May 2024 board meeting

Overview of discussions at VVCA board meeting of Wednesday, May 15, 2024:

– Concern that many residents don’t know about the proposed zoning changes. VVCA to fund distribution of zoning information flyers to Varsity View and Grosvenor Park neighbourhoods. Flyer to printer tomorrow and then delivered this weekend or early next.
– Jon to attend (via video submission?) Municipal Planning Commission (May 28) and City Council (June) to ask that zoning changes be delayed. Too many changes, too fast. Concerns about infrastructure, schools capacity, parking, BRT implementation, etc.
– date of Community Cleanup changed to June 15.
– introduction of committee to plan VVCA’s 40th Anniversary event next year. Committee will do research and gather ideas and ballpark pricing for event. Grants or sponsorship could be available. Sask Lotteries grant application due mid-January. Possible dates in early June 2025.
– ask from Brunskill Grade 8’s for funds for graduation party. VVCA will donate in exchange for help at a community event, such as flyer delivery or working at the Community Cleanup.
– Brunskill SCC ask for joint sponsorship of Movie in the Park on Thursday June 13. Earlier start to movie with a daylight screen, selling popcorn and pizza. VVCA will joint sponsor.
– Tree planting on 14th street planned. Tree species picked. Grass must be killed and rototilled. City paying for trees, shrubs and mulch. 22 volunteers signed up. Water tanks should be on site by June 6. Planting on June 9.
– SUM Theatre in the Park on Thursday May 16, 7PM. VVCA holding a bbq at 5:30 before the show. Food will be purchased later in the day. Concerns about the weather?!
– August newsletter deadline for ads, articles, photos is July 1.
– signing authority has been changed to new board members.
– indoor programs going great. Fall programs to be submitted early next week. Registration dates and program listing will be ready next meeting.
– basketball coordinator has created a ‘job description’ for future coordinators.
– rink will be sprayed for weeds in the future. Possibly install a ‘no dogs’ sign due to inconsiderate owners not cleaning up after their pets. Add stabilizer to snowblower fuel.
– community garden is underway with 15 new gardeners. Had their workbee on May 11.
– Sask Polytech planning to relocate to Innovation Place location. May be some community engagement/info sessions coming up.
– next meeting tentatively planned for Wednesday June 12, Brunskill School library. To be confirmed.