Varsity View and Nutana Neighbourhood Traffic Plans

Varsity View and Nutana Neighbourhood Traffic Plans

Varsity View and Nutana neighbourhoods have both undergone neighbourhood traffic planning processes that have resulted in a number of proposals to improve traffic safety. These will be recommended for approval at City Council on Monday, May 25.

Nutana’s plan can be found at page 1189 of the Full Council Agenda. The main changes being proposed in Nutana are:

• Closure of the 9th St on-ramp onto the Idylwyld Freeway and removal of the roundabout at 9th and McPherson (to reduce cross-cutting traffic down 9th St)
• Installation of pedestrian activated crosswalks at 9th and Broadway and 11th and Clarence
• Alterations at intersection of Lansdowne/Temperance/14th including: Closure of small section of 14th between Temperance and Lansdowne; Reconfiguration of median to create more defined turns onto Temperance from Lansdowne and vice versa to reduce high speed cornering and accidents at that corner.
• Plus numerous more minor additional curb extensions, signage, and other changes to address specific interesections.

Varsity View’s Traffic Plan can be found at page 133 of the Council Agenda: The changes being proposed are not as significant in Varsity View, but consist of a number of new crosswalks, additional signage, as well as the pedestrian light at Clarence and 11th. There is also a recommendation to install a barrier at Main St and Wiggins forcing East/West traffic to be diverted to reduce the cross cutting traffic down Main St. This proposal was not considered at the neighbourhood meeting as a whole and has raised some concerns at the Community Association level because it was outside of the rest of the process so will be revisited for further discussion.