Tag Archives: meeting

December 2023 board meeting

Overview of discussions at the December 20 2023 VVCA board meeting:

– tree planting proposal along 14th Street has been submitted to the City. The City is working on a new Community Planting guideline that will properly assess the proposed project, hopefully in early 2024. Some links to possible grant options were provided that may offset some, or all, costs. Watering trees may be an issue.
– discussion about evergreens in President Murray Park. Any City actions forthcoming for dying trees?
– planning retreat to be discussed next meeting.
– letter of support for Bridge City Hens pilot project approved to send to City. Require rigorous evaluation of project.
– City: 14th Street designated a ‘Neighbourhood Bikeway’. Speed reduction for car traffic. Implementation in spring.
– City: first step to eliminating parking minimums in Saskatoon. Still opportunities for engagement and reports before it becomes a bylaw.
– request from community member about ski trail signage in Grosvenor Park – can it be permanent? Jon to inquire with City.
– Discussion regarding proposed changes to zoning and parking. Any EV plugin requirements? Will developers rely on street parking? Parking changes possibly tied to federal Housing Accelerator Fund. Zoning map and CBC News article shared. There are benefits to greater density and walkable spaces.
– program registration night is January 9 and 11, 2024, 7-8:30PM at Brunskill School.
– basketball gym times booked. 12 teams for Nutana, Buena Vista and Varsity View.
– new soccer coordinator. Thank you Ian!
– rink boards fixed to allow for expansion. Ad board replaced. One more to be replaced in spring. Rink has been flooded and new lighter, more flexible hoses have been purchased. Thank you to the rink crew!
– newsletter printed (and delivered). Next newsletter out in March to provide notice of April AGM.
– Albert Community Centre’s booking manager has retired. New staffing not yet finalized.
– Ward 6 meeting of community associations in January. Some VV volunteers to attend.
– next meeting Wednesday, January 17, 2024.

May board meeting

Summary of discussions at May’s VVCA board meeting, held on Wednesday, May 17, 2023.

– Community cleanup on May 13 went well. Approximately 2.75 bins of garbage picked up, and we had 12 participants and a couple of trucks volunteer. Final report yet to come from City. Saskatoon Coop Home Centre provided work gloves and garbage bags – thank you! Photos to come.
– Programs are in good shape. Deadline for school bookings for fall programs not known yet.
– New principal at Brunskill next year, Shalene Herron.
– Lockbox to be installed for rink use.
– May have a possible new newsletter editor. To be confirmed.
– Our Lady of Lourdes church (12th & Wiggins) is scheduled to have massive garage sale August 10-12. Community members are encouraged to have garage sales during same weekend to increase overall traffic.
– Upcoming Curbside Swap coming up on June 3. One scheduled in the fall for September 9.
– Community BBQ planned for May 18, preceding the SUM Theatre show in Grosvenor Park. SUM Theatre flyers delivered by volunteers.
– James Cook from the University will be in attendance at next meeting to discuss College Quarter.
– Upcoming discussion session on the future of the U of S Stone Barn, Wednesday, May 24.
– Next meeting Wednesday, June 21, 2023, in the Brunskill rink. Bring a lawn chair.

January 2023 board meeting

Overview of discussion at our January 18 2023 VVCA board meeting at Brunskill School.

– possible City rezoning coming to Varsity View to increase density of housing along College Corridor.
– ski trail at Grosvenor Park is great. Has been groomed four times this winter already. Signage asking people to not walk on the trails has been installed by a user. Possibly do another grooming soon – City will evaluate.
– new extension to RPP is in place with new signage. Residents are happy to be able to park near their homes again. But, there is an awareness of difficulties of parking for health services workers. Solutions??
– VVCA 40th anniversary will be noted in 2025!
– concept plan for small park near D’Lish (in Nutana) is close to completion. Hopefully construction will begin in 2023. Members hope some recognition/commemorative signage will be installed in memory of Cathy Watts.
– Albert Community Centre has secured some federal and civic funding for building upgrades.
– outdoor spring soccer will be done online via soccer RAMP site beginning February 1.
– rink is great. Thank you to all the volunteers!
– new newsletter coordinator to begin in the spring
– all scheduled programs are running, except for two new ones which did not get enough registrants. Learn to skate will go ahead later in January.
– Cost as a barrier program to be promoted more. Written policy to be created.
– new badminton birds to be purchased.
– spring program registration discussion.
– Water catchment projects in Grosvenor Park likely to happen in 2025. More detail from City maybe this year, or in 2024.
– discussion about needed sidewalk construction in VV.
– next meeting Wed. Feb. 15, 2023 (to be confirmed)

