Varsity View Bishop Murray Community Garden Celebrates 14 Years of Growing Together
Now in its 14th year of growing, Varsity View Bishop Murray Community Garden (VVBMCG) enables the gardening ambitions of over 80 families and a variety of local partners including Bishop Murray School, White Buffalo Youth Lodge, Lady of Lourdes’ sponsored refugees and Saskatoon Open Door Society. A unique partnership on the school grounds, the garden is an extension of VVCA and led by a volunteer committee of gardeners.
With two levels of options for fees/volunteer hours, the garden provides growing opportunities and just as importantly, community and social engagement for like-minded hobbyists. A highlight of this social engagement is the Summer Garden Party, held each July and organized by the Garden Committee.
At this year’s Summer Garden Party, we recognized two former Garden Committee members with a Lifetime Membership Award. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the garden in many ways over several years. Former Committee members Patty Lozowchuk and Rebekah Bennetch provided years of leadership on the committee, focusing on our Terrace space and in our volunteer garden administration. We thank these exceptional volunteers and value the enrichment gardening adds to our community.
For more information about the VVBMCG or to inquire about a plot in 2025, please email We do not monitor this over the winter months and new gardeners are invited to apply in the Spring each year.