In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Saskatoon has reviewed all construction projects planned for 2020. It has been determined that the Clarence Avenue Water Main Replacement Project will proceed as planned, but with some modifications to the original planned construction area (see map). This work includes essential upgrades to existing infrastructure that, if delayed, could mean further, unplanned disruptions. The replacement of older water mains brings several benefits: Decreased susceptibility to breakage, failures and service disruptions Restoration of roadways, resulting in smooth ‘like new’ surfaces Replacement or rehabilitation of sidewalks within the work area To ensure the least amount of restrictions to driveway access and parking, construction will be phased:
Phase 1:
o Clarence Avenue from 8th Street East to 12th Street East, including the intersection of Clarence Avenue and 12th Street East
Phase 2:
o Clarence Avenue from 12th Street East to Colony Street
Phase 3:
o Clarence Avenue from Colony Street to College Drive
Phase 4:
o Temperance Street from Munroe Avenue to Wiggins Avenue
o Munroe Avenue between Temperance Street and back lane of 1200 block of Temperance Street
o Back Lane of 1200 block of Temperance Street
o Wiggins Avenue between back lane of 1200 block of Temperance Street and Temperance Street
During this project, all lead water service connections and sewer service connections between College Drive and 8th Street East, and on the 1200 block of Temperance Street, will be replaced.