Recycle for VVCA

Do you like to collect pop cans and bottles for recycling? Do you like to donate to worthy causes?

Now you can do both! Drop off your recyclable containers at any Saskatoon SARCAN location and either tell them to put your refund toward “VVCA” or use the Drop & Go system with the group account “VVCA“. Your refund will be directed to VVCA and then used for community projects in our neighbourhood.

With Drop & Go there is no waiting in line. Just punch your account into the terminal, tag your bags with the sticky labels generated and then drop your bags off at the counter. Easy.

Drop & Go is a new service that SARCAN is offering at our larger depots in cities and towns across Saskatchewan. When the line gets long, Drop & Go is an easy way to drop off your containers without having to wait.

SARCAN Drop & Go information