VVCA ‘The View’ Newsletters

VVCA ‘The View’ Newsletter Advertising Policy:

The Varsity View Community Association provides a newsletter, The View, a minimum of three times per year, to inform residents of activities, issues and information for the betterment of the neighbourhood.

The newsletter is published early January (winter), March (spring) and September (fall). The newsletter is printed and distributed throughout the Varsity View and Grosvenor Park neighbourhoods, with an approximate print run of 2000-2500 copies.

PURPOSE: To provide guidelines for the Varsity View Community Association (herein called “the Association”), the Association Executive, and the Newsletter Editor regarding advertising in the community newsletter

1 Advertising Costs

1.1 The Association newsletter may include both paid and unpaid advertising.
1.2 The Association may provide advertising space in the community newsletter free of charge, reasonable space permitting, to neighborhood schools and the City of Saskatoon, as they provide the community with numerous resources through the use of their facilities. Other public service, charitable or non-profit advertising may be allowed, space permitting.
1.3 Ad space will be sold on a first come first serve basis.
1.4 Any increases to advertising rates will be provided to current advertisers at a minimum of two issues advance notice (approximately 4 months).
1.5 Advertising shall appear in the printed newsletter only. However, the digital PDF version of the newsletter will be archived and available for download on this page of the VVCA website.
1.6 Placement and position of any ads in the newsletter cannot be predetermined and is solely at the discretion of the newsletter editor.
1.7 Payment for advertising must be received prior to ad publication. Payment shall be made by cheque or other arrangements to: VVCA, c/o ANNE E. HARDY, VVCA Treasurer, 206 Clarence Ave S., Saskatoon, SK S7N 1H3
1.8 At this time, the VVCA newsletter accepts business card sized (3.5” wide X 2” high) advertisements only, for a cost of $75 for one issue.

2 Political and Ethical Advertising

2.1 The Association reserves the right to refuse any material submitted to the newsletter and the right to space allocation. The Association has the right to refuse any advertising that may be seen as prejudicial, controversial or what it determines is not in alignment within the vision of VVCA.
Following the dropping of the Election Writ, the Association will not include political advertising for the purposes of civic, provincial or federal electoral campaigns.
2.2 Following an election, the Association may include information identifying the newly elected candidate(s) and contact information as requested.
2.3 Publication of any advertisement, notice or announcement in the newsletter does not constitute endorsement or knowledge of the product or service by the Association.

3 Advertising Material Formats

3.1 Ad material shall be provided properly sized and ready for publication. Ad materials shall be provided in black and white/greyscale and in JPG, TIFF or PDF file format. Any ad material not provided in the proper file format and/or size may be refused publication or edited at the sole discretion of the Newsletter Editor.
3.2 Ad material is to be emailed to newsletter@vvcasaskatoon.com.
3.3 Ad material is due 4 weeks prior to publication.

4 Procedures

4.1 All advertisements submitted must be approved by the newsletter editor.
4.2 If the newsletter editor is unsure of any advertising submissions, they may take the item to the executive for review to determine a final decision regarding inclusion within the newsletter. The Association executive will provide the final decision on any submission.
4.3 These advertising policies are subject to change by the Association at any time without notice.

Email newsletter@vvcasaskatoon.com to submit notices or articles intended for publication.

‘The View’ Newsletters

Current and back issues of the VVCA newsletter ‘The View’ can be found and downloaded here (PDFs).

September 2024
March 2024
January 2024

September 2023
March 2023
January 2023

September 2022
March 2022
January 2022

September 2021
March 2021
January 2021

September 2020
March 2020
January 2020

September 2019
March 2019
January 2019 NOTE: digital distribution only – no printed copies were delivered to the neighbourhood.

September 2018
March 2018 NOTE: digital distribution only – no printed copies were delivered to the neighbourhood.
January 2018

September 2017
March 2017
January 2017

September 2016
March 2016
January 2016

September 2015
March 2015
January 2015

September 2014
March 2014
January 2014

March 2013
January 2013

September 2012
March 2012
January 2012