September 18 2024 board meeting

Good crowd at our board meeting last night! Thank you all for coming out and your interest in keeping our community welcoming and safe!

Overview of discussions at our September 18 regular board meeting:
– general discussions about safety and personal and property security in the neighbourhood. Incidents of garage arson, thefts and the like were shared. What are solutions? VVCA to share important contact info in future newsletters (police, property bylaw enforcement, nuisance animals, encampments, etc). NOTE that Constable Tomaz of the Saskatoon City Police will speak at our October meeting.
– Holly Ann will join the newsletter committee.
– Dylan is our new soccer coordinator.
– VVCA anniversary party is being planned for next summer. Tentative date is Saturday, June 14 2025, 11am – 7pm, in President Murray Park. Have to book park with City (2 permits required), plus more if we want any streets closed. Ideas for party: interactive games, crafts, book swap, ethnic dancing, cafe, history table, artists’ works, live music, bouncey castles, food trucks, vendors? Need planning nailed down by early December so can apply for Sask Lotteries grant in January. Budget approx $10,000, hope to recoup half with grant.
– City is reviewing its relationship with Community Associations. Upcoming meeting on Sept 23 – encourage CA members attending or filling out the online survey.
– finances good. Payments to program instructors later this fall. Hope to move some money to higher interest savings.
– programs are doing well. No registrations for Art for Adults – registration has been extended.
– basketball coordinator has a volunteer ‘shadowing’ Tammy to learn the ropes
– 2 teams in soccer, U7 and U9.
– Albert Community Centre occasionally gets inquiries to VVCA still. Bookings are not an immediate thing, so potential bookings need some patience while ACC manager sorts out spaces. Renovations to building are also 2 months behind, which throws another wrinkle on room rentals.
– community garden will have a work-bee later this fall to clean up the site and prep for winter. Large garbage containers have been removed and replaced with residential-sized recycling bins. Some issue with a tent being pitched in the garden area.
– suggestion to be proactive with any Grade 8 potential ask for a graduation donation by asking for volunteer time throughout the year, ie: rink, community cleanup, anniversary party.
– next meeting is Wednesday, October 16, 7PM, Brunskill School library.