Tag Archives: YAS

YAS Basketball Camps are open this summer

Important Notice from YAS
July 2, 2020

Effective June 29, 2020 Young Athlete Saskatchewan Inc. (YAS)
Sports School, a registered Saskatchewan corporate entity, has been
authorized by the Government of Saskatchewan to hold its 2020
weekly youth basketball camps during July and August in Saskatoon
and Regina.

Accordingly, YAS has immediately re-commenced accepting registrations
for its camps scheduled for the week of July 20 to 24, July 27 to 31
and continuing for its weekly camps scheduled throughout August.
Registrations for camps will continue until camps reach COVID-19
enrolment limits. Visit the YAS web site for additional details and to
register on line www.yas.ca

All youths who were registered for YAS camps back in February and
early March, prior to the COVID-19 shut down, remain registered,
with the following exception:
Those who were registered for camps in Saskatoon during the weeks of July 6 to 10 and July 13 to 17 are notified that those camps have been withdrawn due to the City of Saskatoon not yet approving the rental of its Cosmo Civic Centre gym at which those camps were scheduled. Parents and guardians of youths registered for YAS camps July 6 to 10 and July 13 to 17 in Saskatoon are requested to contact the YAS office immediately in order to request a transfer to another YAS 2020 camp later during the summer or to receive a full refund of their camp fees.

The FREE YAS Mini-Camps scheduled for July 2 and 3 in each city
have been withdrawn, with the possibility that they may be re-
scheduled for later during this summer or early fall.

YAS basketball camps are headed by certified teachers who are also
accomplished basketball coaches. Accordingly, the YAS basketball
skills-development curriculum will be followed as it has been during
past summers. This will include basketball skills instruction, drills,
scientific skills testing, and follow-up skills-reinforcement competitions.
It will also include regular-game scrimmages.

A COVID-19 questionnaire that every youth registered for
YAS 2020 basketball camp will be required to bring with them to their
camp head instructor (certified teacher), every camp morning.

Every YAS staff member will also be required to adhere on an ongoing
basis and strictly to Saskatchewan Government COVID-19 restrictions.

Regular and additional sanitizing precautions will be taken at the gyms.

Questions and Clarifications,
Dr. Robb Hall, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed. (admin) Ph.D. (EDPA)
YAS Camps Director

YAS 2020 Basketball Camps

FREE Youth Basketball Camps.
During July and August.
Camps in Regina or Saskatoon.

Instructed by Professional “A” certified teachers who are highly accomplished basketball coaches. Separated age and ability sub-grouping for every level from introductory to basics to fundamentals to developing to advanced.

Everyone invited and welcome.

Request more details by email.

YAS Basketball Camps

All you need to do is ask us.

You can get a $50.00 camp discount certificate to attend one of eight week-long basketball day camps to be held at Saskatoon’s Cosmo Civic Centre this July and August . . . just for asking.

Just email us at info@yas.ca or text us at 306-242-2425 and say, ‘Please send me a discount certificate.’ We’ll hustle it right to you.

Everyone is welcome. We have a skill level and age group for everyone.

These discount certificates are funded by donations from
Canadian Tire Jump Start Charities
City of Saskatoon
Hall*Comm Trust
Saskatchewan Lotteries
Saskatchewan Community Initiatives Fund
Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority