Registration is Tuesday, January 21, 2014 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Brunskill School-Gym, 101 Wiggins Avenue North. A membership fee of $5/individual, $10/family per year is required to participate in programs and must be presented at the time of registration. A fee of $10 will apply to late registrations. Please consult the community association newsletter or visit www.vvcasaskatoon.com for further program details. Varsity View Community Association honours other community association memberships. **Please note that most programs run for 15 weeks**
Parents are reminded to walk their children in to class to make sure the school is open and the class is still on. As well, children must be picked up immediately after class is over.
Remember that VVCA is sensitive to the needs of families facing financial hardships, and may partially fund, or fully fund participation fees in various activities. Subsidization is only to cover the cost of programs and will not include membership in VVCA. Please contact one of us at registration night. We are more than willing to be of assistance in a very confidential manner. In addition, assistance may be available through KidSport.
Barb & Maya, Indoor Co-ordinators
Tag Archives: programs
Message from the Indoor Coordinators
Hello Everyone, Sure hope you had a healthy and happy break! With all those New Year resolutions people make consider joining one of our winter programs!
It is time to mark JANUARY 21, 2014 on your calendar cell phone or any other device you use for our winter registration from 7:00 – 8:30 PM in the Brunskill Multi Purpose Room!
There are a few NEW programs!
Bike Polo – More similar to pick up hockey on bikes than the original game of Polo. Bike Polo is a fun, fast paced, (slightly rough around the edges) team sport without set teams. The game is played with two teams of three players each (throw rules apply for each new game). Players of all skill levels are welcome, any bike can be used (no mark indoor tires and helmet required) and mallets will be provided. We’ll spend the first several weeks introducing new players to the basics of the game then it’s all fun, all the time. For a complete list of rules and sense of how play functions, check your local internets for Hard court Bike Polo.
Beginner Boot Camp – a short but intense circuit that keeps your heart rate up, burns calories (lots), and tones your whole body. The idea is everyone goes at their own pace and gradually works towards a goal. No equipment is needed. A lot of our body weight, push ups, squats, lunges burpees jumping jacks, walking, running etc.. 30 second intervals building up to a minute.
Play and Sign – A program for Sign Language and Literacy Development. Play and Sign is a family oriented twelve week course for young children to explore communication and expand vocabulary through games and activities with a parent /adult. Early sign language development has proven to be the best way to develop early literacy and social skills. Through play and sign participants will learn how to listen with their eyes and pick up non-verbal cues, read and express body language and develop tools to communicate in noisy environments with deaf peers. This is a joint initiative by VVCA and Saskatchewan Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (SDHHS).
Brick 4 Kidz– 5-12 yrs One hour classes exploring architecture engineering and technology concepts following the Bricks 4 Kidz motto We Learn We Build We Play with…. LEGO Bricks. We Learn – Instructors provide a 5-10 min themed lesson We Build – Students build the model of the day with simple step by step instructions We Play- Students explore their own creativity through free play time Little Builder 2 1/2 – 5yrs – Reinforce essential preschool skills with run, new approach based on the time tested popularity of LEGO bricks! Introduce your preschoolers to the fun of learning building and playing the Bricks 4 Kidz way! Children gain a greater awareness of the world around them as they talk about topics like fish, gardens, keys, or other everyday objects.
A few changes from the Leisure Guide
Cardio and Muscle sculpt – This class will not be starting till Feb 26 and therefore the fee will be $75.00. a ten week course
Romp N Read – This class will start @ 10:30 and run till 11:30
Play and Sign – This class was not listed in the Guide
Bike Polo – This class was not listed in the Guide. For persons interested in seeing how it is played you can go watch starting the first Saturday in January to get an idea and then register at registration
Learn to Skate – This class was not listed in the Guide. The fee is $25.00 If you are interested in signing up your child please contact Barb @ 306-652-0279 and I will get you registered. Helmet and skates required
Outdoor Competitive soccer registration will be at a later date! We will keep you posted!!!!!!
Here is to a fun filled winter to make it go by quicker!!!!
Barb & Maya, Indoor Coordinators
Saskatoon Council on Aging Programs
The Saskatoon Council On Aging is a non-profit, community based organization dedicated to promoting the dignity, health, and independence of older adults through programs, services, advocacy, and education.
Visit their site and view their e-newsletter for more information on programs. Programs include drop-in information sessions, health and blood pressure clinics, cooking and art classes, caregiver support, and technology classes.
Family Service Saskatoon Winter 2014 Programs
Family Service Saskatoon offers programs, services and leadership that develop and support individuals, families and communities to have safe, healthy and respectful relationships. Their staff are fully qualified and experienced counsellors and group facilitators.
They are accountable to their clients and to the community. They serve the whole community, reaching out to people of all backgrounds and financial means.
They help clients build on their strengths, make positive changes in their lives and look forward to happier futures.
Visit their website for more information and download a PDF brochure of 2014 programs.
P2P: Parent to Parent
DROP-IN GROUP Exploring Parenting Challenges and Successes Coffee, Snacks, & Conversation
WEDNESDAYS 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Free Childcare
Family Service Saskatoon
102 – 506 25th Street
For more info contact Ryan or Teddy @ 306-244-0127