Category Archives: VVCA

October 2024 board meeting

Overview of discussions at the October 16, 2024 VVCA board meeting:

– Constable Tomaz of the Saskatoon City Police Services spoke about how to best create our own personal safety. Thank you for coming to the meeting, speaking and answering questions!
– discussions about inviting a Sociology professor to talk about the effects of surveillance.
– special events committee for VVCA 40th anniversary event discussed plans. Date is Saturday June 14 (so far) and primary goal is to engage kids and have interactive activities for all. Need to confirm details, create budget and then apply for grants.
– VVCA will contact City about application for maintaining community ski trails (Grosvenor Park and President Murray Park). VVCA authorized expenditures.
– Winter newsletter deadline is December 1, off to the printer by December 15.
– City organized rink coordinator event coming up at the end of October for anyone interested.
– fall street sweeping has begun.
– financials look good. Will do some higher-interest GICs for short terms.
– tree planting on 14th Street had some donations made, which will go to water for next year and maybe a sign. Working on a sign for the site to explain purpose and thank people and organizations who helped.
– indoor programs going ahead. Babysitting is now complete with a good turnout. Winter session programs will be booked October 28.
– two indoor soccer teams are off and running, with games running from October 26 to March 9, 2025.
– Fredy has been working on the rink boards.
– City has informed our Albert Community Centre representative that VVCA (and Nutana Community Association) will no longer be part of the management committee of the Centre. This was a surprise. Terms ends at the end of 2024. Any recourse?
– Community Garden has had a good year, despite some homeless visitors and crack pipes. Sheds were broken into a couple weeks ago. Finances are good.
– next meeting is Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 7PM, Brunskill School library. All are welcome to attend.

Dutch Elm Disease in Varsity View

Fall 2024

The City of Saskatoon Parks Department has confirmed a new positive case of Dutch elm disease (DED) in an elm tree in the Varsity View neighbourhood and has initiated its DED Response Plan. DED is a serious disease caused by a fungus that clogs the elm tree’s water and nutrient conducting system, which eventually causes the tree to die. In Saskatoon, elms make up 25% of our urban forest. Help protect our elms by learning how you can help prevent DED.

What is DED?

DED is a serious disease caused by a fungus that clogs the elm tree’s water and nutrient conducting system, which eventually causes the tree to die. DED was introduced in North America in the 1930s and has since wiped out millions of elms across Canada and the United States.  

How is DED spread?

In Saskatchewan, the disease is spread by several species of elm bark beetles. These beetles can fly farther than two kilometres in search of elm trees. The DED fungus has tiny spores that stick to the body of the beetle. Elm bark beetles can carry these spores and infect other elm trees. The fungus can also be spread through root grafts between trees and by infected pruning tools. 

What does DED look like?

American elm trees with DED may start showing symptoms as early as June. Typically, the leaves will start to wilt and turn yellow, then curl and turn brown. Residents who start to notice any of these symptoms, are encouraged to complete the online form below or call Urban Biological Services at 306-975-2890.

September 18 2024 board meeting

Good crowd at our board meeting last night! Thank you all for coming out and your interest in keeping our community welcoming and safe!

Overview of discussions at our September 18 regular board meeting:
– general discussions about safety and personal and property security in the neighbourhood. Incidents of garage arson, thefts and the like were shared. What are solutions? VVCA to share important contact info in future newsletters (police, property bylaw enforcement, nuisance animals, encampments, etc). NOTE that Constable Tomaz of the Saskatoon City Police will speak at our October meeting.
– Holly Ann will join the newsletter committee.
– Dylan is our new soccer coordinator.
– VVCA anniversary party is being planned for next summer. Tentative date is Saturday, June 14 2025, 11am – 7pm, in President Murray Park. Have to book park with City (2 permits required), plus more if we want any streets closed. Ideas for party: interactive games, crafts, book swap, ethnic dancing, cafe, history table, artists’ works, live music, bouncey castles, food trucks, vendors? Need planning nailed down by early December so can apply for Sask Lotteries grant in January. Budget approx $10,000, hope to recoup half with grant.
– City is reviewing its relationship with Community Associations. Upcoming meeting on Sept 23 – encourage CA members attending or filling out the online survey.
– finances good. Payments to program instructors later this fall. Hope to move some money to higher interest savings.
– programs are doing well. No registrations for Art for Adults – registration has been extended.
– basketball coordinator has a volunteer ‘shadowing’ Tammy to learn the ropes
– 2 teams in soccer, U7 and U9.
– Albert Community Centre occasionally gets inquiries to VVCA still. Bookings are not an immediate thing, so potential bookings need some patience while ACC manager sorts out spaces. Renovations to building are also 2 months behind, which throws another wrinkle on room rentals.
– community garden will have a work-bee later this fall to clean up the site and prep for winter. Large garbage containers have been removed and replaced with residential-sized recycling bins. Some issue with a tent being pitched in the garden area.
– suggestion to be proactive with any Grade 8 potential ask for a graduation donation by asking for volunteer time throughout the year, ie: rink, community cleanup, anniversary party.
– next meeting is Wednesday, October 16, 7PM, Brunskill School library.

