The VVCA AGM was held Wednesday, April 19, and we are happy to welcome some new (and old) members to our board and to recognize and thank some others.
President: Jon Naylor
Treasurer: Ted Stensrud
Indoor Coordinator: Barb Giles and Tammy Harkema (basketball)
Albert Community Centre: Lisa Kirkham
Rink Coordinators: Fredy McDougall, Mahdi Toliat, Luke Rempel
Social Coordinator: Diane McDougall
Members at Large: Mary Ann Rubin, Allan Woo, Douglas Tompson, Matthew Wiens
NOTE we are still in need of a newsletter editor!
– Thank you to Barb for her 30+ years of service as VVCA’s Indoor Coordinator! And, still going strong.
– Thank you to Kevin, our City of Saskatoon Community Liaison, who will be representing a different area of the City. We will miss his assistance and input.
– Thank you to Luke and Angela for organizing and leading the Brunskill rink fundraising! Amazing work for such a well-used and appreciated community asset.