Category Archives: City of Saskatoon

Albert Rec Unit under construction

After many long years of planning and fundraising, the Big Plans for a Little Park park rejuvenation of Albert Recreation Unit park (corner of Clarence and 13th Street) has started construction this fall!

Construction should continue throughout October, with hopes of the park being complete by the end of that month. During construction, the south half of the park will be closed to access. Thank you to Strata Construction and City Gardens for taking on this project.

The Big Plans committee wishes to thank all the donors and supporters of this project! This is your little park, and you made it happen. Thank you!

Community Safety Consultation

The Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners, in its role as  a conduit between the public and the Saskatoon Police Service, is hosting a Community Consultation focusing on:

  • Crime and community safety in our neighbourhoods, and 
  • Strategies being used by city-wide and community-based groups to enhance community safety.

Members of the public are invited to attend and participate in this highly interactive Consultation. The Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners will be at the discussion tables to hear, on a direct  basis, what YOU and your organizations  have to say on these issues.

The meeting will include presentations by these groups, with discussion to follow with all attendees on each topic:

·         Safe Community Action Alliance: SCAA purpose, processes and community safety strategies.
·         Community Associations:  Crime and community safety in their neighbourhoods,  and initiatives they employ to increase community safety.
·         Saskatoon Police Service: Key elements of its Strategic Plan, canvassing for issues that matter to you, in your neighbourhood, and in your community.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Saskatoon Farmers’ Market, 19th Street and Avenue B

Your views, your Community Association’s views, your organization’s views, your neighbourhood’s views, are important. The Board of Police Commissioners wants to hear from you!!!

Visit to view the full agenda for the Community Consultation.

City of Saskatoon Youth Activities

Girls in Motion

FREE one-day event to inspire girls ages 10-14 to live healthy, active lives. Physical activities facilitated by qualified instructors. Shaw Centre Nov 8 F 09:00 AM-04:00 PM. (Registration Code:  SC4314-01)

Taking to the Court

FREE one-day event for boys ages 10 to 14 to get active and learn and practice a mix of sports. Snacks and lunch provided. Cosmo Civic Centre Nov 8 F 09:00 AM-04:00 PM (Registration Code: CD4366-01)

Drop N’ Shop

 6-12 yrs. This holiday season entrust your children with certified leaders who will supervise a number of child-friendly activities including arts and crafts, giving you the opportunity to get away and get your shopping done!  All programs FREE.

  • Lawson Civic Centre Dec 7 Sa 01:00 PM-04:00 PM (Registration Code:  CD4627-02)
  •  Lakewood Civic Centre Dec 14 & 21 Sa 01:00 PM-04:00 PM (Registration Code CD4627-01)
  •  Shaw Centre Dec 22 Su 01:00 PM-04:00 PM (Registration Code: CD4627-03)

Multi-Sport Sampler

A great opportunity for youth ages 10-14 to engage in physical activity while developing new and improved skills in a wide variety of sport activities. Cosmo Civic Centre. A ll programs FREE.

  • Fencing           Sep 5               Th        03:45 PM        -05:45 PM        (Registration Code: CD4626-01)
  • Soccer            Sep 9               M        03:45 PM         -05:45 PM        (Registration Code CD4626-02)
  •  Doubleball       Sep 12             Th        03:45 PM         -05:45 PM        (Registration Code: CD4626-03)
  • Football            Sep 16            M         03:45 PM         -05:45 PM        (Registration Code: CD4626-04)
  • Baseball          Sep 19             Th        03:45 PM         -05:45 PM        (Registration Code: CD4626-05)
  • Curling             Sep 23             M        03:45 PM         -05:45 PM        (Registration Code: CD4626-06)

Municipal Ward Boundary Review

The City of Saskatoon is looking for feedback in drawing the upcoming Municipal Ward Boundary Lines.

The ward you live in may be changing. Tell us what’s important to you! Saskatoon residents, you’re invited to share your comments on three new ward boundary options developed by the Saskatoon Municipal Wards Commission. Read more here:

Ward. Noun. A geographical area represented by a member of City Council. There are 10 wards in Saskatoon, and some ward boundaries are changing in preparation for Saskatoon’s Civic Elections 2020. View three new boundary options and tell us what’s important to you. We hope to hear from you! Have your say at

Ward boundaries are changing and three new ward boundary options are now ready for your review. You’re invited to meet the Municipal Wards Commission and weigh in on their proposed changes. Stop by City Hall, Committee Room ‘E’ on September 25, 2019 from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. Tell us what’s most important to you about the ward # you live in. Or, take the survey now at

Bike thefts

A Message from the Saskatoon Police Service:

Bicycles, sports equipment, as well as tools are being stolen out of vehicles and outbuildings (detached garages, sheds). Saskatoon Police are noticing that the people responsible for the thefts are either wandering around your neighborhood at night checking door handles of vehicles, and buildings. If any vehicles or buildings is found to be unlocked, these people help themselves to whatever property they can get ahold of.

Saskatoon Police Services are requesting that if you have anything of value, anything you don’t want stolen, please take it into your homes. If you have bikes, please lock the bike up with the appropriate bike locks, and then please lock the garage or outbuildings you have it stored in.

The Police have laminated signs, “All Valuables Removed” that you can pick up from Saskatoon Police Service. They are used to place in your vehicle to deter people breaking in.

We are all responsible for the security of our homes, and property, and working together we can prevent crime.