Keeping secure and safe depends on strong community

A gathering of nearly 30 friends and neighbours came together at a home on University Drive in September to share concerns about personal safety and property security in the neighbourhood. The gathering was a strong indication of the importance of neighbours watching out for neighbours.

Following numerous on-the-sidewalk chats with Ward 6 neighbours about what appears to be an uptick in break-ins, suspicious and threatening behaviour, theft, confrontations, a serious assault, property damage and vandalism, a neighbourhood couple arranged a meeting with Constable Jason Tomaz, Community Engagement, Saskatoon Police Service.

Constable Tomaz made various recommendations about personal safety and reminded residents that common sense, as well as that tingling sense at the back of the neck, is often the best protection. He advised carrying a cell phone, avoiding walking in dark alleys at night, be aware of surroundings when walking, lock car doors when traveling/parking, avoiding groups of people when in a potentially vulnerable situation, and keep home, garage and shed doors locked.

He made several suggestions in the event of a confrontation, including staying calm, complying with demands like turning over a purse or wallet, avoiding physical retaliation, and call police immediately. Do not pursue the person (if a canine unit is dispatched, the dogs need a clear starting point to begin a search). He noted that it’s easy to say “keep calm,” but it’s important in a potentially dangerous situation. He reminded people to stay alert, and take note of as much detail as possible to assist police. Try to give as an exact location as possible, and provide information about what the person/s was wearing, the vehicle/bicycle, anything unusual about the person, if you heard voices, noises. Note the time. Constable Tomaz said the more immediate the reporting and the more detail, the better chance police, K9 units and police aircraft have of locating the suspects.

Residents at the neighbourhood meeting wondered if all incidents need to be reported, especially if they appear to be minor or items stolen “might not be worth that much.” Constable Tomaz  said all incidents need to be reported so police have a clear and ongoing picture of activity in a neighbourhood. What is a minor theft to one resident might be connected to more serious incidents down the block or may be connected to suspects stealing even small items to sell for drug money. Make neighbours aware of suspicious or criminal activity. Email networks, or free phone apps like WhatsApp are useful tools.

Homeowners Karin and Rick, hosts for the neighbourhood gathering, said they started a communications network years ago. “We began connecting with neighbours with the ulterior motive that people would keep an eye out for our son who has a disability. We knew he could get help if he ever needed it. That network has grown a lot over the years and we now keep in touch about break-ins, lost cats, can you keep an eye on our house while we’re away, someone was causing a disturbance on the street at 3 a.m. Our neighbour Sheila is organizing a WhatsApp group. It was great to hear Constable Tomaz reinforce how important it is for a community to stay connected.”

The Saskatoon Police Service crime map outlines the various types of criminal activity/incidents, and reviews can be done by date, neighbourhood:

If the situation is an emergency, call 911.

A variety of incidents can be reported to the Saskatoon Police Service (SPS) at 306-975-8300. Online reporting is available at the SPS website under “Report A Crime”. Check the list for what qualifies for on-line reporting. Use this link for crime reporting FAQs: Alternatively, reports can be submitted in person at the Saskatoon Police Station. Constable Tomaz recommends doing so in the mornings, if possible, as afternoons can be busier with a longer wait.

There is a bylaw against encampments in parks and along the riverbank. Enforcement mostly falls to the Fire Department. For non-emergencies, call 306-975-3030. If urgent (i.e. active fire or if one feels threatened) call 911.

Cumberland Park dry storm pond information event

In 2025, the City will begin construction of a dry storm pond in Cumberland Park which, once complete, will reduce the flood risk for several properties in your neighbourhood during intense rain events.

You are invited to a come-and-go event to learn more about the upcoming project:
Wednesday September 11, 2024
Brunskill School – Large Gym
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

This is where you will have an opportunity to talk about the new dry storm pond with City staff, provide feedback, and ask any questions you may have.

