Tag Archives: City

City Seeks Community Input on Wetland Policy

The City of Saskatoon (City) is seeking input on a new planning initiative that will establish a framework for the identification, preservation, and management of wetlands in the City’s future growth areas. The Wetland Policy will ensure that impacts to wetlands are an important consideration in any future development decisions within Saskatoon.

Saskatoon is growing and with that comes pressure on the natural environment. Saskatoon and the surrounding areas contain a significant number of wetlands that when preserved can provide many social, environmental, and economic benefits to the community. The benefits of integrating wetlands into the urban landscape include:

  • replenishing ground water supply;
  • reduced flooding;
  • less reliance on traditional storm water infrastructure;
  • habitat preservation;
  • improved water and air quality; and
  • recreational and educational opportunities.

The Wetland Policy will require developers to account for and address impacts to wetlands as part of the development of new neighbourhoods so that the effects can be minimized and important wetlands can be preserved and integrated into the city.

The preservation of important wetlands supports many of the strategic goals identified in the City’s Strategic Plan 2012-2022. Specifically, the Wetland Policy furthers the strategic goals of Quality of Life and Environmental Leadership by preserving natural areas for citizens to enjoy, reducing damage to property from flooding, improving water quality, and providing habitat for plant and animal life.

To provide feedback on the draft Wetland Policy or to learn more about wetlands in Saskatoon, please visit the City’s website, www.saskatoon.ca/go/wetlandpolicy

#25 SPECIAL City Transit Service

The residents of Luther Tower have graciously invited other residents of VVCA to make use of the above service, which is available from Monday to Friday. Normal City transit fares apply. Buses leave from the sidewalk stop alongside the driveway of 1223 Temperance St at 9:15 am and 12:45 pm. They travel down Temperance St. to Clarence Ave., along Clarence Ave to 12th St., along 12th St. to Broadway Ave., across the Broadway Bridge, down 3rd Ave., to the terminal and then to Midtown Plaza. Return buses leave Midtown Plaza at 11:37 am and 2:35 pm.

Passengers new to the service are asked to permit Tower residents to get into their accustomed seats before boarding. As well, they are invited to use seats further back in the bus in inclement weather, if the bus arrives early, but are asked to ensure that the driver does not leave Luther Tower early.

Varsity View Local Area Plan reports

The Varsity View Local Area Plan (LAP) now has its own page here on the VVCA website. You can check for information on the LAP, whether upcoming meetings, or to review the drafts done so far on the Plan.
SEPTEMBER 2013: The complete Varsity View Local Area Plan draft document is ready for review!

The report itself is available at: http://www.saskatoon.ca/go/lap

Given that the majority of the report has been previously reviewed by the LAPC, it is hoped that it can be reviewed in two meetings, although a third meeting is tentatively scheduled if necessary. Each of the following meetings are from 7:00 p.m. til 9:30 p.m. in the Brunskill School Library (101 Wiggins Avenue South):
– Wednesday, September 25 – Review Meeting #1
– Wednesday, October 2 – Review Meeting #2

– Thursday, October 3 – Review Meeting #3 (if necessary)

Review Meeting #1 willl aim to cover the following sections: 3.0 Parks & Open Space, 5.0 Traffic & Circulation, 6.0 Active Transportation, 1.0 Land Use, and 2.0 Infill & Redevelopment.

The agenda for Review Meeting #2 will pick up after that and also endeavour to review the remaining portions of the document. As well, we will discuss the approval process ahead that will culminate with adoption of the report by City Council, which then allows for the implementation of recommendations to begin.

From City Hall: “The LAP is a very lengthy document, so if you are unable to review every page of each chapter, I suggest you focus upon reviewing the identified goals and recommendations for each section. As you review the report, it will be helpful to make notes for yourself to bring to the meetings.

If you are unable to attend the review meetings, please provide any comments to me prior to the meetings and I can share your thoughts with the group on your behalf.

Thank you to all members of the Varsity View LAPC for your contributions and patience during the creation of the Varsity View LAP!”

Notes from past meetings and LAP reports for other neighbourhoods can be found on the City of Saskatoon website at www.saskatoon.ca (look under “L” → Local Area Planning).