Tag Archives: children

Gramma Drama

Gramma Drama:

Free after school drop-in drama classes for the young and young of heart.
Join Sum Theatre (Nutana’s Artists in Residence) for fun filled drama exercises.
Learn theatre tools to inspire confidence, creativity and a sense of play.
Bring your grandparent (or grandchild) or come alone and make new friends!
This intergenerational drama jam is guaranteed to be full of laugher.

For children 7-10 years
And Adults 50+ years
8 weeks Starting February 29th
Mondays 4:30-5:30
Grace Westminster Church
Registration recommended but not required.
Email: sumtheatre [at] gmail.com


Ball Season Registration

February 1 – 10, 2016 – Zones Registration
Zone 1 (includes Varsity View, Grosvenor Park, Nutana):
Feb 9th – 6:45pm – 8:15pm Roland Michener School in the Library
Feb 10 – 6:45 – 8:15pm Silverspring School in the Library

Saskatoon Minor Softball League

SMSL is dedicated to provide and opportunity for young athletes to participate in Softball – to learn and strive for success in a safe, healthy environment.

– Mondays and Wednesdays: Blast ball and Mites.
– Tuesday and Thursday: Rookie ball.
– Fees: $50 for Blastball, $60 for Rookies and $70 for Mites plus the community fee.
– online registration is available on the Hustlers website; saskatoonhustlers.ca
-There is no cutoff date for registration or penalties for late registration but hopefully with the days of the week set people will be able to plan their lives accordingly.

Age Divisions:
Blast Ball: 2009 / 2010 / 2011
Rookie Ball: 2007 / 2008
Mites: 2005 / 2006
Squirt: 2003 / 2004
Pee Wee: 2001 / 2002
Bantam: 1999 /2000
Midget: 1997 / 1998

April 23 & 24, 2016 Softball Community Coaches Clinic
May 13, 14 & 15, 2016 – Early Bird Tournament
May 13, 14 & 15, 2016 – Spring Classic
May 25, 2016 – Minor Softball Night
May 27, 28 & 29, 2016 – President Tournament
June 3,4 & 5, 2016 – Hustler Tournament
June 24,25 & 26,2016 – League Championship
July 8,9 & 10 – Provincials

Wide Open Puppet Camp

Wide Open Puppet Camp is a unique camp that is sure to thrill any imaginative, crafty or theatrical child!

February 16, 2016 – February 20, 2016
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

The Refinery Arts & Spirit Centre
609 Dufferin Ave, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, S7N 1C4

Lucky participants are introduced to the magic of puppets and puppet theatre. In addition to constructing their very own puppet character, your child will have the chance to explore different styles of puppetry, working with existing puppets and creating new characters.

We will be creating stories using whatever characters the kids want to create (Minecraft, princesses, ponies, avengers… anything!). The emphasis will be on having fun, involving everyone and making stories that are well rounded. We will explore shadow puppets, rod puppets and hand puppets and film some scenes to make YouTube videos (videos will feature puppets, not children) for sharing with family and friends.

A day at Puppet Camp is a day well spent. Campers spend lots of time up and moving as they engage in theatre games and explorations. Then, to slow things down a bit, they concentrate on designing and building their very own puppets. The 5-day, weeklong camp ends with a performance for family and friends in The Auditorium. Participants will be proud to take home their own creations on the last day of camp.
Ages: 5-6yrs, 7-9yrs and/or 10-12yrs
Hours: 9-4pm
Students are required to bring a packed lunch, all puppet supplies are included in the fee.

Includes tickets to The Adventures of The Gingerbread Man on February 15th!


YAS – Young Athlete Sports School Inc.

YAS – Young Athlete Sports School Inc.

YAS will hold weekly basketball camps throughout this July and August at gyms in Saskatoon.

Everyone is invited to join, build their basketball skills, meet new friends and have lots and lots of fun at YAS summer camps.

YAS will have a camp for every level of athletic ability and playing experience in these age groups:

8 to 10
10 to 12
12 to 14
14 to 16

Each YAS camp will have a nominal registration fee with bursary assistance upon request courtesy of the Saskatchewan Community Initiatives Fund (CIF).

In addition, YAS will also offer a free camp for each age group.

