November 2022 board meeting

Thanks for those who attended our November board meeting on Wednesday November 16. Here is a broad overview of some of the items we discussed:

– VVCA to order tent for outdoor events (City to partially reimburse such permanent promotional items)
– Grosvenor Park ski trail may be done this week by City. VVCA is holding discussions with a community member about having President Murray Park done.
– UPDATED: Main and Clarence intersection City decision postposed until the new year. More City public engagement is planned for Winter/Spring 2023.
– encourage community members to view City videos about College Corridor Plan and partake in surveys, here:
– Residential Permit Parking (RPP) is expanding in Varsity View and signage should be go up late December or early January
– small external group held discussions regarding petty crime and Grosvenor Park Shopping Centre noise and disturbances. Some recommendations from group: 1) start 8th Street Business Improvement group to speak with one voice about concerns, 2) stronger police response to nuisance and disturbances (ticketing), 3) install No Loitering signs on affected businesses so enforcement is easier, 4) encourage community members to report issues to police, either by phone or online – police need data to prioritize response, 5) provide awareness article and police phone and online links in newsletter.
– new basketballs bought for program
– thanks to Fredy for work on rink. One flood has been done by Kenton!
– programs beginning January 2023 listed on website. Registration nights are January 10 and 12.
– appoint Gary Ayotte as VVCA rep at Albert Community Centre board.
– newsletter deadline is November 22. Will be published and distributed to neighbourhood between Christmas and New Years.
– let Zoom licenses lapse. Not currently using them.