Tag Archives: teachers

Workshop for Classroom Students with ADHD

A Workshop for Elementary School Teachers and Support Staff on Creating Classroom “Tool Kits” and Strategies for Students with ADHD

Learn to:
– Recognize characteristics of ADHD that appear in the classroom
– Apply problem solving strategy Benny the Bear – creating a problem solving model for students
– Identify the triggers to behaviours using reflections on classroom situations to develop your own ADHD’ometer or method to use in your classroom
– Create a toolkit for the ADHD child that will be effective and efficient for their academic success
– Understand why rewards, contingencies and incentives are effective for the ADHD student. Think, pair, share, discover how children with ADHD can be motivated
– Use creative writing as a strategy for teaching the ADHD child about goals, behaviours, characteristics and increased self-awareness

Presented by: Christina Johnson-Quan, B.PAS, B.Ed., M.Ed.

9 a.m. – 12 p.m. – Characteristics, Problem Solving, Toolkits and Triggers
1 p.m. – 3 p.m. – Behaviour changes, Creative Writing and Art Therapy

Date: September 26, 2014
Cost: $150
Location: LDAS Saskatoon, 2221 Hanselman Court
Phone: 306-652-4114