Additionally, we are now pleased to share renderings that can show you what the dry storm pond and surrounding area will look like once complete. Please visit and find the “Cumberland Park Redesign” tile. This is where we have uploaded a recorded presentation that includes the renderings, information on how the dry storm pond will function, and an explanation on the various stages of construction. Please watch this video presentation prior to the event as it may answer some of your initial questions you may have about the upcoming project.

Lastly, a survey has also been launched on the Cumberland Park Redesign webpage, which will allow you to share any initial feedback you may have about the project. The survey will remain open until approximately a week after the information session has been completed.

VVBM Community Garden update

Varsity View Bishop Murray Community Garden Celebrates 14 Years of Growing Together

Now in its 14th year of growing, Varsity View Bishop Murray Community Garden (VVBMCG) enables the gardening ambitions of over 80 families and a variety of local partners including Bishop Murray School, White Buffalo Youth Lodge, Lady of Lourdes’ sponsored refugees and Saskatoon Open Door Society. A unique partnership on the school grounds, the garden is an extension of VVCA and led by a volunteer committee of gardeners.

With two levels of options for fees/volunteer hours, the garden provides growing opportunities and just as importantly, community and social engagement for like-minded hobbyists. A highlight of this social engagement is the Summer Garden Party, held each July and organized by the Garden Committee.

At this year’s Summer Garden Party, we recognized two former Garden Committee members with a Lifetime Membership Award. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the garden in many ways over several years. Former Committee members Patty Lozowchuk and Rebekah Bennetch provided years of leadership on the committee, focusing on our Terrace space and in our volunteer garden administration.  We thank these exceptional volunteers and value the enrichment gardening adds to our community.

For more information about the VVBMCG or to inquire about a plot in 2025, please email We do not monitor this over the winter months and new gardeners are invited to apply in the Spring each year.

June 12 board meeting

Overview of discussions at the June 12 2024 board meeting:

– Movie in the school grounds is Thursday June 13. Set up at 4pm, pizza at 6pm and movie at 6:30pm
– Community cleanup is this Saturday June 15, 8am – 1pm, Church of Latter Day Saints parking lot (10th and Cumberland). Volunteers and trucks most welcome to help out!
– Some Brunskill grade 8 grads will be helping out in the Grosvenor Park area. Thank you!
– Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) flyer was delivered around the neighbourhood. VVCA did not end up funding the printing or distribution.
– discussion about HAF. 4 storey development no okay in interior of neighbourhoods. Need a made-in-Saskatoon solution to housing. Will this create affordable housing? Why isn’t U of S College Quarter being developed?
– tree planting on 14th Street went well. 31 people came out to help plant 19 trees, 6 grass shrubs and 18 yards of mulch. Thank you to the City of Saskatoon, Luke at City Gardens, SOS Trees and all the volunteers who came out to help!
– newsletter deadline for photos and articles is July 1. Newsletter will be delivered near the end of August/early September.
– finances in good shape. Still need to pay some instructors and other expenses.
– working on fall program booking. New programs: Babysitting, Home Alone, and possibly Adult and Child Learn to Folkdance. Registration is scheduled for September 5 & 10.
– when does Indoor Soccer registration start? Saw a post on SYSI Facebook about it…
– we should be getting a ‘No Dogs’ sign from the City to install on the rink. Irresponsible owners don’t clean up after their pet.
– Albert Community Centre has hired a new Building Program Coordinator. ACC will enter the website and social media era!
– Community Garden had their work bee in May. Theft from the garden (shed) is an issue.
– City is proceeding with dry pond at Cumberland Park. Information was distributed to the community by the City. More information to come in the summer.
– Sask Polytech is seeking input on its planned move to U of S Innovation Place area.
– no VVCA meetings in July and August. Next meeting is Wednesday, September 18.

Cumberland Park dry pond

 On May 29, 2024, Saskatoon City Council approved the City’s fifth Flood Control Strategy (FCS) project. In 2025, new storm water infrastructure will be installed near Cumberland Avenue South and Main Street, which will connect to a new dry storm pond in Cumberland Park. The dry pond will temporarily hold storm water that would have previously ponded on the streets and nearby properties. Once the overall system has capacity, the dry pond will drain through the existing storm sewer system to the South Saskatchewan River. 

 The current timeline is as follows: 

  • Excavation and landscaping in Cumberland Park: February-October 2025 
  • Installation of new storm sewer infrastructure: May-October 2025 
  • Re-establishment of park landscaping: October 2025-Fall 2026 

Please visit to learn more about the project and timeline from now until the project is complete. 

