Tag Archives: University

U of S Stone Barn discussions

Constructed between 1911 and 1912, the University of Saskatchewan Stone Barn is a landmark building that serves as symbol of the ambition the people of Saskatchewan had for its University. Prominently located on College Drive, the Stone Barn has fallen into disrepair and the future of this important heritage structure is uncertain.

The University is seeking a renewed, realistic and informed path forward for this iconic structure. To that end, they are hosting a Community Visioning Event on Wednesday, May 24th from 4:30-6:30pm at the Holiday Inn Express (College Drive) to hear from the community on their ideas on the barn’s future re-use possibilities.

They will also be sharing a survey via their website: https://leadership.usask.ca/…/stone-barn-heritage.php…

Please consider attending, submitting your ideas, and sharing the event details with anyone you think would be interested!

U of S Remembrance Day

There will be a Remembrance Day Ceremony at the University of Saskatchewan on Saturday, November 11, 2017.

Event Details
Following the city-wide service at SaskTel Centre, there will be a wreath laying service at the Memorial Gates (near the College Drive entrance to Royal University Hospital) at 1:30 pm.

Reception to follow at Louis’ Loft. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Campus Advocate

RESULTS Canada (RC) is a non-profit national grassroots advocacy organization. For more than 30 years, we have worked to create the political will to end global poverty and demonstrate that individuals can make a difference when they employ their political power. A central element of our work is educating citizens and decision-makers about key problems and solutions associated with extreme poverty. To learn more watch our video here [http://www.results-resultats.ca/en/get-involved/].

Are you a post-secondary student looking for meaningful extra-curricular experience, and leadership opportunity?
Are you passionate about international development and sustainable solutions to end global poverty?
Do you want to be a part of an international community of advocates?
Would you like to learn and practice powerful communication skills and techniques in order to influence decision-makers?
Are you a change maker who wants to take actions having impact in the lives of millions of people?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then this opportunity could be the right fit for you! Central to RESULTS Canada’s mission are its citizen advocates, passionate people who convene to take action on and create change around the world’s most pressing issues. For the upcoming school year we are looking for enthusiastic leaders who want to take on the challenge of being an ambassador for RESULTS. Included below are some of the volunteer roles we are looking to fill. Please take a look to see which seems like the best fit for you.

Group Leader and Co-Leader will:
• Take advocacy actions on a RESULTS campaign. (Training provided)
• Inspire and lead a group of student volunteers to collectively learn and take actions on solutions to end extreme poverty. (Material and support provided)
• Mobilize the group to engage their wider community about issues and solutions to end extreme poverty and about the power of citizen’s voices.
• Support and coordinate the roles of the members in the team, and liaise with the RESULTS National Office and Community.

Outreach Ambassador will:
• Take advocacy actions on a RESULTS campaign. (Training provided)
• Reach out to students, teachers and community members to expand the reach of your RESULTS Canada group.
• Develop an outreach strategy to engage more people in taking advocacy actions on a RESULTS campaigns.

Logistics Ambassador will:
• Take advocacy actions on a RESULTS campaign. (Training provided)
• Coordinate bookings of rooms, meetings, tables and banner space.
• Manage database of contacts.

Internal Relations Ambassador will:
• Take advocacy actions on a RESULTS campaign. (Training provided)
• Liaise with club administration, other Club’s executives and, with the leader/co-leader, with RESULTS National Office and Community.
• Liaise and partner with other clubs in order to get more people involved in our campaigns against extreme poverty.

Promotions Ambassador will:
• Take advocacy actions on a RESULTS campaign. (Training provided)
• Manage the chapter’s social media presence.
• With the support of the National Office, create promotional materials to use on campus.
• Liaise with student and community media outlets, such as radio and newspapers.

As a RESULTS Canada advocate, you will have the chance to apply to participate in the group leader retreat and the RESULTS National conference happening. These two events are happening in Ottawa in 2018 and will offer valuable leadership training, networking and advocacy experiences. We will be providing a certain amount of bursaries to attend these events. In addition, there are always opportunities to apply for funding for events such as the annual International Conference in Washington were volunteers use their advocacy skills in a meeting with the World Bank, as an example.

To apply please fill out this form (https://resultscda.typeform.com/to/uiWWCh). If you have any questions you can send a message to Michele Bruneau at michele@results-resultats.ca

U of S Master Plan

The University of Saskatchewan is developing a new Campus Master Plan which will guide how the University will grow and develop over the coming years.

In June we are reaching out to our stakeholders for input. This will be an opportunity to provide input on topics such as connectivity to neighborhoods surrounding campus, transportation networks, outdoor landscapes, community gathering spaces, indigenous place-making, sustainability, winter city design and more.

We are planning a casual come and go event at Amigos on June 13th between 5pm and 7pm. This event is intended for the communities surrounding campus to have an opportunity to share their ideas. Please mark this in your calendars.

The event:
Our project team will be present to provide a brief overview and display sample images but the main objective is to provide an initial opportunity to share ideas, through candid conversation, on campus growth and development.

Breaking the Silence

Looking Back, Moving Forward
We are breaking the silence on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity

The 20th annual conference sponsored by the College of Education, University of Saskatchewan.

Friday, March 17 & Saturday, March 18, 2017
Edwards School of Business (Commerce), Room 18
A full program of panels, workshops and presentations
Program and Registration information: education.usask.ca/breaking-the-silence

Free Showing: Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric at OUTSaskatoon, Thursday, March 16, 2017, 7:00 pm

U of S College Quarter Update

Do you want to know what is planned? Questions about building height/appearance? Pressure on local area schools? Street parking on Cumberland? Parking space available for College Quarter residents and visitors? Will residents pay school taxes?

Join us for a discussion with University of Saskatchewan representatives at our next Varsity View Community Association meeting:
Wednesday January 18, 2017

Brunskill School Library

Living Traditions

Living Traditions – the link between intangible cultural heritage and community development

Dale Jarvis is a Newfoundlander and he is the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Development Officer for Newfoundland and Labrador. Dale will be giving a FREE lecture at the U of S (open to the public) on understanding ICH and folklore. In this special lecture, Dale Jarvis will give examples of why folklore and ICH is at the heart of local life; explain how safeguarding intangibles can contribute to more vibrant and engaged communities; and demonstrate the links between intangible heritage and community development. FREE. Open to the public.

Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) includes our community’s living cultural traditions, those ways of speaking, doing things, and understanding of our local environment that shape who we are and how we view ourselves in the world.

Monday, September 26
7:00 pm
U of S, Arts Building, Room 214

Co-facilitated by Dale Jarvis and Kristin Catherwood, this workshop will provide you with tools to help you discover and celebrate your community’s unique stories and practices.
September 26 & 27 – Wanuskewin, Saskatoon
Workshops will be held from 9:30am – 4:30pm each day.
Registration is required:
Fee: $50/person
To register: saskmuseums.org/programs

Dale Jarvis is the ICH Development Officer for Newfoundland and Labrador, the first provinciallyfunded folklorist position in Canada. A tireless promoter of local culture, he works with tradition bearers, towns, heritage associations, museums, and archives to safeguard intangible cultural heritage and diverse traditions.
Kristin Catherwood is the ICH Development Officer for Heritage Saskatchewan a folklorist, storyteller and historian. Born and raised on a century family farm near Ceylon, Saskatchewan Kristin has an MA in Folklore from Memorial University of Newfoundland and is a long-time volunteer in her local community. She has a special interest in rural community sustainability and prairie folklore.

Urban Agriculture Research

This research project, being run out of the University of Saskatchewan, is investigating how to best promote urban agricultural projects within Saskatoon, and we are looking for community members to participate! The goals of this study are to support the work of the Saskatoon Food Council, to guide changes to the built environment within Saskatoon, and to promote access to high quality food and active living.

We are looking for people to participate in small group discussions about how to create urban agriculture projects within all the different neighbourhoods in Saskatoon. We want to create an urban agriculture plan for Saskatoon that can increase access to quality, affordable food while providing opportunities for physical activity, and these meetings will help us understand the work needed to achieve these goals.

