Mind, Exercise, Nutrition – Do it!

MEND Saskatchewan is offering a number of FREE programs for families with children’s of various age groups to adopt healthy lifestyles. Typically programs run 90 minutes, once or twice per week over a ten week span. During this program, parents and children will learn numerous skills ranging from healthy eating, demonstration, games and a number of fun interactive activities.

MEND for 7-13 year olds
Do you want to help your 7-13 year old:
– make better food choices?
– watch less TV or play less video games
– to be more active or participate in a sport?
– maintain a healthy weight?

MEND can show you how small changes can make a big difference!
– MEND empowers children and families to become fitter and healthier.
– This FREE program is fun and interactive and supports you and your children(ren) to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

What happens at the MEND program?
– Parents /caregivers join their children in each session to learn about how to choose healthier foods and spend more time being physically active.
– Twice-weekly sessions are a mix of family activities where we show you how small changes can make a big difference.
– Practical demonstrations, games and tips about healthy foods, label reading and portion sizes.
– Fun physical activity sessions for the kids in a safe, non-judgmental environment.
– After 10 weeks, you and your family will be well on your way to a healthier life!

St. Marks – 414 Pendygrasse Road
Monday & Wednesday 6:30-8:30pm
January 23rd – March 23rd (Cancelled February 20th & 22nd)

College of Kinesiology-Physical Activity Center – 87 Campus Road
Sundays 10:00am-12:00noon & Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm
January 22nd – March 23rd (Cancelled February 19th & 23rd)

MEND for 2 – 4 year olds
What is MEND 2-4?
– MEND 2-4 is a FREE comprehensive, family-based healthy lifestyle program for all families with children aged 2-4 years. This program is designed to promote healthy eating and activity habits from an early age.

Who can participate?
– MEND 2-4 is for children and families who are interested learning about healthy lifestyles. Children do not have to be above a healthy weight.

What happens at the MEND program?
– MEND 2-4 consists of ten sessions, once per week. Each session is 90 minutes long
– Parents /caregivers join their children in each session
– Spend time playing with your child and learn new games
– Take part in a parent discussion while your child plays
– Learn fun ways to introduce new foods and add variety
– Learn how to read and understand food labels and ingredients
– Learn how to deal with challenging behaviours
– Meet other parents and families in your area and make new friends

Brunskill School – 101 Wiggins Ave N
Saturdays 10:00-11:30am
January 28th –April 8th, 2017
10-11:30am (Cancelled February 18)

For more information please visit www.mendsk.ca