Tag Archives: City of Saskatoon

Citizen Budget Goes On the Road

Which civic services are most important to you? Would you like to have your say on how your property taxes are used? Would you like an opportunity to share your priorities and preferences on the City’s 2017 Budget?

With a goal to encourage participation in the annual budget process amongst residents, the City of Saskatoon will be at the Saskatoon Farmer’s Market this Saturday, June 4, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. to gather public feedback and promote Citizen Budget the City’s online interactive and educational tool.

Citizen Budget asks residents if the City should spend more, spend less, or spend the same on a variety of key civic services. The public can experience the complexity of building a City budget, and see the trade-offs that need to be considered when increasing, decreasing or providing the same level of service. Attendees at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market, and at future locations will also have an opportunity to Have Their Say via a dot exercise where they’re invited to indicate their service level expectations and priorities for Budget 2017.

This is the second year for Citizen Budget. Last spring, the City held a public open house at City Hall, and asked residents to complete a survey online and at “on the road” locations. Citizen Budget launched in fall 2015; the public engagement budget activities are earlier this year due to the 2016 Civic Elections, October 26, 2016.

By ‘taking it on the road’ and visiting various locations, City staff hope to increase public participation and feedback that will be considered by Administration and City Council prior to Budget 2017 deliberations this December.

Future dates and locations for Citizen Budget On the Road can be found on saskatoon.ca/financialfuture. The online Citizen Budget tool is open until June 24. Residents wishing to complete a paper survey on their service level preferences, can do so in the lobby of City Hall.

Citizen Budget, and other public engagement activities such as the Annual Civic Services Survey, align with all of the City of Saskatoon’s Strategic Goals. We invest in what matters most to residents; the services we provide are aligned with what citizens expect; when people are actively engaged in the future and governance of their city, and through conversation and working together, we move the city forward, together.

Summer Spray Pads and Outdoor Pool Opening Dates

Cool off this summer at any of the 16 City of Saskatoon spray pads in various locations around the city.

Summer spray pads will open for the season on Wednesday, June 1, 2016, at 10 a.m., and will be operational daily from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
To find a spray pad location near you, please visit www.saskatoon.ca/spraypads or call 306-975-3378.

The outdoor pools will open the following dates:
Lathey Pool & Riversdale Pool – June 15
George Ward Pool & Mayfair Pool – June 20

Community Police Academy

The Saskatoon Police Service is once again accepting applications for the Community Police Academy scheduled for this fall. The goal of the Academy is to give the participants a better understanding of the Police Service through information and education. The people attending the Community Police Academy are members of the Saskatoon community from all walks of life.

The Community Police Academy is a 13 week course held in the fall; weekly sessions are 3 hours long. The sessions will be held in the classroom at the Saskatoon Police Service Headquarters, 76 – 25th Street East, Saskatoon. In addition there will be a ride-along option with a Patrol member and a sit-along in Detention or the Communication units. A Graduation Ceremony will be held upon completion.

The deadline to apply is August 1st. To apply, click this link: http://police.saskatoon.sk.ca/cpa/

If you have any questions, please contact the Community Police Academy Coordinator:
Constable Jing Xiao, Community Liaison Officer
306-975-2296; Jing.Xiao@police.saskatoon.sk.ca

Corner Lot Development meeting

Proposed Regulations for 4-unit Multiple Unit Dwellings on Corner Sites
The amendments for 4-Unit multiple unit dwellings on corner sites will be considered by City Council in 2016.

Discussion of proposal to allow rezoning of corner lots for four unit dwellings
Albert Community Center Auditorium, 7 PM

City website

The Neighbourhood Level Infill Development Strategy recommends development of garden and garage suites. The Strategy is one component of a Comprehensive Plan for infill development within built up areas of the city. The Infill Strategy addresses small scale infill opportunities on individual residential lots, with a scope directed to an assessment of established neighbourhoods within Saskatoon, defined as neighbourhoods located inside Circle Drive, as well as Sutherland and Montgomery.

The Infill Strategy ensures the distinctive development patterns and historic characteristics of pre-war and post-war neighbourhoods are maintained. It proposes regulatory amendments that will help to minimize massing of new developments, regulate infill lot grading, address parking concerns, and protect the streetscape.

Hazardous waste information

Don’t treat household hazardous waste like garbage.

Household hazardous waste includes corrosive, flammable or poisonous materials like pesticides, automotive oil, aerosols, prescription medicine, batteries and mercury-containing items, to name a few. Putting these materials in your garbage or recycling, or pouring them down your drain, contaminates water and landfills.

For a list of places in Saskatoon that accept household hazardous materials for convenient and safe disposal during business hours, including used oil and related products, medication, loose batteries and more, visit Saskatoon.ca/WasteWizard, SaskWasteReduction.ca or call 306-975-2486.

