Project Welcome Launched

Each year, hundreds of new Canadians make Saskatoon their new home. In the coming months we’ll be welcoming refugee children to our community, many of whom have been out of school for years or have never attended school at all.

Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation & the Saskatoon Open Door Society have teamed up to launch Project Welcome – a campaign to raise funds to enhance learning opportunities for refugee children and families. Funds raised will help educators and community workers go above and beyond the basic settlement services provided by government to offer additional opportunities for learning and belonging, such as enriched summer learning programs, dual language books and picture dictionaries, and assistance with transportation needs.

We’re asking for your help to make Project Welcome a success! Please help us share the message far and wide by sharing our social media posts on Facebook. For those who are able to contribute financially please visit and click “donate.” All donations are tax-deductible and will be shared equally between the Saskatoon Open Door Society and Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation.

Project Welcome runs from Dec. 9, 2015 to Jan. 20, 2016.

Thank you for helping to welcome our new friends and neighbours!