Tag Archives: Reconciliation

Race Against Racism

9th Annual Fun Run/Walk and Cultural Expo
September 21, 2019
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Victoria Park (near the boathouse)

The Race Against Racism (RAR) got its start in 2011 with one goal; to provide a positive environment for people of all backgrounds to gather and promote an active, healthy lifestyle while encouraging positive police community relations. Runners, walkers and rollers have the choice to participate in the 2.5km, 5km, or 10km.

Members from five settlement agencies (Saskatoon Open Door Society, The Global Gathering Place, International Women of Saskatoon, Newcomer Information Centre and Saskatchewan Intercultural Association), are part of RAR’s planning committee. Those agencies collect and divide the funds raised from the event to help continue local programming. A joint fundraiser called “Cram the Cruiser” is also tied to the Race. All entrants are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item to help fill a patrol car to donate to the Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre.

The City of Saskatoon’s Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Committee have been key partners from the beginning. Our partners at Brainsport will be hosting the race.

The Race includes an expo beyond the finish line called “Around the World – A Cultural Expo.” It showcases ethnic displays from local groups to promote community engagement and to celebrate diversity.

The Annual Race Against Racism brings together individuals from all over Saskatoon from various communities, with unique backgrounds, religions, cultures, sexual orientations, ages and ethnicities. Everyone comes together to achieve a common goal; to provide a positive, safe environment to live in harmony and show that Saskatoon will not accept racism.

To Register online, go to: https://www.facebook.com/racesaskatoon/

Reconciliation Artwork Unveiling

On behalf of the Saskatoon Tribal Council and the City of Saskatoon, you are invited to attend the upcoming unveiling event for the Where Our Paths Cross Reconciliation Commemorative Artwork, “The Coming Spring,” on Wednesday, June 20, 2018, in Victoria Park (Spading Crescent West, between Ave D and Ave E).

Unveiling Event
6:30 AM – 8:30 AM Pipe ceremony
8:30 AM – 9:00 AM Coffee and bannock
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Unveiling Ceremony

“The Coming Spring,” by Canadian artist, Gordon Reeve, was commissioned by the Saskatoon Tribal Council and the City of Saskatoon, with funding from the Government of Canada. Its creation is in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action, No. 79: educating and creating a sense of shared awakening.

2016 Year of Reconciliation

On June 22, 2015, Saskatoon City Council unanimously declared 2015-2016 a Year of Reconciliation. Join us for a month of activities that explore what Reconciliation is and the role we can ALL play in carrying it forward. The events lead up to:

June 21 National Aboriginal Day
An event open to all who want to celebrate our Indigenous community, enjoy food, entertainment and education in Victoria Park.

June 22 Day of Reconciliation
This event begins with the “Rock Your Roots” Walk for Reconciliation and leads to Victoria Park for a BBQ and Entertainment.

This month, do your part!
• Listen—To each others’ stories
• Learn—About our history
• Show Up—Support events for Reconciliation. See http://www.otc.ca/ for the full schedule
• Share—#ReconciliationSK

Full events schedule at www.otc.ca

May 24 NatureCity Festival: Water Ceremony
Gabriel Dumont Park. Meet near the playground
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
You are invited to participate in a traditional ceremony of gratitude and respect for water, with ceremonialist Isaac Murdoch, assisted by Christi Belcourt. Participants are asked to arrive by 10 a.m. and plan on staying for the entire ceremony. Everyone is welcome.

May 24 NatureCity Festival: Water Song for a River City, with Maria Campbell and Friends
Broadway Theatre
7:30 p.m.
Admission is free.
Wild about Saskatoon is proud to present “Water Song for a River City,” an evening of stories, songs, inspiration and hope, featuring Maria Campbell and friends.

May 25 NatureCity Festival: Learning from the Land With Indigenous Knowledge and Science
Saskatoon Wildlife Federation Building and Northeast Swale
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
This event is fully booked.
On this full day of activities, First Nations and Metis Knowledge Keepers and grades 4 to 8 students will learn from the land!

May 25 Atchakosuk: Ininewuk Stories of the Stars
Silverspring School gymnasium
610 Konihowski Road 7:30 p.m.
Join Elder Wilfred Buck of the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre to gain a new understanding and appreciation of the energy ablaze in the night sky.

May 25 University of Saskatchewan Graduation Powwow:
10 am – Grand Entry honouring Grade 12 Grads
1 pm – Honouring U of S Grads

May 26 Saskatoon Public School Division Pow Wow
Mount Royal Collegiate

May 26 Learning the Role of Nehiyaw through Language – Beginner’s Cree Workshop
Facilitator: Belinda Daniels
White Buffalo Youth Lodge 10am-3pm

June 2 Heart Garden Day – Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
In honour of Heart Garden Day on June 3, all schools within the Greater Saskatoon Catholic School Division will be planting Heart Gardens to honour residential school survivors and their families.

Date to be confirmed Flag Raising Ceremony at City Hall
7:30 am Pipe Ceremony
10:00 am Flag Raising Ceremony
Celebrating the community Call to Action!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016 An Evening of Reconciliation: Keynote and Cultural Celebration
5:00pm-7:30pm CST
Outdoor Amphitheatre at Wanuskewin Heritage Park, Saskatoon, SK
On Wednesday, June 8th, we invite you to join us for an engaging evening with Chief Dr. Robert Joseph, Ambassador, Reconciliation Canada. This free and public event will include an informal reception, cultural dance and keynote from Chief Joseph.

June 10 Indigenous Awareness Training – A Call to Action
Great Plains College, Warman Campus in partnership with the Office of the Treaty Commissioner
10:00 am to 3:30 pm
The training will include an introduction to First Nations worldview, protocol, treaties, residential schools and reconciliation.

June 13 Wicihitowin Speaker Series: Calls to Action –
Presented by Potash Corp
Feature Presenter: Eugene Arcand
Frances Morrison Library Auditorium 10:30am-12pm
Registration Fee: $20
Calls to Action. Eugene has been blazing a trail with his eye-opening and inspiring message on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission ninety-four Calls to Action. He eloquently describes how we can move forward on our own Calls to Action and how this is distinguishably different from a recommendation.

June 14 Metis Day activities at Westmount School
Central Urban Metis Federation Incorporated

June 15 Homeless Challenge
Central Urban Metis Federation Incorporated

June 17 Greater Saskatoon Catholic School Division Pow Wow
Thorton Park (Across from St. Frances Cree Bilingual School)
10:00 – 3:00
Theme: Reconciliation

June 20 Public Talk: Hunger, Human Experimentation and the Legacy of Residential Schools
Speaker: Ian Mosby, PhD
Station 20 West – 7pm

June 21 National Aboriginal Day Celebrations
Hosted by the Saskatoon Indian and Metis Friendship Centre
Victoria Park
Event will include Treaty Payments and Entertainment.

June 22 Rock Your Roots: A Call to Action – Day for Reconciliation
Victoria Park
10:30 am to 12 noon: Walk for Reconciliation
12 noon to 2:30 p.m.: BBQ and Entertainment