November 2022 board meeting

Thanks for those who attended our November board meeting on Wednesday November 16. Here is a broad overview of some of the items we discussed:

– VVCA to order tent for outdoor events (City to partially reimburse such permanent promotional items)
– Grosvenor Park ski trail may be done this week by City. VVCA is holding discussions with a community member about having President Murray Park done.
– UPDATED: Main and Clarence intersection City decision postposed until the new year. More City public engagement is planned for Winter/Spring 2023.
– encourage community members to view City videos about College Corridor Plan and partake in surveys, here: https://www.saskatoon.ca/engage/college-corridor-plan
– Residential Permit Parking (RPP) is expanding in Varsity View and signage should be go up late December or early January https://www.saskatoon.ca/moving-around/parking/parking-programs-permits/residential-parking-program
– small external group held discussions regarding petty crime and Grosvenor Park Shopping Centre noise and disturbances. Some recommendations from group: 1) start 8th Street Business Improvement group to speak with one voice about concerns, 2) stronger police response to nuisance and disturbances (ticketing), 3) install No Loitering signs on affected businesses so enforcement is easier, 4) encourage community members to report issues to police, either by phone or online – police need data to prioritize response, 5) provide awareness article and police phone and online links in newsletter.
– new basketballs bought for program
– thanks to Fredy for work on rink. One flood has been done by Kenton!
– programs beginning January 2023 listed on website. Registration nights are January 10 and 12.
– appoint Gary Ayotte as VVCA rep at Albert Community Centre board.
– newsletter deadline is November 22. Will be published and distributed to neighbourhood between Christmas and New Years.
– let Zoom licenses lapse. Not currently using them.

City: rezoning application 1414 + 1416 Main Street

Please be advised that the Planning and Development Division has received a rezoning application for 1414 and 1416 Main Street, located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Main Street and Cumberland Avenue South; details are provided in the attached notice and on our website at www.saskatoon.ca/engage/14141416-main-street.

An online public information meeting to discuss the proposed rezoning is scheduled for Thursday December 10, 2020 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. The meeting will take place through a Microsoft Teams Live event. Please refer to our Engage Page (www.saskatoon.ca/engage/14141416-main-street) for the meeting user guide, and meeting link.

If you have any questions or wish to provide written comment to the Planning and Development Division regarding this application, please contact:

Jim Charlebois | Senior Planner II

Rezoning Proposal

Blackrock Developments Ltd. has applied to rezone 1414 and 1416 Main Street (located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Main Street and Cumberland Avenue South) to facilitate the development of a multiple-unit dwelling, subject to a Zoning Agreement.

The application will also require an Official Community Plan map amendment from “Low Density Residential 1” to “Corridor Residential” to align with the policy framework established in Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 9700, 2020.  The intent of the “Corridor Residential” land use designation is to enable the development of a range of housing types in ground-oriented low to medium density residential buildings and provide a transition of densities from the nearby identified BRT network corridor on 8th Street.

The proposed development would be a four-story, apartment style dwelling containing 26 units of varying sizes. A total of 42 on-site parking spaces (12 above ground, 30 below ground) have been proposed. The proposed RM4 Zoning Agreement would ensure that only the specific development proposal put forward by the applicant could be constructed. A location map, renderings, and site plan are included with this information package.

The subject properties are currently zoned R2 – One and Two-Unit Residential District, which provides for residential development of one and two-unit dwellings as well as related community uses.

Proposed Rezoning Come-and-Go

Proposed Rezoning by Agreement – 301 Clarence Ave N

Applicant: Axbridge Construction Corporation
Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: Brunskill School Library – 101 Wiggins Avenue

A come-and-go public information session regarding the proposed rezoning by Agreement of 301 Clarence Avenue North will be held on Thursday, October 17, 2019, in the Brunskill School Library.

