Tag Archives: children

Mind, Exercise, Nutrition – Do it!

MEND Saskatchewan is offering a number of FREE programs for families with children’s of various age groups to adopt healthy lifestyles. Typically programs run 90 minutes, once or twice per week over a ten week span. During this program, parents and children will learn numerous skills ranging from healthy eating, demonstration, games and a number of fun interactive activities.

MEND for 7-13 year olds
Do you want to help your 7-13 year old:
– make better food choices?
– watch less TV or play less video games
– to be more active or participate in a sport?
– maintain a healthy weight?

MEND can show you how small changes can make a big difference!
– MEND empowers children and families to become fitter and healthier.
– This FREE program is fun and interactive and supports you and your children(ren) to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

What happens at the MEND program?
– Parents /caregivers join their children in each session to learn about how to choose healthier foods and spend more time being physically active.
– Twice-weekly sessions are a mix of family activities where we show you how small changes can make a big difference.
– Practical demonstrations, games and tips about healthy foods, label reading and portion sizes.
– Fun physical activity sessions for the kids in a safe, non-judgmental environment.
– After 10 weeks, you and your family will be well on your way to a healthier life!

St. Marks – 414 Pendygrasse Road
Monday & Wednesday 6:30-8:30pm
January 23rd – March 23rd (Cancelled February 20th & 22nd)

College of Kinesiology-Physical Activity Center – 87 Campus Road
Sundays 10:00am-12:00noon & Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm
January 22nd – March 23rd (Cancelled February 19th & 23rd)

MEND for 2 – 4 year olds
What is MEND 2-4?
– MEND 2-4 is a FREE comprehensive, family-based healthy lifestyle program for all families with children aged 2-4 years. This program is designed to promote healthy eating and activity habits from an early age.

Who can participate?
– MEND 2-4 is for children and families who are interested learning about healthy lifestyles. Children do not have to be above a healthy weight.

What happens at the MEND program?
– MEND 2-4 consists of ten sessions, once per week. Each session is 90 minutes long
– Parents /caregivers join their children in each session
– Spend time playing with your child and learn new games
– Take part in a parent discussion while your child plays
– Learn fun ways to introduce new foods and add variety
– Learn how to read and understand food labels and ingredients
– Learn how to deal with challenging behaviours
– Meet other parents and families in your area and make new friends

Brunskill School – 101 Wiggins Ave N
Saturdays 10:00-11:30am
January 28th –April 8th, 2017
10-11:30am (Cancelled February 18)

For more information please visit www.mendsk.ca

Volleyball Saskatoon

Volleyball Saskatoon’s Cool Moves Volley WINTER Program for girls and boys is held on Wednesdays from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. from January 11 to March 8 at the Henk Ruys Soccer Centre in Lawson at 219 Primrose Drive.

Mini Volley for 6 – 8 year olds
Atomic for 9 – 11 years olds
Tripleball for 12 – 13 year olds
Smashball for boys born in 2003, 04 & 05.

Come and learn how to play volleyball. Cost is $125.00

For more information contact Leo van Dam at 306 261-5994 or visit www.volleyballsaskatoon.ca

Nature Grandparenting

Grandparents and Grandchildren, take your special relationship outside for some fresh air learning!

This fall SaskOutdoors is pleased to be offering a unique intergenerational nature program in Saskatoon. The Nature Grandparenting program is designed for grandparents to experience nature with their grandchild (3-5yrs old) in Saskatoon’s Gabriel Dumont Park. Many grandparents are in a unique position to act as a nature mentor in the lives of their grandchildren. With practical ideas and age-appropriate activities shared each week, grandparents will have fun weaving a connection to nature into the special relationship they have with their grandchild. This program will be facilitated by Jana Miller, former Ecoquest teacher.

This program takes place outdoors. Participants will need to dress for the weather and should be comfortable being active outdoors for an hour. Public washrooms are available on site for use. An information package will be sent out to registered participants in early September.

Participants: Grandparent and grandchild (ages 3-5) pairs
Location: Saskatoon’s Gabriel Dumont Park
Wednesday mornings: September 21st – October 26th
10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Cost: $95.00/pair for 6 six weeks ($16.00/week)
Registration deadline September 19th, 2016

SaskOutdoors website

Basketball Registration


Monday August 29, 2016 9:00 AM to Friday September 16, 2016 11:55 PM

Season length: October- Late February/ Late March (Depending on Age Group)

Age Groups:

Dunkaroo’s Basketball: is a development program based on the sport of basketball for boys and girls (co-ed) who are in GRADE ONE OR GRADE TWO. The players have one hour a week for 12 to 14 weeks in developing basketball skills in a fun atmosphere. Please go to www.smba.ca to register online for this program.

Spuds Basketball: is a game based on the sport of basketball for boys and girls (co-ed) who are under ten years of age as of December 31 of the season in play (OR IN GRADE FOUR OR LOWER). The teams play cross court and the coaches referee their own games.

