Tag Archives: cycling

BRT Update

At the City Council meeting on April 29, 2019, City Administration will be presenting reports on the Bus Rapid Transit system as well as the Downtown Active Transportation Network.

On April 29, after over three years of technical work and public engagement, Saskatoon City Council will receive routing reports and recommendations on Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and the Downtown Active Transportation (AT) Network. The BRT system and Downtown AT Network are key components of the City’s Plan for Growth, supporting corridor growth and economic development by improving the mobility of current and future residents. They enable viable options to automobile travel, helping the City with sustainability, climate and population growth challenges that are becoming increasingly important to address.

You can find summaries of the reports, including engagement activities and route information, at saskatoon.ca/transit-plan, and find details on the Downtown AT Network at saskatoon.ca/moving-around/cycling/cycling-plans-projects. The full reports and the official Agenda for the April 29 meeting will be available at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 24 at saskatoon.ca/city-hall.