Tag Archives: international

CISV Saskatoon – Building Global Friendship

Saskatoon’s CISV chapter is searching for enthusiastic youth to participate in an International Summer Camp in July 2015. They are preparing delegations that will represent Canada at various different camps located in Norway, Argentina, USA and Brazil. During the camp delegates will gain attitudes, skills and knowledge they require to become active global citizens. They will develop cross cultural understanding through friendship and make memories that last a life time. Each delegation will have 2 boys, 2 girls and a leader from their country.

CISV Educates and Inspires Action for a More Just and Peaceful World.

For more information or to apply for a program please contact us at cisvsaskatoon@gmail.com or by calling Alanna at 306-683-3695. You can find us on facebook “CISV Saskatoon” or visit our website at www.cisvsaskatoon.org