Mini Basketball: is a game based on the sport of basketball for boys and girls who are under 12 years of age as of December 31 of the season in play (OR IN GRADE FIVE OR SIX). The teams play cross court and referees are provided. Mini A Pool teams play full court.

Bantam Basketball: is a game based on the sport of basketball for boys and girls who are under 14 years of age as of December 31 of the season in play (OR IN GRADE SEVEN OR EIGHT). No player in high school can play bantam ball. Teams play full court and referees are provided.

Games will be played on Saturdays and practices will be once per week and will be scheduled by coaches at a later date.

Note that a community association membership is required for registering in soccer. Please purchase either a $10.00 (plus credit card fees) single member membership or a $20.00 family membership (plus credit card fees) prior to registering for a basketball program.

See Picatic page for more information and to register.

Community Music Education Program

Wilton Academy Of Music – Home of the Community Music Education Program

For over 30 years, the Community Music Education Program has enriched the lives of children and families in Saskatoon. With our unparalleled early childhood music curriculum, we nurture a love of music supported by our knowledge of young children and their developmental abilities.

We offer:
• Parenting With Music – birth to age 3
• Music in Early Childhood – ages 3 to 6
• Suzuki Early Childhood – birth to age 3
• Private Lessons – piano, violin and guitar in traditional or suzuki method

Our teachers make the difference. All are musicians and early childhood educators.

Register Today at: www.wiltonmusic.com

Sum Theatre in the Park – July 4-29, 2016

Little Badger and the Fire Spirit
Synopsis: Little Badger & the Fire Spirit follows a boy on a dangerous quest to bring fire back to his people. Little Badger’s world is one full of music, magic and a beautiful Indigenous world-view. This is a story about how the human, natural and animal worlds are intertwined.

July 4 – 29, 2016

in over 20 different parks around Saskatoon. Evening shows at 7. Sunday matinees at 2.

Theatre in the Park is Saskatchewan’s first FREE live professional outdoor theatre. Suitable for all ages. Everyone welcome. FREE of charge. Come an hour early to do a free craft with the Children’s Discovery Museum!

July 4 – Chief Darcy Bear Park at 7:00pm
July 5 – Les Kerr at 7:00pm
July 6 – GD Archibald Park West at 7:00pm
July 7 – Alexander MacGillivray Park at 7:00pm
July 8 – Wilson Park at 7:00pm
July 10 – Wallace Park at 2:00pm
July 10 – Ashworth Holmes Park at 7:00pm
July 11 – Silverspring Park at 7:00pm
July 12 – Grosvenor Park at 7:00pm
July 13 – H.S. Sears Park at 7:00pm
July 14 – Mount Royal Park at 7:00pm
July 15 – Anita Langford Park at 7:00pm
July 17 – Robert Hunter Park West at 2:00pm
July 17 – Pleasant Hill Park at 7:00pm
July 19 – Sid Buckwold Park at 7:00pm
July 20 – Parc Canada at 7:00pm
July 21 – James Anderson Park at 7:00pm
July 22 – Churchill Park at 7:00pm
July 24 – Lakeview Park at 2:00pm
July 24 – Buena Vista Park at 7:00pm
July 25 – W.J.L. Harvey North Park at 7:00pm
July 26 – Victoria Park at 7:00pm
July 27 – AH Browne Park at 7:00pm
July 28 – Surprise Park at 7:00pm
July 29 – Surprise Park at 7:00pm


Soccer Kids in the Park


Monday to Friday
July 4 – August 25, 2016
11:00 am – 5:30 pm
City of Saskatoon Playground Program Locations.
Schedule will be posted for 2016 on June 27.

Program is free, no registration required, just drop in to your neighborhood playground or youth centre at the scheduled time! Program travels to 45 different City of Saskatoon playgroundcentre sites and is instructed by certified soccer coaches!

For more information call Saskatoon Youth Soccer (306) 975-3413

Visit www.saskatoonyouthsoccer.ca after June 27 for a program schedule!

Thank you PotashCorp, Community Initiatives Fund, City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Soccer Association, Sask Lotteries, and Xtratime Sports Soccer Locker for your help in funding this summer’s PotashCorp Soccer Kids In the Park program!

SJA Babysitting Course

St. John Ambulance Babysitting Course

Saturday June 4, 2016
Monday July 4, 2016
Saturday July 9, 2016

Course fee: $40 per person.
Recommended for children age 11 and older who are interested in taking responsibility for younger children. Course includes Basic First Aid and CPR training, child care basics, safety practices, and activities to keep children occupied.

Saskatoon Training Centre – 1808 Broadway Avenue, Saskatoon SK S7H 2B7

Register today by calling 306-343-0041

Children’s Festival of Saskatchewan

The Potashcorp Children’s Festival of Saskatchewan goes from Jun 4-7th, located at Kiwanis Park Saskatoon. We will be offering a variety of workshops, shows and activities for participants of all ages.