The City of Saskatoon coordinates regular Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Days for residents to drop off items for free. In 2016, a temporary site is set up at SaskTel Centre parking lot (101 – 3515 Thatcher Avenue) from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on:

April 23
May 14
June 18
July 23
August 20
September 10
October 15
November 19

For a list of materials accepted and not accepted at Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Days, visit Saskatoon.ca/HazardousWaste.

Property Owners Accessing City Parks

Reminder: Property Owners Accessing City Parks Require Permission

Spring is a busy time of year for projects in the yard and garden, and around the home. Saskatoon residents with property adjacent to a civic park may wish to use it as an access point for deliveries, equipment, or vehicles related to their projects. In order to ensure that parks are safe and enjoyed by everyone, any type of work in a park that requires vehicles or equipment, or restricts access, must first have approval from the City’s Parks Division.

The Parks Division will evaluate the request, conduct a site inspection, and if reasonable, provide approval. In order to minimize damage, vehicle access will be permitted only when turf conditions are dry and suitable for driving on. The property owner will be responsible for removing any litter or debris, repairing any damage at their own expense, and liable for injury that may occur as a result of the work. City inspectors regularly follow up on complaints and investigate damage to parks.
For more information or to request approval for your project, please call 306-975-3300 or visit www.saskatoon.ca/parks.

Residential Fire Pit Regulations

Due to the unusually dry conditions we have experienced this year, the Saskatoon Fire Department would like to take this time to remind everyone of the regulations for residential fire pits. Currently, we have not issued a fire ban within city limits.

Every use of a fire pit is subject to the following conditions:

– Fire must be contained within a non-combustible fire box constructed of material such as cement, brick or metal and covered with a heavy gauge metal screen. SFD recommends that fire pits be situated at least three metres from any combustible materials (ie. fences or buildings).
– The size of the fire box of any outdoor burning facility shall not exceed .61 cubic metres.
– Only cut, seasoned wood or charcoal shall be used to fuel outdoor fires. Burning tree branches and garden refuse in a fire pit is not permitted.
– All outdoor fires shall have responsible supervision at all times.
– Always have a source of water nearby to extinguish once you are done.
– No person shall light an outdoor fire when the weather conditions are conducive to creating a running fire or allowing the smoke from the fire to be a nuisance to another person (smoke drift).
– If smoke from an open-air fire causes an unreasonable interference with the use and enjoyment of another person’s property, the fire shall be extinguished immediately.

The following items are not permitted to be burned in fire pits within Saskatoon city limits:
– Rubbish
– Garden refuse
– Manure, livestock or animal carcasses
– Any material that is classified as a dangerous good
– Any material that will create dense black smoke when burned
– Any material that will create a foul odour when burned.

A video with information on fire pits can be viewed at Fire Pit Safety

The use of fire pits in Saskatoon is regulated by Fire and Protective Services Bylaw No. 7990. Please note: SFD will extinguish any fires that do not comply with the Bylaw.

Residents who would like to report a fire or fire pit should call 306-975-3030.

Broadway Avenue Improvement begins May 2

Much anticipated work at Broadway Avenue is set to begin this Monday, May 2nd.

“Good weather and good planning has kept this significant project on time and on target,” says Celene Anger, Director of Construction and Design. “With so many contributing factors playing into this project, keeping to the schedule as much as possible has been, and will continue to be a top priority.”

The Broadway Avenue Improvement Project will see extensive water main upgrades and road resurfacing to Broadway Avenue and surrounding areas, with work scheduled to last approximately five months. The project has been specifically designed to minimize impact on the community, allowing for business to remain open and events to take place as normally as possible.

“We’re modernizing the infrastructure under our City’s very first commercial district,” Anger says. “When this work is complete, Broadway Avenue residents and businesses will see a marked reduction in water main breaks, which will mean fewer disruptions for everyone.

“The road resurfacing will make Broadway Avenue look better and last longer. When people attend events like the Fringe Festival, they are going to see a huge difference in the quality of the street surface.”

As the project is starting on time, the scheduled closure of Broadway Bridge is also on target for May 9, and will be closed to vehicle traffic for approximately one week. However, pedestrians and cyclists will be able to use the walkways on the bridge.

“If Broadway Avenue is a typical way downtown, we’re reminding those folks to reroute their commute during the construction and to use another bridge such as the Senator Sid Buckwold Bridge,” she says.

Saskatoon Transit will also be rerouting its commute, using alternate streets including Dufferin Avenue as necessary.

For more information please visit saskatoon.ca/broadway.

Slow down, pay attention and respect work zones. Watch for pedestrians and work crews, and for everyone’s safety, please obey all detours, signs and barriers.