Request an information package by email at info@yas.ca
or by calling (306) 242 – 4700
or by texting (306) 242 – 2425

Romp n Read program

Attention Varsity View families:

The Romp n Read program offered Tuesday mornings 9:30-11:30am @ Souris Hall meeting room needs children 0-5yrs with their parents to participate in this great program at no cost to you – please come out!

Without any more participants the program will be in jeopardy of shutting down!

Come on out meet new people in the community, learn new songs, read stories and just have fun with your child or children!

Any questions call Barb Giles at 306-652-0279.

Kindergarten Preview

​Kindergarten is a special time and place in the life of a young child. Saskatoon Public Schools are open to all children and dedicated to embracing every student in a safe and welcoming environment. We understand the importance of early learning and literacy. Our Kindergarten classes are small to encourage individualized education. Our Literacy for Life initiative includes a strong literacy component in Kindergarten. When it comes to supporting literacy, Saskatoon Public Schools is a leader! We offer French Immersion Kindergarten in seven of our elementary schools.

If your child will be five years old by January 31 of 2017, your child can start Kindergarten in September 2016. To choose the right English or French Immersion Kindergarten for your child, we invite you to bring your child to visit our Kindergarten classes, tour our schools and meet our teachers.

To view our Kindergarten brochure, click here.

Find our 2016-2017 registration form here.

We are pleased to offer the following Kindergarten options:
• Half-time Kindergarten at all of our neighbourhood schools;
• Full day, every other day Kindergarten at École Alvin Buckwold, Buena Vista, Caroline Robins, Confederation Park, Dr. John G. Egnatoff, Dundonald, Fairhaven, Forest Grove, Howard Coad, Hugh Cairns V.C., John Lake, Lawson Heights, Montgomery, Pleasant Hill, Roland Michener, Saskatoon Christian, Silverspring, Vincent Massey, Westmount, Whitecap, Wildwood and Willowgrove Schools;
• French Immersion Kindergarten at École Alvin Buckwold, École College Park, École Forest Grove, École Henry Kelsey, École Lakeview, École River Heights, and École Victoria and;
• The Nêhiyâwiwin Cree Language and Culture Kindergarten Program at Confederation Park Community School.
• The Metis Cultural Program at Westmount Community School.

Come to an open house during January 2016 and see what our literacy-enhanced Kindergarten classes have to offer your child. Click here for dates and times.

Thursday, January 14 at 7:00 p.m.

Romp ‘n’ Read at the Children’s Discovery Museum

In collaboration with READ Saskatoon, the Children’s Discovery Museum is excited to be presenting a morning literacy program for families:

Romp ‘n’ READ
Preschoolers and their parents or caregivers will participate in a variety of interactive literacy activity stations. The activity stations include finger plays, storytelling, games, crafts, social and literacy skills.

When: Wednesdays
8 weeks – January 20 to March 16, 2016
(No program Feb 17, 2016)
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location: Children’s Discovery Museum – Market Mall

This program is free of charge but registration is required as spots are limited. We encourage one adult for every 2 kids. Childcare will be provided during adult sessions.

Ask us about our public transit assistance if getting to and from the museum at these times is challenging. We are happy to help.

Please contact the CDM at (306) 683-2555 or discovery@museumforkids.sk.ca to register.

We gratefully acknowledge the City of Saskatoon for their support and funding for this project.

National Child Day Celebrations

National Child Day Celebrations

When: Friday, November 20, 2015
Time: 10:00 am
Where: Market Mall – Food Court
What: Child-favorite Sylvia Chave — “Singing with Sylvia” — will kick off the celebration with greetings from children’s advocate Bob Pringle at 10 am in the Market Mall Food Court.

National Child Day is a day to bring awareness to children’s rights and welfare around the world. To mark the occasion everyone is welcome to stay and play all day. November 20, at the Children’s Discovery Museum for FREE.

Learn about the rights of the child. Explore needs vs. wants. Bring new or gently used items to donate to a local children’s charity or make a wish for children in need.

BASF Kids Lab Workshop

We are excited to welcome back BASF – The Chemical Company to host another fantastic Kids Lab workshop!

