Category Archives: City of Saskatoon

Fall Street Sweeping

Don’t get swept away!!

With winter trying to make an early entrance, crews are busy with the annual fall sweeping program! As you clear up leaves from your yard this fall we want to remind you that City street sweepers will be in your neighbourhood over the next couple of weeks, removing leaves and debris from roads in heavily treed neighbourhoods. Remember it’s illegal to push leaves onto the street (The Street Use Bylaw). Extra leaves on roadways can cause spring drainage issues. Leaves can be placed loose in your green cart, taken to compost depots, or bagged and put into black carts. Learn more at or call our 24-hour customer service centre at 306-975-2476.

The sweeping program is expected to start Monday, October 15, and is determined by the weather and the amount of leaves on the ground. Be on the lookout for the bright yellow No Parking signs that let you know your street is about to be swept – reminding you to move your vehicle off the street to avoid a possible ticket and tow. Find your neighbourhood sweeping schedule at and monitor City of Saskatoon Service Alerts to hear about unexpected changes that can affect your sweeping day.

Buena Vista​​ – October 16 & 24
Nutana – October 16, 19 & 24
Varsity View (North) – North of 14th Street E Only – October 15 & 19
Holiday Park – Avenues Only – October 17
King George – Avenues Only​ – October 17
Riversdale* – Avenues Only​ – October 23
Caswell Hill* – East of Avenue H Only – October 18 & 22
Mayfair* – Avenues Only – October 22
City Park* – East of 3rd Avenue and South of Duchess Street – October 15, 18 & 23

Public Meeting: Rezoning for High-rise


Date:Thursday, September 13, 2018
Start time: 7:00 PM
Location: Brunskill School – 101 Wiggins Avenue (Small Gymnasium)
Re: 1006 College Drive & 421 Clarence Avenue North Proposed Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning
Applicant: North Prairie Developments

The City of Saskatoon has received applications from North Prairie Developments to amend the Official Community Plan and rezone 1006 College Drive and 421 Clarence Avenue North in the Varsity View neighbourhood (the vacant property adjacent to the intersection of College Drive and Clarence Avenue North).

The purpose of these applications is to facilitate the development of a multiple-unit residential building at this location consisting of:
– 12 floors above grade with approximately 170 residential units; and
– 4 parking levels below grade with approximately 230 parking spaces.

These applications require approval from City Council.

The purpose of this meeting is to provide neighbouring residents the opportunity to learn details of the applicant’s proposal and the rezoning process, and to gather public input on this matter.

Representatives of the City of Saskatoon and North Prairie Developments will each make a presentation, followed by a question and answer session.

Board of Police Commissioners Meeting

You Are Invited To A Community Meeting with the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners

In its conduit role between the public and the Saskatoon Police Service, the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners is very pleased to extend this invitation to your Association, all of its Members, and the public to attend a Community Meeting to discuss issues that impact our city.

Meeting Date: Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Meeting Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Location: Saskatoon Farmers’ Market

The format for the Police Commission’s public consultation will include a brief overview / presentation followed by questions & answers from the floor and discussion on each issue. Planned topics include:
• Cannabis and the community,
• The newly formed Safe Community Action Alliance,
• De-escalation techniques employed by police to minimize potentially dangerous situations , and
• Street Checks / Contact Interviews policies and procedures.

The Community Meeting, hosted by the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners and intended to expand community dialogue on key issues, is open to the public.

Your participation is invited!

Rezoning for High Rise


Date:Thursday, September 13, 2018
Start time: 7:00 PM
Location: Brunskill School – 101 Wiggins Avenue (Small Gymnasium)
Re: 1006 College Drive & 421 Clarence Avenue North Proposed Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning
Applicant: North Prairie Developments

The City of Saskatoon has received applications from North Prairie Developments to amend the Official Community Plan and rezone 1006 College Drive and 421 Clarence Avenue North in the Varsity View neighbourhood (the vacant property adjacent to the intersection of College Drive and Clarence Avenue North).

The purpose of these applications is to facilitate the development of a multiple-unit residential building at this location consisting of:
– 12 floors above grade with approximately 170 residential units; and
– 4 parking levels below grade with approximately 230 parking spaces.

These applications require approval from City Council.

The purpose of this meeting is to provide neighbouring residents the opportunity to learn details of the applicant’s proposal and the rezoning process, and to gather public input on this matter.

Representatives of the City of Saskatoon and North Prairie Developments will each make a presentation, followed by a question and answer session.

Proposed Non-Conforming High Rise at College & Clarence Avenue

There is a proposal to rezone the corner of College and Clarence to allow a 12-storey 171-unit high rise with four below- grade parking levels. A public consultation meeting is scheduled for mid or late September. It will likely be on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evening. The date is not yet set. If you would like to be kept informed of this development, please email me at

Rezoning for high density housing has both supporters and detractors. Supporters suggest that high density housing will:
• Reduce development costs and taxes
• Reduce loss of farmland
• Increase public transit ridership
Detractors wonder why:
• Increased housing density in Saskatoon has been accompanied by higher taxes
• Space for people to live a healthy life is not equally important as farmland
• Non conforming development is allowed when we took so much time to develop local area plans which allow for a wide variety of housing types within Varsity View

What do the facts say about these positions? Infill and high density housing have the advantage of requiring less new roads and sewer pipes. However, there are many other contributions to our overall tax bill. One major area is policing. Between 2006 and 2015 spending on policing jumped by 80% or 64% on an inflation adjusted basis, population growth was 23%. There is evidence that violent crime is linked to areas of high population density. Cities that demolish low income high density housing and disperse the residents to lower density housing reduce the City wide violent crime rate. It is not a coincidence that Toronto’s gun crime is centered on a few apartment complexes.

Reduce loss of farmland is self evident. How important that is in a Country that is one of the largest in the World is a matter for debate. When it comes to biodiversity, there is clearly a greater variety of plant and animal life in the average backyard in Varsity View than you will find in the average wheat field.

Increased public transport use goes to the high density camp. Overall, about 7.3% of Varsity View residents take public transport to work compared with 4.3% for the City as a whole. At a guess, a new 171-unit high rise will add an extra 5 riders compared to a combination of development within our zoning rules and low rise development in the ‘burbs.

Wherever you sit on this issue, please attend the meeting with the City to discuss the rezoning application. Meetings with good attendance carry a much greater weight than those with poor attendance.

Police Notice of Thefts

Message from the Saskatoon Police Services:

The City Police would like to bring your attention to an increase of thefts in the communities of Buena Vista, Nutana as well as the Exhibition areas. This notice is to all of the East Side Community Associations, as this information, although mainly affecting the above noted neighborhoods, would be of interest to all area neighborhoods.

Bicycles, sports equipment, as well as tools are being stolen out of vehicles and outbuildings (detached garages, sheds). Saskatoon Police are noticing that the people responsible for the thefts are wandering around your neighborhoods at night checking door handles of vehicles, and buildings. If any vehicles, or building is found to be unlocked, these people help themselves to whatever property they can get ahold of.

Saskatoon Police Services are requesting that if you have anything of value, anything you don’t want stolen, Please take it into your homes. If you have bikes, please lock the bike up with appropriate bike locks, and then please lock the garage or outbuilding you have it stored in.

A laminated sign – “All Valuables Removed” – can be picked up from Saskatoon City Police, or if you have a group that you think would benefit from such a sign, an officer personally drop some off. They are used to place in your vehicle to deter people breaking in.

We are all responsible for the security of our homes, and property, and working together we can prevent crime.

Cst. Patrick Skinnider #664
East Community Liaison Officer
Saskatoon Police Services

City Police “Contact Interview Guidelines”

Information Update to Community Stakeholders and Request for Comment on
“Contact Interview Guidelines for Municipal Police Services in Saskatchewan”

The Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners, as the conduit between the community and the Saskatoon Police Service, has communicated previously and received feedback from the community, on the issue of “Street Checks”, also referred to here as “Contact Interviews”.

When the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners asked for feedback from the public on this issue in the spring of 2016, it received well over 100 responses, all of which were sent to the Saskatchewan Police Commission for its consideration in developing guidelines for use by municipal police services. Now that the Saskatchewan Police Commission has issued its guidelines, the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners would like to, again, share this information as well as obtain the views, opinions and suggestions of stakeholders in Saskatoon.

Contact Interview Provincial Policy Summary July 2018 PDF

The Police Commission would appreciate your input on the provincial Policy. A brief (only 4 questions) survey on this issue can be completed on behalf of groups or by individuals, and is available on the Police Commission website until August 31, 2018 at

Building Saskatoon’s Sporting Future

Saskatoon is an active, competitive, sporting city. But more people want to play than there are facilities to accommodate them.

The Master Plan for the Gordie Howe Sports Complex will expand our city’s capacity and address real need in our community.

Maximizing the use of new and upgraded facilities, the Master Plan will increase access to safe, reliable facilities for multiple winter and summer sporting activities in Saskatoon and area, allowing many more people to participate.

The Master Plan includes indoor and outdoor training and playing facilities to accommodate development programs for multiple sports, enable year-round training, reduce game cancellations due to poor weather and help athletes of all ages and abilities excel here at home.

Over 175,000 people will benefit every year.

The Gordie Howe Sports Complex aims to become the premier sports park in Western Canada, and a magnet for more national and international events.

Be a part of Saskatoon’s sporting future — Join the team building a better place to play!

Gordie Howe Sports Complex flyer

City Collection Calendar

Your yearly collection calendar is going paperless for 2019

Get your calendar the way you want it: search your home address for a printable calendar or add it to your electronic calendar applications, such as Outlook, iCal or Google. Need help? Call our customer service centre at 306-975-2486 or email. We’ll even send you reminders via email, phone, text message, Twitter or with our Saskatoon Recycle & Waste app on Google Play or the App Store.

Councillor Cynthia Block – July 2018

I hope you’ve been getting in some Saskatooning this month. It’s been an exceptionally great summer in the city with fabulous weather, festivals and downtown events. It’s also been a busy one at City Hall. Here are some highlights:

Growth Summit
This special meeting of all members of City Council was designed to flush out the way forward for transportation, as directed by the Growth Plan. Chambers was filled with many thoughtful residents who weighed in on Bus Rapid Transit, Bike lanes and vehicle traffic. I have also received hundreds of emails, letters and phone calls. Thanks to everyone for getting involved. Here are a few things to know:

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
This consumed most of the discussion as there are some concerns about where to route the project. BRT is designed to change HOW we do transit in the city and thereby increase ridership, reduce vehicle congestion and ensure Saskatoon is prepared for the future – for the same operational cost that we spend today. For the downtown route 3rd Avenue is recommended, but if 1st Avenue is a viable alternative I would prefer it. The Broadway routing is a concern for me. In theory, there could be a lot of upside for any street that takes on BRT, but preserving the overall character of Broadway must remain paramount in my view. Timeline for construction could begin within the next 2 years subject to capital funding from other levels of government.

All Ages and Abilities Cycling Network
The word “network” is key, as this has shown to be the precursor to increased usage. Cities across North America, including cold cities like ours (Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton) are moving to this model in order to improve traffic flow, enhance safety and increase options for those who either cycle or use other wheels. This could go a long way to improve Saskatoon’s accessibility for those who use wheel chairs, scooters and walkers. Note, I continue to oppose the 4th Avenue bike lanes and if the BRT can be moved to 1st Avenue, I would give serious consideration to moving the bike lanes to 3rd Avenue. It would allow a seamless multi-modal corridor from 8th Street, down Victoria Avenue, across the Traffic Bridge and onto 3rd Avenue. Timeline for completion of the AAA network isn’t known, but it could begin this year.

Imagine Idylwyld
This plan has been in the works for years and included intensive engagement with stakeholders. The main directive for this project is to IMPROVE TRAFFIC FLOW. Some media reports have been confusing, but there will be no reduction in traffic flow by adding cycling lanes. Sound too good to be true? It turns out that the current design is flawed on a number of levels and by fixing those issues we will have additional space that can be used for a raised cycling track, away from vehicle traffic. Midtown Plaza presented at the Growth Summit, indicating its planned $80 million dollar investment relied on the Imagine Idylwyld Plan, both for its aesthetic and multi-modal design.

Council has passed a bylaw that will allow the sale of cannabis once it becomes legal in October. Of note, cannabis sales will be prohibited within 60 metres of schools.

Council approved funding to further study the option for a waste utility, which would include black/blue/green bins and the option to Pay as You Throw (PAYT) based on bin size. There will be NO double-dipping if this moves forward, as the garbage fees would be taken off of taxes and moved to the utility. The current waste management system is unsustainable both financially and environmentally. In short, these changes are designed to reduce overall costs, avoid large tax increases and divert 70% of our waste away from the landfill. More info here.

Taxis and Uber/Lyft
A committee of Council is recommending the approval of a stand-alone bylaw for ride-share companies, known as TNC’s (Transportation Network Company). This would enable companies such as Uber and Lyft to operate in Saskatoon once the province’s regulatory framework is in place, which is expected in October. At the same time, the committee’s recommendations include a number of requirements to ensure safety and a fair playing field for the taxi industry. The recommendation will go before Council in July.

Residential Parking Permit (RPP)
The implementation of the expanded RPP has been delayed, but the changes will be in place by September 1st. Those who live in the Varsity View neighbourhood will see implementation by August 1st.

The City continues to offer a special program for anyone who would like assistance to mitigate flooding. The first 400 residents to sign up will receive a personal assessment at a subsidized cost of $125. You can find more information here. * Note, those who live in a designated flood zone are offered this service free of charge.

Main Street Centre Median
As promised, I pursued this issue at our last Council meeting, and administration has confirmed remediation of the landscaping will take place after last fall’s efforts fell short. The remediation covers areas that received major roadwork last summer. However, the overall condition of centre medians in Ward 6 is fair – poor. I plan to introduce a motion that would look into better options to maintain this landscaping.

Coffee with Your Councillor
I hope you’ll join me for the next Ward 6
Coffee with Your Councillor
Tuesday, July 17th
4pm – 6pm (*on the deck, weather permitting)
Nosh Eatery on Broadway

What’s the best part of a Saskatoon summer? Aside from the fabulous summer events, my favourite part is the casual walks/runs along Meewasin, Broadway or around my neighbourhood – with the dog, of course. Also, an over-indulgence at the Farmer’s Market is irresistible. What an amazing city to call home.

Wishing you the very best of our Saskatoon summer,

– Cynthia

Residential Parking Zones – Update

Varsity View RPP expansion area – East of Clarence (VVCA neighbourhood)
Residential Parking Program will take effect August 1, 2018
• installation of signs is underway (to be completed by July 31st) and will be bagged until the Program takes effect
• Letters will be sent to residents – week of July 9, 2018
• Permits available for purchase any time after July 9, 2018
• Permits will be effective until August 31, 2019 to coincide with renewal period of all Varsity View RPP blocks.

Varsity View RPP expansion area – West of Clarence (Nutana neighbourhood)
Residential Parking Program will take effect Sept 1, 2018
• installation of signs – complete by August 31st
• Letters sent to residents – week of August 6, 2018
• Permits available for purchase any time after August 6th

Letters that will be sent to residents will include the following information:
• Details about the RPP program, and the expansion of the program to their block
• Date of implementation on their block
• Information about when the permits are in effect (days/times of the week)
• How much permits costs, and where they can be purchased (including information required to be provided at time of purchase)

See original post here.

Police Pipes & Drums Concert


Wednesday, June 20, 2018
River Landing Amphitheatre, Rotary Park & River Landing
Time: 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Admission: no cost
Saskatoon Police Pipes & Drums Annual Summer Concert.

The Saskatoon Police Pipes and Drums is a proud organization with a long history in the Saskatchewan pipe band community. While embracing the traditions of ceremonial police pipe bands, the The Saskatoon Police Pipes and Drums strives to play at a professional and competitive musical standard.

Residential Parking Zones

Residential Parking Permit Zone Expanded
Many areas in the Varsity View and Grosvenor Park neighbourhood experience significant on-street parking congestion, usually generated by the nearby hospital and university. The Residential Parking Program (RPP) was established to minimize this congestion by limiting non-resident parking to a maximum amount of time so that on-street space is continuously made available in these areas. The RPP zone in the Varsity View area has been expanded and new signage indicating the extent of the zones will be in place beginning September 1, 2018.

Residents of an RPP zone may be able to purchase an RPP permit which allows them to park their vehicle near their homes beyond the posted time limit. Parking Enforcement vehicles regularly patrol RPP zones. Vehicles parked on the street beyond the posted time limit are ticketed if they do not display a valid RPP permit. Residents of apartments or multi-unit dwellings can contact City of Saskatoon Customer Services at 306-975-2400 to find out if they are eligible.

Permits can be purchased at Customer Service on the main floor of City Hall (222 3rd Ave North).

Resident Permit
• $25.00 plus applicable taxes.
• Prorated to $12.50 if purchased six months after the zone’s permit renewal date.
• For residents of an RPP zone.
• Not transferable between vehicles (i.e. permit is issued to a specific vehicle).
• Limit one permit per resident.

Visitor Permit
• $5.00 plus applicable taxes, or $25.00 plus taxes if purchased in place of a resident permit.
• Prorated to $2.50 (or $12.50) if purchased six months after the zone’s permit renewal date.
• For residents of an RPP zone to provide to their visitors as needed.
• Transferable between vehicles.
• Limit one permit per residence.

Temporary Permit
• $1.00 per day plus applicable taxes.
• For short-term use by residents and non-residents.
• Valid only for the dates indicated on the permit.

All applicants are required to prove that they reside within an RPP zone by providing a current driver’s license and vehicle registration, along with any one of the following documents:
• utility bill
• phone/internet/cable bill
• residence confirmation from landlord
• lease agreement

Applicants of eligible apartment buildings must provide a letter from the landlord stating that the dwelling unit does not have an assigned off-street parking space. In instances where the resident is not the registered owner of the vehicle, but is the principal operator, the owner must sign an affidavit declaring possession of that vehicle.
Persons driving corporate vehicles must provide proof of employment with the corporation or ownership of the corporation. An employment contract, a letter on corporate letterhead signed by an official of the company, shareholder agreement, business card, etc. are all acceptable forms of documentation.

For more information about RPP permits, contact Parking Services at 306-975-2400.

City of Saskatoon Residential Parking Program webpage.

Reconciliation Artwork Unveiling

On behalf of the Saskatoon Tribal Council and the City of Saskatoon, you are invited to attend the upcoming unveiling event for the Where Our Paths Cross Reconciliation Commemorative Artwork, “The Coming Spring,” on Wednesday, June 20, 2018, in Victoria Park (Spading Crescent West, between Ave D and Ave E).

Unveiling Event
6:30 AM – 8:30 AM Pipe ceremony
8:30 AM – 9:00 AM Coffee and bannock
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Unveiling Ceremony

“The Coming Spring,” by Canadian artist, Gordon Reeve, was commissioned by the Saskatoon Tribal Council and the City of Saskatoon, with funding from the Government of Canada. Its creation is in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action, No. 79: educating and creating a sense of shared awakening.

Cool off this summer!

Paddling Pools, Spray Pads and Outdoor Pools – cool off this summer!

Summer Spray Pads will open for the season on Friday, June 1st, and will be operational daily from 10 am to 8 pm. All spray pads are activated by push buttons located near the spray features. Please note that spray pad sites located on or near school grounds have timers and are set to turn spray features off during recess and lunch breaks. Shut-off times will vary according to individual school schedules.

To find a spray pad location near you, please visit or call 306-975-3378.

The outdoor pools will open the following dates:
Riversdale Pool – June 10th
Lathey Pool and– June 13th
George Ward Pool – June 19th
Mayfair Pool – June 18th

National Aboriginal Day 2018

National Aboriginal Day – Thursday, June 21st
You are invited to join the 3rd annual ‘Rock Your Roots’ Walk for Reconciliation on Thursday, June 21, 2018.

This year, the theme is “Planting the Seed”. By walking together, we plant the seeds of reconciliation – honouring survivors and answering the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action as we grow a more inclusive community.

Starting at 9:30 a.m. at Victoria Park, the Rock Your Roots walk will feature a variety of traditional and multicultural dances, music and performances along the way.

The walk culminates at 11:30 a.m. joining National Indigenous Peoples Day celebrations hosted by the Saskatoon Indian and Métis Friendship Centre including lunch, special guest speakers, entertainment and fun for all the family!