Growth Plan to Half a Million approved

On April 25, 2016, the Growth Plan to Half a Million was approved in principle by City Council. This represents the culmination of over two years of community input and technical work and it will set the stage for our city’s growth over the next 30 to 40 years!

Thank you to everyone that has participated along the way, providing thoughtful comments and questions that have not only helped to shape the plan but will also help us as we begin implementation. This is only the beginning, so stay tuned! There will be many more opportunities for community engagement and input throughout implementation.

Feel free to contact Lesley Anderson, Project Manager, Growing Forward! Shaping Saskatoon if you would like more information or to discuss what this might mean for your community.

Boulevard gardens

Boulevard gardens can create beautiful and diverse streetscapes, add character to neighbourhoods, and increase feelings of community pride and safety. They also increase ecological diversity and create habitat for insects and birds.

A boulevard garden includes non-woody plants such as perennial and annual flowers, herbs, and vegetables. Only trees and shrubs planted by the City of Saskatoon are permitted. Boulevard gardens may include temporary structures that can be moved by one person, including potted plants and birdbaths.

Please note that the City of Saskatoon may require occasional access to the boulevard to maintain underground utilities, build or repair sidewalks, install street signage, access hydrants, or prune street trees. This could mean that plants or other garden features may be removed or damaged.

You may garden on the boulevard adjacent to your home if you read the City of Saskatoon’s Boulevard Gardening & Maintenance Guidelines and complete the Boulevard Garden Agreement here.

Create a Winter City Full of Possibilities

The City of Saskatoon invites you to help shape a new approach to winter in Saskatoon! Join us for a free breakfast session and:
· Be first to hear how we are shaping a Winter City for 2017,
· Share your ideas to inspire winter activity in Saskatoon,
· Vote for ideas you feel will create the greatest winter experience in Saskatoon,*
· Open opportunities to partner with the City on your organization’s winter initiatives, and
· Access the public premiere of Tourism Saskatoon’s winter “Endless Adventures” campaign.

In January 2017, the City will launch a public engagement campaign to develop our inaugural Winter City Strategy. This breakfast is our first step in shaping that strategy. Be a part of a team that generates new ideas and collaborated efforts to inspire recreation and sport; getting around in winter; arts, culture and festivals, and much more.

Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Time: 7:30-8:30am
Location: Le Relais, 308 4th Ave N, Saskatoon
(Free street parking at meters before 9:00am)

Seats are Limited
RSVP to reserve your seat at: — https://www.picatic.com/saskwintercity/

Summer Playground Schedules

Draining and filling times vary for each pool. Please check with staff at site to confirm hours of operation.

Paddling pools will close during unsuitable weather conditions (14 ºC or less and/or when raining heavily)

Weekday Playground Program
Opening the week of June 29 – Aug 25
Monday – Thursday 10:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Friday 12:00 – 4:30 p.m.

Your nearest Playground is at the
Albert Recreation Unit
506 Clarence Avenue

Weekend Playground Program Hours
July 9 – Aug 21 (Open Aug 1)
Saturday & Sunday 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Your nearest Weekend Playground Program is
Greystone Heights Recreation Unit
2711 Main Street

Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Month

March is Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Month!

In 1966, The United Nations declared March 21 as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in commemoration of the 1960 Sharpeville massacre in South Africa when peaceful demonstrators against apartheid were wounded and killed. In 1990, City Council proclaimed March as Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Month in the City of Saskatoon.

Join us! The Cultural Diversity & Race Relations Committee presents “Living in Harmony” awards to recognize local organizations or individuals for their efforts in promoting intercultural harmony. The winners will be announced at a public “Living in Harmony” Awards Ceremony at 10 a.m. Monday, March 21, 2016, Tommy Douglas Collegiate (130 Bowlt Crescent). More information can be found here.

Elder’s Teachings – Saskatoon Police Workshops

Elder’s Teachings – Introduction to Indigenous Spirituality
By Walter and Maria Linklater

Saskatoon Police Service is proud to host a series of educational workshops:

Wed. March 23, 2016, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm: Creation Story and Wheel of Live teachings
Wed. April 6, 2016, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm: Ceremonies and Protocol
Wed. April 13, 2016, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm: Womens Teachings (all can attend, not restricted to women)
Wed. April 27, 2016, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm): Connecting the past to the future, where we have been and where we are going.

Attend one of all of the sessions. Register early as it will be first come, first served. Lunch will be served.
The teachings will be held in the Culture Room at Saskatoon Police Services, 76 – 25th Street East, Saskatoon, SK
Please RSVP to Janice Linklater 306-975-2278
Email: janice.linklater@police.saskatoon.sk.ca