Humanity First Canada – Plant a Tree

Humanity First Canada – Saskatoon branch and the youth association of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has planned to plant 1000 trees in our home province of Saskatchewan. This campaign is being launched to educate the community that trees are essential to our health and well-being, preserving our beautiful province, and also play an important role in mitigating climate change. We will be working in collaboration and direct supervision of Meewasin Valley Authority, Saskatoon in this project. This will help us to ensure that we plant trees properly and they thrive and survive.

Chief Guest: Honourable Vaughn Solomon Schofield, Lieutenant Governor, Govt. of Saskatchewan.
Date: June 1st, 2014.
Start Time: 4.00 p.m. (duration 45 minutes)
Venue: Room 1150, Health Science Building (E-Wing), 107 Wiggins Rd, Saskatoon, SK