The site is currently zoned R2 District and provides for residential development in the form of one and two-unit dwellings as well as related community uses. The proposed rezoning by Agreement would provide for a three-storey building with four separate dwelling units in the style of brownstone townhouses as shown in the image below. The development would also provide nine on-site parking spaces. A site plan for the development has been included on the back of this page. A rezoning by Agreement is proposed to ensure that only the specific development proposal put forward by the applicant could be constructed.

Representatives of the City of Saskatoon and the applicants will be available at this come-and-go information session to discuss the proposed development, the review process, and receive comments on the proposal. Site plans, renderings, and elevations will be available for viewing.

For more information, please contact:
Jonathan Derworiz Planner
Planning & Development
City of Saskatoon
222 Third Avenue North, S7K 0J5
jonathan.derworiz@saskatoon.ca Ph: (306) 986-0902 Fax: (306) 975-7712

Public Meeting: Rezoning for High-rise


Date:Thursday, September 13, 2018
Start time: 7:00 PM
Location: Brunskill School – 101 Wiggins Avenue (Small Gymnasium)
Re: 1006 College Drive & 421 Clarence Avenue North Proposed Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning
Applicant: North Prairie Developments

The City of Saskatoon has received applications from North Prairie Developments to amend the Official Community Plan and rezone 1006 College Drive and 421 Clarence Avenue North in the Varsity View neighbourhood (the vacant property adjacent to the intersection of College Drive and Clarence Avenue North).

The purpose of these applications is to facilitate the development of a multiple-unit residential building at this location consisting of:
– 12 floors above grade with approximately 170 residential units; and
– 4 parking levels below grade with approximately 230 parking spaces.

These applications require approval from City Council.

The purpose of this meeting is to provide neighbouring residents the opportunity to learn details of the applicant’s proposal and the rezoning process, and to gather public input on this matter.

Representatives of the City of Saskatoon and North Prairie Developments will each make a presentation, followed by a question and answer session.

Board of Police Commissioners Meeting

You Are Invited To A Community Meeting with the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners

In its conduit role between the public and the Saskatoon Police Service, the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners is very pleased to extend this invitation to your Association, all of its Members, and the public to attend a Community Meeting to discuss issues that impact our city.

Meeting Date: Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Meeting Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Location: Saskatoon Farmers’ Market

The format for the Police Commission’s public consultation will include a brief overview / presentation followed by questions & answers from the floor and discussion on each issue. Planned topics include:
• Cannabis and the community,
• The newly formed Safe Community Action Alliance,
• De-escalation techniques employed by police to minimize potentially dangerous situations , and
• Street Checks / Contact Interviews policies and procedures.

The Community Meeting, hosted by the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners and intended to expand community dialogue on key issues, is open to the public.

Your participation is invited!

Rezoning for High Rise


Date:Thursday, September 13, 2018
Start time: 7:00 PM
Location: Brunskill School – 101 Wiggins Avenue (Small Gymnasium)
Re: 1006 College Drive & 421 Clarence Avenue North Proposed Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning
Applicant: North Prairie Developments

The City of Saskatoon has received applications from North Prairie Developments to amend the Official Community Plan and rezone 1006 College Drive and 421 Clarence Avenue North in the Varsity View neighbourhood (the vacant property adjacent to the intersection of College Drive and Clarence Avenue North).

The purpose of these applications is to facilitate the development of a multiple-unit residential building at this location consisting of:
– 12 floors above grade with approximately 170 residential units; and
– 4 parking levels below grade with approximately 230 parking spaces.

These applications require approval from City Council.

The purpose of this meeting is to provide neighbouring residents the opportunity to learn details of the applicant’s proposal and the rezoning process, and to gather public input on this matter.

Representatives of the City of Saskatoon and North Prairie Developments will each make a presentation, followed by a question and answer session.

