Tag Archives: downtown

Outdoor Festival Site

The Permanent Outdoor Festival Feasibility Team is working to identify, select, study and plan for the future development of a City of Saskatoon Permanent Outdoor Site.  Consultants from HTFC Planning & Design are leading the feasibility study on behalf of the City of Saskatoon.

Why a Permanent Outdoor Festival Site?

The riverbank parks near downtown were not designed or constructed to accommodate large outdoor events hosted over multiple days.  As a result, the riverbank parks are susceptible to mechanical and physical damages associated with staging large scale extended events.  Continued use of the riverbank parks by a number of large scale outdoor events has resulted in deteriorating turf and tree conditions.  

The Permanent Outdoor Festival Site Feasibility Study will identify both a location(s) and design plan for a permanent centrally-located festival site, which would take into consideration all the typical needs of outdoor events, including access to water, power, staging, parking, accessibility needs, etc.  The study will also take into account infrastructure requirements for such a festival site to ensure protection and long-term sustainability of any associated green infrastructure.

Online Survey

Our Team is looking to get your input on these three topics:

  • Which of the three sites do you prefer and why?
  • What should be the criteria for an ideal permanent outdoor festival site?
  • What program elements and features would you want to see?

The easiest way to provide your input on these topics is by completing this online survey.  The survey will be open for responses from 8:00am on Thursday, September 17th until 5:00pm on Tuesday, September 28th.

More information: https://www.saskatoon.ca/engage/permanent-outdoor-festival-site