-2890. More information and online form here: https://www.saskatoon.ca/services-residents/housing-property/city-owned-trees/tree-diseases-pests/dutch-elm-disease

Winter sidewalk snow removal: Residents, please clear your sidewalks within 48 hours after a snowfall, and toss the snow onto your property, not onto the street. Please report an uncleared sidewalk using the City online Reporting a Bylaw Concern form or leave a voicemail with Bylaw Compliance at 306-657-8766.

Property Maintenance: Saskatoon’s Property Maintenance & Nuisance Abatement Bylaw 8175 requires property owners in the City of Saskatoon to maintain houses, buildings, and yards to an acceptable standard. Property owners are responsible for ensuring yards are kept free and clean from garbage and debris, junked vehicles, and excessive growth of weeds and grass. More information and online form here: https://www.saskatoon.ca/property-maintenance-complaints

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