Proposed Non-Conforming High Rise at College & Clarence Avenue

There is a proposal to rezone the corner of College and Clarence to allow a 12-storey 171-unit high rise with four below- grade parking levels. A public consultation meeting is scheduled for mid or late September. It will likely be on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evening. The date is not yet set. If you would like to be kept informed of this development, please email me at president@vvcasaskatoon.com

Rezoning for high density housing has both supporters and detractors. Supporters suggest that high density housing will:
• Reduce development costs and taxes
• Reduce loss of farmland
• Increase public transit ridership
Detractors wonder why:
• Increased housing density in Saskatoon has been accompanied by higher taxes
• Space for people to live a healthy life is not equally important as farmland
• Non conforming development is allowed when we took so much time to develop local area plans which allow for a wide variety of housing types within Varsity View

What do the facts say about these positions? Infill and high density housing have the advantage of requiring less new roads and sewer pipes. However, there are many other contributions to our overall tax bill. One major area is policing. Between 2006 and 2015 spending on policing jumped by 80% or 64% on an inflation adjusted basis, population growth was 23%. There is evidence that violent crime is linked to areas of high population density. Cities that demolish low income high density housing and disperse the residents to lower density housing reduce the City wide violent crime rate. It is not a coincidence that Toronto’s gun crime is centered on a few apartment complexes.

Reduce loss of farmland is self evident. How important that is in a Country that is one of the largest in the World is a matter for debate. When it comes to biodiversity, there is clearly a greater variety of plant and animal life in the average backyard in Varsity View than you will find in the average wheat field.

Increased public transport use goes to the high density camp. Overall, about 7.3% of Varsity View residents take public transport to work compared with 4.3% for the City as a whole. At a guess, a new 171-unit high rise will add an extra 5 riders compared to a combination of development within our zoning rules and low rise development in the ‘burbs.

Wherever you sit on this issue, please attend the meeting with the City to discuss the rezoning application. Meetings with good attendance carry a much greater weight than those with poor attendance.


VVCA Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, April 18, 2018, 7:00pm, Brunskill School Library

All community residents are invited to attend for an update on projects and to elect next year’s Executive. Come and get involved in making a difference in your neighbourhood!

Public Space Design Charrette

Residents of the Nutana neighbourhood are invited to participate in a design charrette to discuss options for the public space created by the closure of 14th Street between Temperance Street and Lansdowne Avenue (next to D’lish Cafe). The meeting will be jointly hosted by the City of Saskatoon, Transportation and Urban Design Divisions.

Saturday, September 23, 2017
Starting at 1:00 pm

Please join us to discuss your ideas for this new public space. The meeting will be held in the public space, just outside of D’lish Cafe.

Please send comments to:
Nathalie Baudais, Transportation Engineer
Transportation & Utilities Department, City of Saskatoon
Email: nathalie.baudais@saskatoon.ca
Phone: 306-986-3097

U of S Master Plan

The University of Saskatchewan is developing a new Campus Master Plan which will guide how the University will grow and develop over the coming years.

In June we are reaching out to our stakeholders for input. This will be an opportunity to provide input on topics such as connectivity to neighborhoods surrounding campus, transportation networks, outdoor landscapes, community gathering spaces, indigenous place-making, sustainability, winter city design and more.

We are planning a casual come and go event at Amigos on June 13th between 5pm and 7pm. This event is intended for the communities surrounding campus to have an opportunity to share their ideas. Please mark this in your calendars.

The event:
Our project team will be present to provide a brief overview and display sample images but the main objective is to provide an initial opportunity to share ideas, through candid conversation, on campus growth and development.

Brunskill Kindergarten Meeting

Brunskill Kindergarten Information Meeting

All parents/caregivers who will have children eligible to attend Kindergarten during the next school year, are invited to attend an information evening on Thursday, January 19th, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in our Learning Resource Centre (Library).

Children who will be 5 years old by January 31st, 2018 can register for the Fall Kindergarten Program. Call the school at 683-7130 for more information.

*This year we will start accepting registrations beginning Wednesday, January 4th, 2017.

This meeting will provide an opportunity to hear about our learning rich program and provide an opportunity to ask specific and related questions. Childcare will be provided in an alternate space.

Please spread the word to your friends and neighbors who have children eligible for Kindergarten. All registered children will have a chance to experience the Kindergarten program in May during a Sneak Peak opportunity.