Tag Archives: summer

Royal City Soccer Camps 2014

The Royal City Soccer Club presents Soccer Camps 2014!

Canada’s #1 grassroots soccer camp, with July and August weeks, for boys and girls aged 5 to 13, offering full day, morning and afternoon sessions. No charge for early drop off, late pickup care.

Two locations in Saskatoon – visit the website for more details.

To register or for more information, call 1-800-427-0536 or visit www.royalsoccer.com. Register by June 1 for early bird discounts.

Kids Bowl Free Summer program

Great news, Eastview Bowl has just opened registration for Kids Bowl Free 2014!

Select bowling centers and schools around the country are participating in Kids Bowl Free program. This program is designed by bowling centers to give back to the community and provide a safe, secure, and fun way for kids to spend time this summer.

Children whose age does not exceed a limit by a participating bowling center are eligible to register for 2 free games a day, all summer long, courtesy of the participating bowling centers along with the schools and organizations.

Register now by visiting: http://www.kidsbowlfree.com/center.php?alley_id=5876

Don’t forget to add our Kids Bowl Free Family pass option where up to 4 adults can receive the same great 2 FREE Game offer during Kids Bowl Free hours for only $24.95.

Many families use the family pass to get the entire family off the couch! It’s also a great way to set a family day each and every week. Using the family pass just a time or two will make it a valuable investment for your family.

See You On The Lanes!