May 2024 board meeting

Overview of discussions at VVCA board meeting of Wednesday, May 15, 2024:

– Concern that many residents don’t know about the proposed zoning changes. VVCA to fund distribution of zoning information flyers to Varsity View and Grosvenor Park neighbourhoods. Flyer to printer tomorrow and then delivered this weekend or early next.
– Jon to attend (via video submission?) Municipal Planning Commission (May 28) and City Council (June) to ask that zoning changes be delayed. Too many changes, too fast. Concerns about infrastructure, schools capacity, parking, BRT implementation, etc.
– date of Community Cleanup changed to June 15.
– introduction of committee to plan VVCA’s 40th Anniversary event next year. Committee will do research and gather ideas and ballpark pricing for event. Grants or sponsorship could be available. Sask Lotteries grant application due mid-January. Possible dates in early June 2025.
– ask from Brunskill Grade 8’s for funds for graduation party. VVCA will donate in exchange for help at a community event, such as flyer delivery or working at the Community Cleanup.
– Brunskill SCC ask for joint sponsorship of Movie in the Park on Thursday June 13. Earlier start to movie with a daylight screen, selling popcorn and pizza. VVCA will joint sponsor.
– Tree planting on 14th street planned. Tree species picked. Grass must be killed and rototilled. City paying for trees, shrubs and mulch. 22 volunteers signed up. Water tanks should be on site by June 6. Planting on June 9.
– SUM Theatre in the Park on Thursday May 16, 7PM. VVCA holding a bbq at 5:30 before the show. Food will be purchased later in the day. Concerns about the weather?!
– August newsletter deadline for ads, articles, photos is July 1.
– signing authority has been changed to new board members.
– indoor programs going great. Fall programs to be submitted early next week. Registration dates and program listing will be ready next meeting.
– basketball coordinator has created a ‘job description’ for future coordinators.
– rink will be sprayed for weeds in the future. Possibly install a ‘no dogs’ sign due to inconsiderate owners not cleaning up after their pets. Add stabilizer to snowblower fuel.
– community garden is underway with 15 new gardeners. Had their workbee on May 11.
– Sask Polytech planning to relocate to Innovation Place location. May be some community engagement/info sessions coming up.
– next meeting tentatively planned for Wednesday June 12, Brunskill School library. To be confirmed.

Dry Pond at Cumberland Park

Information from the City of Saskatoon Water Department – April 2024

A dry pond to hold and then release storm water into the storm sewer system is being considered to help mitigate flooding near Cumberland Park. It will be the City of Saskatoon’s fifth Flood Control Strategy (FCS) project and will help mitigate flooding during extreme rain events for approximately 35 homes around the intersection of Cumberland Avenue South and Main Street. 

A project approval report will go before the Environment, Utilities, and Corporate Services Committee on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. From there, the report will go to City Council for approval on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. If approved, detailed design and community engagement will move forward, and then construction in Cumberland Park will begin in early 2025. 

To review previous FCS related reports to City Council and Committee, please visit Then, on the calendar, use the arrows to scroll back to the following dates: 

  • December 17, 2018: FCS Approval and W.W. Ashley Park Project 
  • March 22, 2021: Churchill Park Project 
  • April 25, 2022: Weaver Park Project 
  • May 31, 2023: Brevoort Park South Project 

If you wish to speak to or comment on the report at the Committee or Council meeting, please visit Reports are available for viewing at on the Wednesday evening prior to the meetings. 

The FCS was approved by Saskatoon City Council in 2018 and includes a total of 9 projects to be completed by 2028 within 10 of Saskatoon’s top flood zones. For more information on the strategy, and current and future FCS projects, visit

 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 

Thank you, 

Mitch McMann
Saskatoon Water
Phone: 306-986-0914

Join us for tree planting!

Join us for tree planting Sunday, June 9, 2024 at 11:00am

The 14th street multi-use pathway between Cumberland and Preston will be getting new trees and shrubs this spring!

This enhancement will make for a better experience for all those using the pathway, will help clean the air and provide additional habitat for pollinators.

Use the QR code to vote for which types of trees you want to see!

If you would like to help, bring a shovel/rake, some water and a chair. We could always use more hands. RSVP to

The trees and shrubs are being planted through a partnership between the City of Saskatoon and the Varsity View Community Association.