When: Sunday, November 22, 2015
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Ages: 6-12
What: Kids will get to engage with the staff from BASF – Kids Lab to do hands-on, kid-friendly chemical experiments!

No charge for the program – Kinsmen FREE day.
Pre-registration is required as spots are limited.

To register please call the museum at (306) 683-2555.

Gone Wild for Wildlife Event

SOS Wildlife Rehabilitation presents:
Gone Wild for Wildlife: A Wild Life Educational Event

The annual educational fundraiser for the Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan
Saturday, November 14 at Prairieland Park from 10 – 5pm.

There will be 6 speakers on the following topics: Boreal Wolf Project, Bat Ecology, Wildlife Rehabilitation, Black Footed Ferret Recovery Project, Owl Biology, and the Reptile Show.

There are many activities planned such as making animal track casts, short science experiments with Science Connections, owl pellet dissections, juggling school and many more.

Come out and meet your local conservation officers and get up close and personal with some local wildlife too. This is a great, fun filled educational event for young and old alike.

Admission – $5/person
$20 family pass
$30 combined event pass with Saskatoon Family Expo and Gone Wild for Wildlife

Join the Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan for a fun filled day at Gone Wild for Wildlife. There will be live wildlife from near and far, interactive and educational displays, fun and informative lectures, a silent auction, and activities such as owl pellet dissections, science experiments, juggling school and much more.

The event will take place on Saturday, November 14th at Prairieland Park in Saskatoon from 10 am until 5 pm. All funds raised from the event will go towards helping WRSOS continue their efforts to help keep Saskatchewan’s wildlife wild. Admission is $5/person or $20/Family.

WRSOS’ primary goals are: to prevent the unnecessary removal from the wild of wildlife, to provide rescue and transportation to qualified care of those that do need help and, to ensure the return to the wild of rescued and rehabilitated wildlife. Through events such as Gone Wild for Wildlife, WRSOS aims to raise awareness and knowledge about wildlife, rehabilitation and nature preservation in Saskatchewan and to promote understanding and respect for wildlife.

Established in 2006, the Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan is a volunteer driven, registered non-profit organization. WRSOS’ first line of defence is our emergency hotline. This phone line is manned 12 hours/day, 365 days/year. The hotline gives the public an avenue they can take when they find an injured or orphaned animal or when they have questions or need advice regarding wildlife issues. A dramatic increase in calls – from 177 in 2006 to almost 2000 in 2014 – only highlights the need for an organization like WRSOS.

WRSOS has 70 volunteers and one paid summer employee on the emergency hotline. WRSOS’ efforts are supported by 20 vet clinics province wide that volunteer their services free or at a reduced rate and 20 provincially licensed wildlife rehabilitators from Moose Mountain to Meadow Lake.
To learn more visit www.wrsos.org.

FREE City Activities for Youth

Registration is now open for Girls in Motion, Taking the Field for Boys, and Little Sisters in Action – free events being hosted by the City of Saskatoon on November 12 and 13, 2015, for youth ages 10 to 14.

Girls in Motion
November 12, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. – SaskTel Sports Centre (150 Nelson Road)
A day for girls to become inspired to live a healthy, happy lifestyle and enjoy physical activities under the direction of qualified instructors. This year’s activities include Zumba, functional fitness, football, and martial arts.

Taking to the Turf
November 13, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. – SaskTel Sports Centre (150 Nelson Road)
A day for boys to get active and learn and improve skills in soccer and football under the direction of qualified instructors.

Little Sisters in Action
November 13, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – White Buffalo Youth Lodge (602 20th Street West)
The event will inspire girls to discover themselves by enhancing self-confidence and leadership skills, and being physically active in this one-day event. Sessions will include yoga, basketball, fitness, and leadership.

Registration is now open for these events. As space is limited, participants are encouraged to pre-register by calling 306-975-3378 before Tuesday, November 10.

Lunch and snacks are provided at each event.

PotashCorp Children’s Festival & Sunset Party

Come to the PotashCorp Children’s Festival and the ‘Sunset Party’ on Saturday June 6th.

