Tag Archives: bicycle

Bike thefts

A Message from the Saskatoon Police Service:

Bicycles, sports equipment, as well as tools are being stolen out of vehicles and outbuildings (detached garages, sheds). Saskatoon Police are noticing that the people responsible for the thefts are either wandering around your neighborhood at night checking door handles of vehicles, and buildings. If any vehicles or buildings is found to be unlocked, these people help themselves to whatever property they can get ahold of.

Saskatoon Police Services are requesting that if you have anything of value, anything you don’t want stolen, please take it into your homes. If you have bikes, please lock the bike up with the appropriate bike locks, and then please lock the garage or outbuildings you have it stored in.

The Police have laminated signs, “All Valuables Removed” that you can pick up from Saskatoon Police Service. They are used to place in your vehicle to deter people breaking in.

We are all responsible for the security of our homes, and property, and working together we can prevent crime.

Bike to Work Day 2018

You are invited to participate in Bike to Work Day YXE on Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Saskatoon Cycles in partnership with the City of Saskatoon is pleased to host Bike to Work Day YXE 2018

About Bike to Work Day:

Bike to Work Day (BTWD) is an annual event that promotes and celebrates the bicycle as a viable mode of transportation. BTWD has now grown into a widespread event with countless bicyclists taking to the streets in an effort to get commuters to try bicycling to work as a healthy and safe alternative to driving alone.

The Commuter Stations are the backbone of Bike to Work Day and brighten what for many is a routine commute, and each year we aim to have a number of Bike to Work Day Commuter Stations all over Saskatoon.

Host a Commuter Station:

If you or your business or organization is interested in hosting or co-hosting a BTWD Commuter Station please contact our BTWD co-ordinator, jenthoma@saskatooncycles.org. Co-hosting with other local businesses or organizations allows for friendly collaboration, assistance with costs and more human power to run your station. Commuter Station possibilities are endless and could include snack and beverage stations, giveaways, discounts for cyclists, bike maintenance and more.

For full details of BTWD YXE, please visit our website biketoworkdayYXE and follow us on Facebook and Twitter @SaskatoonCycles

Ice Cycle is back!

Ice Cycle is back! Join us for “the coldest bike ride on the planet” followed by a book talk with Tom Babin, author of Frostbike.

WHEN: February 27, 2016 @ 5:30 pm
WHERE: Saskatoon Farmer’s Market, 414 Avenue B South, Saskatoon, SK S7M 1M8
COST: Free

5:30 pm: The coldest bike ride on the planet
6:30 pm: Return to the Farmer’s Market for chili & drinks followed by…
7:15 pm: Book talk with Tom Babin

Before the ride, we will have a brief safety talk entitled ‘David and Goliath – On Staying Alive and the Law.’ Join Dave Palibroda, a lifetime cyclist, and Ben Ralston, a lawyer, for this lively discussion on safe cycling and our cycling by-laws, and when they sometimes conflict. Know the law, learn your options in tricky situations, and find out what everyone can do to support safer cycling by-laws in Saskatoon.

Come prepared to ride. There will be a short saftey demonstration before we head out. Everyone is welcome.


Great Annual Saskatchewan Pedal 2015

The Great Annual Saskatchewan Pedal is a bicycle ride across some of the greatest frontier of North America. GASP is a bicycle tour, and not a race. The tour is designed to allow you to travel at your pace while providing you with the support you need to enjoy the tour.

GASP 2015: From Border to Border … Again!
In 2005 for the provincial centennial the GASP tour traversed the province. Ten years later were are going to do it again. Over that time the tour has grown so this year we are offer two tours.

The first tour (E section July 18-25) will be geared towards more experienced touring cyclists and provides a more basic level of support. SAG stops will be less frequent otherwise the same support will be provided. The second section (B section July 19-26) will be geared towards less experienced touring cyclist and provide a SAG wagon stop approximately 20-30kms.

The tour will start near Macklin, on the Alberta – Saskatchewan border. From there we will be working our way out east with stops in Wilkie, Biggar, Saskatoon, Wakaw, Tisdale and Hudson Bay (the town not the water body!). You will enjoy riding roads through beautiful prairies, parklands and forests. 624 km of Saskatchewan highways. It will be a challenge but remember this tour is fully supported with SAG wagons!

GASP provides an introduction to cycle touring in a supportive manner. Luggage is transferred for cyclists, SAG Wagons make periodic stops and provide refreshments including juice, water, fruit and light snacks. We want you to cycle the whole tour but we’ll be there to help you to the destination if need be.

More information here.