Meetings will take approximately 90 minutes. To be contacted about meetings in your area, please click here to register. If you would like more information on the research project, please contact Wanda Martin at wanda.martin@usask.ca, or call (306) 966-5429 during normal office hours.

Types of Urban Agriculture:
– herb gardens
– micro livestock
– fence gardens
– beehives
– greenhouse
– berry patches
– vegetable gardens
– community garden
– edible landscape
– backyard garden
– container garden
– orchards


MEND! Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do it!

We know keeping kids healthy is hard — MEND empowers children and families to become fitter, healthier and happier!

Learn how to make healthier lifestyle choices for your entire family. Check out MEND!

MEND 2-4 (2 to 4 year olds)
MEND 5-7 (5 to 7 year olds)
MEND 7-13 (7-13 year olds)

MEND is a is a FREE program for families and children ages 2 to 13. The mission of MEND is to inspire children, families and adults to lead and sustain fitter, healthier and happier lives. MEND programs are designed for specific age groups and provide a supportive environment for families to interact, learn skills to change behavior, and make healthy lifestyle choices through healthy eating and increased physical activity.

You will learn about:
· Healthy eating and mealtime habits
· How to read food labels
· What serving sizes look like
· Building self esteem
· Active play
· Positive parenting
· Behavior change strategies
· Healthy growth

MEND offers programs for the following:
· MEND 2-4 is a perfect program if you have a picky or fussy eater! The MEND 2-4 program uses play-based learning plus behavioural and parenting skills training (Mind) to help families become physically active (Exercise) and make informed food choices (Nutrition). It’s all based within a practical, fun and supportive philosophy of inspiring and motivating change (Do it!) in a community setting. The program runs once per week over 10 weeks. Each session is 90 minutes long

· MEND 5-7 program is a healthy lifestyle program for 5-7 year olds who are at risk of, or are above a healthy weight and their families. The program empowers children and families to gain skills to make healthy lifestyle choices around healthy eating, physical activity and self-confidence. The program has 10 sessions spread over 10 weeks. Each session is 1 hour and 45 minute long. Families will learn healthy eating and mealtime routines, reading food labels, what serving and healthy portions look like and being an active family!

· MEND 7-13 is a healthy lifestyle program for 7 to 13 year olds who are above a healthy weight. MEND 7-13 program combines physical activity, healthy eating and behaviour change to facilitate safe, effective weight management and lasting lifestyle change. MEND 7-13 is not a diet and does not encourage rapid width loss. Families learn skills and information that support long-term lifestyle changes. Families are better equipped to feel fitter, healthier and happier for the rest of their lives. It involves two – 1 or 2-hour sessions every week for eight weeks.

Details can be found on the MEND web site www.kinesiology.usask.ca

“Trick or EAT”

The University of Saskatchewan is holding a charity event this Halloween to collect food for the Food Bank. We, at the U of S Language Centre’s ESL (English as a Second Language) Program, are providing our students the experience of a lifetime. Coming from many countries worldwide, our adult students are excited about experiencing a Canadian Halloween Night. We will be coming door-to-door between 5:00 – 7:00 PM on Friday, October 31, 2014 to do some “Trick or Eating”. During this time, we will be collecting non-perishable food or monetary donations for the Food Bank. We are looking forward to reaching out to our surrounding community and would very much appreciate your support. Thank-you in advance!

P.S. Our students would also accept candy donations for their own personal sweet tooth, if you were so inclined!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Lara at 306-966-2477.

Great Places lecture

Great Places, a local Saskatoon group that aims to promote architecture, design, and urban planning within the community presents Cynthia Girling’s lecture Town + Gown: Creating Complete Communities on Campus.

Join us at 7:30 PM on Thursday, October 9 at the Cosmo Seniors Centre, just off Broadway at 614 11th Street East.

