Spotlight on the Albert Indoor Playground
Located in Saskatoon in the Albert Community Centre on Clarence, Albert Indoor Playground is a vibrant space where parents and caregivers can bring their children for socialization, creative play, crafts, and fun! Our cooperative, non-profit playgroup is entirely run by volunteers and is designed for children ages 0-5 (older siblings can be accommodated on school breaks or for homeschoolers). Sessions run from 9:00 AM -12:00 PM Monday to Friday, and afternoon sessions from 1-4 PM. Parents also get a chance to have a hot coffee or tea while enjoying some adult conversation with each other.
1) What year did the playgroup begin? 1985
2) Location: On the 3rd floor of the Albert Community Centre on Clarence and 12th.
3) Hours of Operation: 9 AM – 12 PM or 1 PM – 4 PM
4) Months of Operation: First or Second week of September until May 31. We are not open for June, July, or August.
5) Expectation of Members: After each session members are expected to clean up the toys and crafts, wipe the snack tables and sweep the snack room.
6) Cost: The total cost is $210 per family for the entire session, which includes a $50 toy washing fee that will be returned if a member attends a toy wash (otherwise it is used to pay a cleaner). That breaks down to about $5 per week for a fun-filled, structured play environment! We also offer prorated fees for those joining after the session has started, so you never miss out.
7) How does the group operate? You pick which weekday works best for you, and you can come every week on that day. It is the same group of people so that both children and parents get to know each other.
8) Contact information: Email us at or to sign-up, visit our website at: