In May 2023 Saskatoon City Council approved the Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan.
As part of this, the City will be working with the community to create land use and zoning plans for five specific corridor plan areas (largely within Circle Drive, see map above) to enable new housing development. Community members are invited to offer input on proposed land use plans that are intended to go to City Council for approval Spring 2024. If the proposed land use plans receive City Council approval, the City will lead the rezoning process in these areas at no cost for any interested landowner within a Corridor Plan Area. For landowners and other stakeholders, the ultimate purpose of the project is to simplify the process of creating new housing.
We will be holding engagement sessions for this project in each of the five plan areas over the next couple of months, and everyone is invited to attend and give their feedback.
22nd Street
Wed. October 11
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Station 20 West
1120 20th St W
Wed. October 18
6:00–8:30 p.m.
Cosmopolitan Seniors Centre
614 11th St E
Thurs. October 26
6:00–8:00 p.m.
Round Prairie Library
250 Hunter Rd – #170
Wed. November 1
6:30–8:30 p.m.
St. Michael Community School
22 33rd St E
8th Street
Thurs. November 9
5:30-7:30 p.m.
The Centre Mall (West)
3310 8th St E (West side -door 1)
An interactive online survey is available for people who want to participate virtually or are unable to attend in person. Project updates will be available at
If you have any questions about the upcoming land use and rezoning engagements, please send an email to and someone will get back to you.
The City of Saskatoon is committed to working with the community to find ways to increase housing availability for all. More projects with a similar aim will be coming up as part of the Action Plan. You can find out more information at
If you are interested in joining our mailing list to stay informed of this rezoning opportunity and to find out about potential related incentives, please click this link and fill out the form.
If you are looking for information on any aspect of the City of Saskatoon’s Corridor Planning Program please reach out to our project team at We are looking to make the Corridor Plans as inclusive as possible, so please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think may be interested.