April 2024 Board Meeting

Overview of discussions at the VVCA April 17 board meeting:

– discussions about HAF, Corridor Plan rezoning. Feeling that most people don’t know much about plans for neighbourhood rezoning. Those that do know are concerned. First phase, concerning secondary suites and removing parking requirements, will go to Council later this month. Encouraging residents to speak at Council meeting with concerns.
– SUM Theatre will be presenting their annual Theatre in the Park again this year. Preview performance in Grosvenor Park, Thursday, May 16, 7PM. Always free to attend. VVCA provides an honorarium to SUM Theatre.
– VVCA plans to host a barbecue before the Theatre in the Park performance. Details to come. Volunteers most welcome.
– finances in good shape. While at the bank to update signing authority, Ted suggests they review options for higher interest investments for a portion of current funds.
– indoor programs are running. Should have 4 new programs added in the fall!
– basketball is all done. Balls are stored in Brunskill School. Coaches will be needed next fall! Last year for Tammy as coordinator – need someone to shadow her and learn the ropes!
– soccer schedule has been released by SYSI. Games start in May.
– rink is done. Some maintenance on boards will be done when weather improves. How to control weeds during summer? Do we need to install dog waste bags at rink – some owners are not picking up after their dogs. Renewal of advertisers to come?
– determining dates for newsletter material and ads, and for distribution.
– suggestion of year-view calendar to plan out events and important dates.
– Albert Community Centre hopes to have new building bookings manager hired soon. Eventually will have their own website, social media and email contact. Renovations delayed, but should start soon.
– Community Garden first meeting hopefully before beginning of May. Work-bee the weekend before the Victoria Day long weekend.
– suggestion for residents to register their bikes and their security cameras with Saskatoon Police.
Community Cleanup is Saturday May 11, 8am-1pm, Church of Latter Day Saints parking lot (10th and Cumberland). Volunteers and trucks appreciated.
– apply for grant for 40th anniversary next year?
– tree planting project. City is supporting and using this as a test case for other future projects. Planned tree planting on June 9, 11am. Would appreciate community member volunteers with shovels, rakes, etc.
– next meeting Wednesday May 15, 2024, 7PM.

Water rentention/dry pond construction

The City of Saskatoon presented at our March 20, 2024 board meeting, telling us all we need to know about the dry ponds that are planned in our neighbourhood. Good attendance from the community as well. Thanks for coming out!

Two dry ponds are planned (#5 and #6 of the various water retention ponds projects scattered across the City). Plans are still at early stages, so details may be changing.

Cumberland and Main Street, with the dry pond constructed in Cumberland Park. Will be presented to council in May, then detailed design, then public engagement, with construction starting early 2025. Construction done late 2025, with another year for landscape to establish. Park to reopen fall of 2026.

Cumberland and 14th Street, with the dry pond constructed on University of Saskatchewan land, east of McEown Park (University high rises). Similar schedule to the previous one, subject to agreement between the City and University. No formal public engagement as the pond will be on private University land.…/storm…/flood-control-strategy

March 2024 Board meeting

Overview of discussions at the March 20, 2024 VVCA Board Meeting:

– presentation by City of Saskatoon about dry ponds to be constructed in neighbourhood
– tree planting proposal at 14th and Cumberland: Josh and Jon talked to City’s Urban Forestry. City will supply trees, VVCA responsible for planting and watering (for 3 years). VVCA approved funds for project.
– zoning changes due to Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) and Corridor Land Use still unclear. Four stories seems excessive for achieving greater density. What is VVCA plan of action?
– appointed a nominations committee for next month’s AGM. What positions will be open? President, others?
– finances are looking good. Some of our funds could be put into short term investments. Books will be audited and ready for AGM next month.
– spring program registration just ended. All programs, except for Art, going ahead. Just paid instructors for winter term.
– Community Cleanup scheduled for Saturday May 11, 8:30-noon. Location to be confirmed. Volunteers, and volunteers with trucks, appreciated.
– outdoor youth soccer registration ended early March. U5 does not have enough players to make a team. We have coaches. Refund coaches their training fees and child registration fee.
– last Learn to Skate session is on Sunday. Rink has one sign to replace. Is it renewal time for advertising boards?
– newsletter printed and ready for distribution.
– email received from Albert Childcare Co-operative, who are fundraising to update the public playground adjacent Albert Community Centre. Information shared on website and social media. Invite Co-op to speak in May?
– volunteer found for VVCA 40th anniversary planning!
– next meeting is the Annual General Meeting, Wednesday, April 17, 2024. All are welcome to attend.