Race Against Racism

9th Annual Fun Run/Walk and Cultural Expo
September 21, 2019
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Victoria Park (near the boathouse)

The Race Against Racism (RAR) got its start in 2011 with one goal; to provide a positive environment for people of all backgrounds to gather and promote an active, healthy lifestyle while encouraging positive police community relations. Runners, walkers and rollers have the choice to participate in the 2.5km, 5km, or 10km.

Members from five settlement agencies (Saskatoon Open Door Society, The Global Gathering Place, International Women of Saskatoon, Newcomer Information Centre and Saskatchewan Intercultural Association), are part of RAR’s planning committee. Those agencies collect and divide the funds raised from the event to help continue local programming. A joint fundraiser called “Cram the Cruiser” is also tied to the Race. All entrants are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item to help fill a patrol car to donate to the Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre.

The City of Saskatoon’s Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Committee have been key partners from the beginning. Our partners at Brainsport will be hosting the race.

The Race includes an expo beyond the finish line called “Around the World – A Cultural Expo.” It showcases ethnic displays from local groups to promote community engagement and to celebrate diversity.

The Annual Race Against Racism brings together individuals from all over Saskatoon from various communities, with unique backgrounds, religions, cultures, sexual orientations, ages and ethnicities. Everyone comes together to achieve a common goal; to provide a positive, safe environment to live in harmony and show that Saskatoon will not accept racism.

To Register online, go to:

Chalk Mural Record

Have you heard?! On August 31st 2019, Meewasin is attempting to make history by setting a new world record for the longest chalk mural right in Saskatoon on the Meewasin Trails, and we need your help!

In order to break the world record, the whole mural must reflect a ‘Meewasin Valley’ theme. This can include anything relating to the natural world (plants, animals, insects, weather) or to things you see around the trails (the Bessborough, buildings, etc.) will count!

We are getting participants to register so we can ensure there are enough people at each of the stations. There is no experience necessary to be a chalker, which you can register for here

We are also looking for volunteer coordinators to help with getting the chalkers set up. You can register to volunteer here

More information about the event and sponsors can be found at our website page here or on our Facebook event page here

This will be a fun community event, meant to bring people to the outdoors, and to work together to accomplish breaking a record while creating beautiful art on the trails!

Use the Hashtag #MeewasinRecord on Instagram, Facebook and/or Twitter leading up to, after, or at the event to get your name entered to win a prize pack! (Winner announced September 6th 2019)

Spread the word, bring family, friends, and be part of history!

RPP Open House

Residential Parking Program Review
Varsity View Open House

The City established the Residential Parking Program (RPP) Bylaw in 1999 in response to parking concerns in residential areas that experience significant on-street parking congestion.
The program designates certain streets as Residential Parking Zones which limit non-resident parking to a short period of time. 

With the rapid growth of the city in recent years, demand for on-street parking has increased.  A comprehensive review of the RPP is required to identify revisions to the bylaw that will better address current needs and pressures.

We invite you to provide your input in the following ways:
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
4 to 8 p.m.
Albert Community Centre, 610 Clarence Ave. S.
Come & Go Format

RPP Online Survey
Survey closes Sunday, June 30, 2019

Send your feedback to

For more information on the RPP Review, please visit

Thank you in advance for your participation!

BRT Update

At the City Council meeting on April 29, 2019, City Administration will be presenting reports on the Bus Rapid Transit system as well as the Downtown Active Transportation Network.

On April 29, after over three years of technical work and public engagement, Saskatoon City Council will receive routing reports and recommendations on Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and the Downtown Active Transportation (AT) Network. The BRT system and Downtown AT Network are key components of the City’s Plan for Growth, supporting corridor growth and economic development by improving the mobility of current and future residents. They enable viable options to automobile travel, helping the City with sustainability, climate and population growth challenges that are becoming increasingly important to address.

You can find summaries of the reports, including engagement activities and route information, at, and find details on the Downtown AT Network at The full reports and the official Agenda for the April 29 meeting will be available at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 24 at

School Break Camps

Get active during the Easter break! Six FREE camps in three days offer and opportunity to learn new activities from qualified instructors. Bring a water bottle and snack. Ages 10-14. Co-ed.

April 23, 9AM – 12 PM
Cosmo Civic Centre, 3130 Laurier Drive
Registration code: CD2380-01

April 23, 1 PM – 4 PM
Cosmo Civic Centre, 3130 Laurier Drive
Registration code: CD2380-02

April 24, 9 AM – 12 PM
Cosmo Civic Centre, 3130 Laurier Drive
Registration code: CD2380-03

April 24, 1 PM – 4 PM
Lakewood Indoor Tennis Centre, 1635 McKercher Drive
Registration code: CD2380-04

Water Polo
April 25, 9 AM – 12 PM
Shaw Centre, 110 Bowit Crescent
Registration code: CD2380-05

Intro to Drama
April 25, 1 PM – 4 PM
Cosmo Civic Centre, 3130 Laurier Drive
Registration code: CD2380-06

For more information call 306-975-3378.
Register online at or call or visit any Leisure Centre.

Hazardous Waste

Household Hazardous Waste Days
Spring has sprung, and as residents begin their spring clean-up and purge, we urge them to put their waste in the right place. This includes disposing of their Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) material safely, and keeping it out of the landfill and other waste streams.

The City of Saskatoon and GFL Environmental are hosting Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Drop-off Days at a new location for the 2019 season, starting Sunday, April 7.

2019 Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off Days
April 7, May 5, June 2, July 7, August 11, September 8, October 6, November 3
9:00 AM – 3:30 PM

City of Saskatoon Civic Operations Centre
57 Valley Road (see map)

For more information visit