The Festival runs June 5th-7th in Kiwanis park and there is an abundance of exciting and entertaining performances, activities and games for children of all ages to enjoy. In addition, the Sunset Party is a totally free event happening after the normal Festival hours on Saturday night. While most of the Site Activities will be closed, there will be a free live music on the Activity Stage, as well as outside events like slacklining and the giant Earth ball, and a Fire Show at 9pm, featuring fire hula hooping and juggling! The two shows that will be running during the Sunset Party are Think Bigg at 6pm and The Little Prince at 8pm.

Please visit www.potashcorpchildrensfestival.com if you have any questions.

Saskatoon Minor Football for Boys and Girls

Saskatoon Minor Football is working towards promoting the sport of flag and tackle football to boys and girls of all ages. Like you, our goal is to promote physical activity and skill development. Currently Saskatoon Minor Football provides over 4,000 children the opportunity to be active each year. Our goal is for children to find this activity to be fun, challenging and also a sport they can enjoy with their friends.

SMF would like you your community know about:

Rush Female Flag Football league
Colts – Grade 1-2
Mini Valkyries – Grade 3-5
Huskies – Grade 6-8
Crush – Grade 9-10
Valkyries – Grade 11-12
COST: $75
Registration closes April 15th
With the development and existence of the Saskatoon Valkyries Women’s Tackle Football team of 5 years now, SMF would like to continue promoting that the game of flag football is important for young females to start playing early in their development with hopes of continuing into High School and after.

Six-a-side Tackle Football
Hilltops – Grades 5-6
Huskies – Grades 7-8
Development football focused on skill development not competition (No score keeping)
Children will learn all positions
Equipment will be included in registration fees
COST: $275
Registration closes April 15th

U16/U18 Academy
Grades 8-12
Monday full equipment practice sessions starting April 20th
Positional football skill development for athletes
Players will receive instruction from some of Saskatoon’s greatest coaches
COST: U16 – $375/U18 – $325
Registration closes April 15th

Spring and Fall Flag Leagues
Spring 2015 – Game days are Saturday
Fall 2015 – Games days vary during the week, as well as games on Saturday.
COST: $75
Registration closes April 15th


2015 Outdoor Soccer Registration

Season length: 8 weeks – May 4, 2014 to June 26, 2015

Register Online at Picatic: Varsity View 2015 Outdoor Soccer Registration Registration open from February 18 to March 1, 2015.

Divisions and Game Times:
·Kinder Soccer (born 2011 & 2012): TBD
·U6 (born 2009 & 2010): Monday and/or Tuesday and/or Friday (6 p.m. or 7 p.m.)
·U8 (born 2007 & 2008): Wednesday and/or Thursday and/or Friday (6 p.m. or 7 p.m.)
·U10 (born 2005 & 2006): Monday and/or Wednesday and/or Friday (6 p.m. or 7 p.m.)

While the exact times have not been determined yet, you are encouraged to register first to ensure placement. If the final schedules turn out to be in conflict with other activities, you can withdraw and get a refund minus a $10 administration fee. With the exception of Kinder Soccer, there will also be a practice session each week. The days and times of the practice session will be determined by the coaches.

New U10 Development League (D-League) is for children who are more serious about developing their soccer skills and may want to eventually be a part of the High Performance Stream. These players will be trained by a coach from the zone (in our case, Eastside Soccer). The D-League will have a practice to game ratio of 2:1 each week.To register for the D-League, please go to: http://www.eastsidesoccer.ca/

If cost is a barrier for you to register your child/children, you are encouraged to apply for funding from Kidsport. Please click on the link below for the application form:


Application deadline for kids sport funding is March 15, 2015. You may email the VVCA soccer co-ordinator at: thekovitchs@gmail.com if you have any financial assistance inquiries.

Note that a community association membership is required for registering in soccer. If you do not have a membership, please purchase one on this webpage. If you have just purchased a membership please enter “just purchased” when buying the soccer registration.

Saskatoon Rush Football for girls

Saskatoon Rush Flag Football • Engage girls in the sport of football! • Active Living, skillful movement, social interaction • Passing, catching, running in a non-contact setting • Ideal atmosphere for FUN!!!

Online registration begins Jan. 5, 2015 – April 15, 2015

Huskies: Grade 6-8
Mini Valkyries: Grade 3-5
Colts: Grade 1-2
