Tag Archives: harvesting

Out of Your Tree Fruit Harvesting

Just a reminder we are Saskatoon and area residents dedicated to minimizing food insecurities by bringing local backyard fruit to community members in need. 1/3 of the fruit harvested goes to the tree owner, the picker and a charity of the pickers choice. Fruit owners do not have to take a their share and instead can either donate it to the picker or to the charity.

Visit the Out of Your Tree website and let them know:
1. name
2. fruit available for picking (apple, crab apple, plum, pear, apricot, cherry, etc.)
3. area of the city

We will put you in contact with a member of our organization to set up a convenient time to harvest. Please provide as much notice as possible. If the fruit is not yet ripe, we can set up volunteers ahead of time.

Out of Your Tree

Out of Your Tree in Saskatoon is an urban fruit sharing grassroots project.

GOAL: Keep edible produce from going to waste through cooperative harvesting before food ends up on the ground, in the compost or in the garbage
IDEA: Simple, a group of volunteers harvest the fruit. 1/3 is left with the home owner, 1/3 is donated and 1/3 is kept by the volunteers
ACTION: We need volunteers and we need produce. If you are interested in joining our harvesting team or if you have fruit bearing trees or other produce to share (rhubarb, apples, berries, vegetables, etc.) please register with us. We are also accepting monetary donations, as well as, harvesting and processing supplies. If you want to help coordinate harvests in your neighbourhood please email us (see below). Talk it up! The best way to get others involved is to ask them!
REWARDS: A great FLEXIBLE volunteer opportunity; get the kids involved. When a harvest opportunity comes in, we will contact the list of volunteers to see who is available. AND you get to take home fresh, locally grown produce. Excellent for the homeowner who gets their fruit harvested, contributes to the community and has less clean-up come fall.