January 2023 program registration

Welcome back everyone! Can’t believe it is that time again!  Mark January 10th & 12th from 7-8:30 pm in the small gym at Brunskill School, on your calendars! It is winter registration!

I am excited to tell you we are offering two new programs. For all who want to try something different come and check out Fibre Explorations and Going Within

FIBRE EXPLORATIONS – A new project will be started most weeks, some will take two classes. All are suitable for beginners. Needle felting; Spiderweb weaving – using paper plates; Amish Knot Coaster – use old t-shirt; Botanical Printing – silk or paper; Embroidered Bookmark; Decorated Sewing kit – using wool blanket.

GOING WITHIN – a series of meditative activities. All are suitable for beginners. Vision Board/Treasure map; Rattles – pottery; Rattles – leather and wood/bone/antler handle with option to embellish with simple beading; Soul Stones – clay “stones” with impressed words such as peace, love, solace; Mandalas – using natural materials pencil crayons, ink, etc.; Neurographica – off loom weaving; faceless doll/red dress/orange shirt; embroidered item – book mark. The instructor is a juried member of the Saskatchewan Craft Council and has extensive teaching experience.

Time to get busy, try yoga or badminton! If you are planning a trip, brush up on your Spanish! If stick men are your artistic capabilities, broaden your capability by taking an art class! Want something to do with whole family, then come on out and give Tae Kwon Do a try!

How about learning a new skill, skating on our new rink! (we need some workers to step up or this will not be a possibility)

There are a few options to consider!!! See you soon!

If you cannot make the registration nights, you may contact me at blgiles@sasktel.net and I will be happy to assist.

– Barb