Specific activities include our Circus Arts Tent which will be offering amazing acrobatic acts, face painting and workshops. Additionally we have fossil finding and Lego building. Our Arts Français program is completely new this year! We will have an entire tent devoted to French activities. A Grandparent Grandchild Dance will be held at 12:30 on Saturday June the 4th accompanied by bilingual and fiddle music. Like last year, we will be offering our FREE Sunset Party which will run after hours from 5-9 pm on Saturday June the 4th.

For more details about all our performers and activities please visit our website: http://potashcorpchildrensfestival.com/

Saskatoon Youth Music Theatre Summer Camp

Saskatoon Youth Music Theatre Summer Camp is currently accepting registrations.

There are three levels:
Overture for ages 7 & 8
Act I & II for ages 9 – 12
Entracte for ages 13 – 18

The camp will be held July 4 – 15, 2016 with sessions for all participants from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day at La Danse School of Dance Arts. 14-318, 105th Street, in Sutherland.

SYMT is a two week day camp that involves students in singing, drama, and dancing. This year’s feature production is the musical revue History in Harmony – celebrating 20 years! All students will participate in the production, which will be presented on stage on the final evening of the camp. An exciting opportunity for students of all levels of experience!

For registration information call Diane at 931-3493, email mail@symt.ca, visit our website www.symt.ca or visit us on Facebook!

Summer Music Camps

10 registrations per camp, so register early!
If you can’t make one of these dates, or a waitlist happens, please let me know what camp you are interested in and what week would work for you. If I have enough interest, I am happy to hold an additional camp.

Composer Camp

July 11-15 9am-12pm
ages 9-14 (will consider other ages)
learn about different composers, their lives, their music and their personalities through
stories, crafts and music. no previous music experience necessary

Making Music Fun Camp

July 18-22 9am-12pm
ages 6-9 (will consider other ages)
learn the theory that makes music great! movement, games, crafts will be used to explore
different parts of music. some previous music experience is helpful, but not necessary

Rudiments in Music Theory Camp

July 25-29 9am-12pm
ages 7-14 (will consider other ages)
beginner to Intermediate Theory making music theory fun through games and crafts.
some previous music experience is helpful, but not necessary

Contact: Mary Ann Therrien Music Mentor
501 1st St E E Saskatoon SK S7H 1S5
voice/text: 306-221-8423 maryann.therrien@shaw.ca

I am Eleven

I am Eleven – Documentary screening
Thursday, March 17th 2016
Broadway Theatre
Door Open 6:30pm
Tickets: $10.00 (cash)

Australian filmmaker Genevieve Bailey travelled the world for six years talking with 11-year-olds to compose this insightful, funny and moving documentary portrait of childhood. From an orphanage in India, to a single-parent household in inner-city Melbourne, to bathing with elephants in Thailand, I AM ELEVEN explores the lives and thoughts of children from 15 countries. I AM ELEVEN weaves together deeply personal and at times hilarious portraits of what it means to sit at this transitional age. These young minds provide us with a powerful insight into the future of our world.

CISV chapters all over the world are bringing this documentary to their communities. We hope you can help make our screening a huge success here in Saskatoon by inviting all your friends, family and colleagues to this screening and of course coming yourself!

CISV (formerly Children’s International Summer Villages) is a global network of volunteers of all ages. We are an independent and non-political organization with chapters in over 200 cities worldwide. CISV’s unique educational programmes bring together young people from different backgrounds, developing cross-cultural knowledge and leadership. By encouraging respect for cultural differences, common values and self-awareness, CISV empowers each participant to incorporate these values into their lives as they become global citizens and strive for a more peaceful world. Young people take an active role in programme planning, developing key leadership and communication skills.

CISV Canada is active from coast to coast! From Victoria to Halifax, CISVers are promoting CISV values in their local communities. Each year, youth and adults from these same communities travel to international CISV programmes around the world. There are as many opportunities for involvement locally as internationally: CISV has a dynamic national network of young people. This group, called the Junior Branch (JB), is dedicated to organising regional and national activities for Canadian youth. Each local CISV chapter has an active group of Junior Branch members, open to anyone who wants to be involved (starting at age 10). JB organizes regular activities, community projects, workshops and mini camps. Completely youth-led, Junior Branch applies the CISV goals to the local community while participants learn and develop leadership.

Summer Playground Schedules

Draining and filling times vary for each pool. Please check with staff at site to confirm hours of operation.

Paddling pools will close during unsuitable weather conditions (14 ºC or less and/or when raining heavily)

Weekday Playground Program
Opening the week of June 29 – Aug 25
Monday – Thursday 10:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Friday 12:00 – 4:30 p.m.

Your nearest Playground is at the
Albert Recreation Unit
506 Clarence Avenue

Weekend Playground Program Hours
July 9 – Aug 21 (Open Aug 1)
Saturday & Sunday 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Your nearest Weekend Playground Program is
Greystone Heights Recreation Unit
2711 Main Street