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Saskatoon Curbside Swap
Saturday, September 9, 2017
At a Curbside Swap, you place unwanted items in good condition on your property (next to the sidewalk or curb) and mark them as FREE for anyone to pick-up. You can also search for free items for your own household! At the end of your Swap day, return your unclaimed items to your home along with your own newfound treasures.
Plan a Curbside Swap for your household or your neighbourhood this summer! Post your Swap on the Curbside Swap Facebook Event page at Saskatoon City News and share it with your friends. And join in the city-wide Curbside Swap on Saturday, September 9, 2017.
Giving used items a new home keeps them out of our landfill and swapping helps to build a sense of community.