Cynthia Girling is Chair of the Landscape Architecture Program in the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of British Columbia. Her work focuses on sustainable neighborhood scale planning with a particular emphasis on developing tools to inform local planning and urban design processes. With Ronald Kellett and Maged Senbel, she co-directs the elementsLab at UBC.

We will have a little soiree at Nosh following the lecture. Hope to see you there!

VIDO-InterVac public meeting

The Community Liaison Committee for VIDO-InterVac invites you to a public meeting Tuesday October 14 at McNally Robinson Bookstore at 7 pm.

InterVac is a bio-containment Level 3 (CL3) facility where scientists study certain diseases and develop and test vaccines. The term CL3 describes the type of safety measures and equipment needed within the facility to ensure the safety of workers and the community.

The Community Liaison Committee is a diverse group of citizens including experts in emergency measures as well as citizens at large. The CLC is an independent committee established by the University of Saskatchewan to ensure communication on safety issues related to InterVac is open and transparent. The CLC continuously seeks information on activities of community concern, as well as monitors issues related to safety and any incidents of potential public interest. This is especially timely as operations have recently begun.

Dr. Andrew Potter, director, and several senior scientists will be available to answer questions.

Academic Strategist

“Success isn’t something that just happens – success is learned, success is practised and then it is shared.” ~ Sparky Anderson

Taking into account your learning style, strengths and specific learning challenges, an Academic Strategist helps you to understand how you learn best and guides you on how to achieve your academic goals. The Academic Strategist assists you in the development of useful tools that you can use to help you succeed in your studies.

Weekly sessions with the Strategist often include:
• Open collaboration with students to find tools & strategies that they are willing to use
• Support in the form of academic coaching, technology training, assistance with academic writing
• Reviewing the recommendations on personal psycho-educational assessment
• Providing a variety of strategies to improve learning and success
• Identifying barriers and providing strategies to overcome them
• Providing tools and resources to help students find balance, organization and efficiency
• Time management techniques
• Discussing possible technology that would assist learning
• Assistance navigating Student Loans and the paperwork associated with the Students with Permanent Disabilities – Grant Application

Cost may be covered by grants – please call us for more information.

To book an appointment with the Academic Strategist please contact our Learning Disabilities Association of Saskatchewan Saskatoon office at (306) 652-4114 ext 4.

Cultural Heritage Mapping – Varsity View

Discussions on Placing-making in Saskatoon and Varsity View

Join students from the University of Saskatchewan’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Culture and Creativity for conversations on heritage and the evolution of Varsity View, and Saskatoon’s history of urban forestry.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014, 7:30pm
Albert Community Centre Loft, 610 Clarence Avenue South

Varsity View Neighbourhood:
Ramon Zamora: “Varsity View: How It Came to Be”
Jeremy Dela Cruz: “The Early and Current Architectural Styles of Varsity View”
Brittney Beckie: “An Historical Inventory of the Commercial Development in Varsity View”
Megan Vandendriessche: “An Exploration of the Cultural Influences of the University of Saskatchewan on Varsity View”

Urban Forestry in Saskatoon:
Raquel Wenarchuk: “How Saskatoon Grew Green: The Nurseries and Organizations in volved with Beautifying the City”
Adriana Atcheson: “Urban Forestry in Saskatoon’s Parks”
Noelle Bouvier: “The Development of Boulevards in Saskatoon: 1906-1930”

Public welcome. For more information contact: andrew.dunlop@usask.ca or 306.966.6690

Cultural Heritage Mapping Poster

University student project: Varsity View & U of S

My name is Megan Vandendriessche and I am a Regional and Urban Planning student at the University of Saskatchewan. For one of my classes, entitled INCC 310: Cultural Heritage Mapping, I am focusing on examining the cultural influences that the University of Saskatchewan has had on shaping the development of Varsity View from 1907 to present day. I am interested in any sources or stories that may help me determine these influences. I hope to share my findings with the Community of Varsity View when the project is finished.

If you, or know someone who would have some information to share, please do not hesitate to contact me at: mlv304@mail.usask.ca BEFORE April 1st, 2014.