Tag Archives: paddling pools

Cool off this summer!

Paddling Pools, Spray Pads and Outdoor Pools – cool off this summer!

Summer Spray Pads will open for the season on Friday, June 1st, and will be operational daily from 10 am to 8 pm. All spray pads are activated by push buttons located near the spray features. Please note that spray pad sites located on or near school grounds have timers and are set to turn spray features off during recess and lunch breaks. Shut-off times will vary according to individual school schedules.

To find a spray pad location near you, please visit www.saskatoon.ca/spraypads or call 306-975-3378.

The outdoor pools will open the following dates:
Riversdale Pool – June 10th
Lathey Pool and– June 13th
George Ward Pool – June 19th
Mayfair Pool – June 18th