Big Plans Update

Albert Recreation Unit – 13th Street and Clarence Avenue
Big Plans for a Little Park

Changes are scheduled to begin this fall as the City of Saskatoon will be replacing four of the play structures. Funding for this part of the park rehab is courtesy of a federal Canada 150 grant. This will improve the park on both the north and south sides of the fenceline with the removal of the extremely well-used wooden play structures.

Fundraising continues towards further redevelopment of the park. Through various grants, fundraising events, and donations from residents we have raised well over $100,000. Thank you to all those who have helped support our neighbourhood project. To donate please visit .

The scope of further improvements, primarily on the south side of the fence, will be dictated by the total funds raised by early 2018. These further improvements include many features including more equipment, green landscaping and contouring, new play features, a riding/running loop, a tiny toboggan hill and a 3 on 3 basketball court. The current timeline is to complete all phases of construction before 2018 splash pool season. Thank you to Jim Siemens (Oxbow Architecture) and Chris Popplewell (Strata Developments) for their professional assistance.