Tag Archives: children

Heritage Festival of Saskatoon

Sunday, February 1, 2015
Western Development Museum
2610 Lorne Avenue
Noon – 5:00 pm


The 2015 Heritage Festival of Saskatoon will celebrate the youth of Saskatoon and area with the theme Young Saskatoon on Sunday, February 1, 2015, 12 – 5 pm at the Western Development Museum, 2610 Lorne Avenue.

Come explore the rich diversity of Saskatoon from past to present through the variety of heritage and multi-cultural themed displays & interactive exhibits throughout the museum.

Join in the opening parade! Chat with our exhibitors or get answers to your questions. Try your hand at old-time activities or brush up on your “home skills”. Play a game. Learn more about the cultural landscape of Saskatoon. Hands-on activities & demonstrations are offered throughout the afternoon. Entertainment on two stages features performances by fantastic performers, children’s entertainers, and musicians. Free Admission to the Museum and Festival.

The Heritage Festival of Saskatoon gratefully acknowledges the financial sponsorship of Citizenship and Immigration Canada, City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Lotteries, Information Services Corporation, and SaskTel.

We appreciate the in kind sponsorship of the Western Development Museum, Meewasin, SaskTel Mendel Art Caravan, ProPrint, SCYAP, The Giggle Factory, and The Flag Shop.

We are thankful for the media sponsorship of the Saskatoon Media Group, 98COOL, CJWW, The Bull, and Planet S.

Website: Heritage Festival of Saskatoon

Children’s Discovery Museum – Open House

The vision to create a state-of-the-art, centrally located children’s museum in the Mendel building is taking shape. Scheduled to open in 2017, the museum will be a vibrant and welcoming hub for all children and families, a resource for educators, and a major tourist destination for Saskatchewan.

We invite you to attend our upcoming open house to learn the “Big Ideas” behind the new museum design, share your feedback and contribute your ideas.

Community participation is essential to the museum’s success in ensuring a welcoming space for all children. Please share this invitation with your networks!


Exploring Alternatives with Cheryl Bartholow and Michael Joyce, Argyle Design
Mendel Building, lower level auditorium, 950 Spadina Crescent East
February 3

Radisson Hotel, Venice Room, 2nd Floor, 405 – 20th Street East
February 4

Options to attend:
Tuesday, February 3rd: Open House
10 am to 8 pm. Drop in anytime!
Scheduled presentations at 12 noon, 4:30 or 7 pm

Wednesday, Februayr 4th: Community Sessions
Aboriginal Community 9 – 10 am
Newcomer Community 10:30 – 11:30 am
Special Needs Community 3 – 4 pm
Educators 4:30 – 5:30 pm

RSVP to discovery@museumforkids.sk.ca


CISV Saskatoon – Building Global Friendship

Saskatoon’s CISV chapter is searching for enthusiastic youth to participate in an International Summer Camp in July 2015. They are preparing delegations that will represent Canada at various different camps located in Norway, Argentina, USA and Brazil. During the camp delegates will gain attitudes, skills and knowledge they require to become active global citizens. They will develop cross cultural understanding through friendship and make memories that last a life time. Each delegation will have 2 boys, 2 girls and a leader from their country.

CISV Educates and Inspires Action for a More Just and Peaceful World.

For more information or to apply for a program please contact us at cisvsaskatoon@gmail.com or by calling Alanna at 306-683-3695. You can find us on facebook “CISV Saskatoon” or visit our website at www.cisvsaskatoon.org

MEND! Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do it!

We know keeping kids healthy is hard — MEND empowers children and families to become fitter, healthier and happier!

Learn how to make healthier lifestyle choices for your entire family. Check out MEND!

MEND 2-4 (2 to 4 year olds)
MEND 5-7 (5 to 7 year olds)
MEND 7-13 (7-13 year olds)

MEND is a is a FREE program for families and children ages 2 to 13. The mission of MEND is to inspire children, families and adults to lead and sustain fitter, healthier and happier lives. MEND programs are designed for specific age groups and provide a supportive environment for families to interact, learn skills to change behavior, and make healthy lifestyle choices through healthy eating and increased physical activity.

You will learn about:
· Healthy eating and mealtime habits
· How to read food labels
· What serving sizes look like
· Building self esteem
· Active play
· Positive parenting
· Behavior change strategies
· Healthy growth

MEND offers programs for the following:
· MEND 2-4 is a perfect program if you have a picky or fussy eater! The MEND 2-4 program uses play-based learning plus behavioural and parenting skills training (Mind) to help families become physically active (Exercise) and make informed food choices (Nutrition). It’s all based within a practical, fun and supportive philosophy of inspiring and motivating change (Do it!) in a community setting. The program runs once per week over 10 weeks. Each session is 90 minutes long

· MEND 5-7 program is a healthy lifestyle program for 5-7 year olds who are at risk of, or are above a healthy weight and their families. The program empowers children and families to gain skills to make healthy lifestyle choices around healthy eating, physical activity and self-confidence. The program has 10 sessions spread over 10 weeks. Each session is 1 hour and 45 minute long. Families will learn healthy eating and mealtime routines, reading food labels, what serving and healthy portions look like and being an active family!

· MEND 7-13 is a healthy lifestyle program for 7 to 13 year olds who are above a healthy weight. MEND 7-13 program combines physical activity, healthy eating and behaviour change to facilitate safe, effective weight management and lasting lifestyle change. MEND 7-13 is not a diet and does not encourage rapid width loss. Families learn skills and information that support long-term lifestyle changes. Families are better equipped to feel fitter, healthier and happier for the rest of their lives. It involves two – 1 or 2-hour sessions every week for eight weeks.

Details can be found on the MEND web site www.kinesiology.usask.ca

Franco Noël

Event : Franco Noël
When: Saturday, December 13th, 2014
Where : Providence Church Hall, Sts-Martyrs Canadiens Church, 1007 Windsor Street, Saskatoon

Christmas is a moment of sharing. We want to share this moment with all the children in a friendly and warm atmosphere.
Teacher and singer songwriter, Carmen Campagne became during the 90’s the idol of the children around the francophone countries. The artist is back to her first love, her love for children and the pleasure of singing for them. On stage, the majority of her songs talk about animals because she knows that children like farm animals, she interprets children preferred songs and happy tunes will be there to make this show, a refreshing show.

Franco Noel is a day of celebration filled with family activities and lives entertainment. Youngs, teenagers, parents, grandparents will appreciate sharing this moment.

The program will be as follow:
2:00pm. Carmen Campagne Concert
4:00pm. Snack and visit with Santa

Tickets available by calling (306) 653.7440 or emailing coordination@francosaskatoon.ca.
Adulte: $15
Children: $5

SMF Flag Football Registration

It’s that time of the year again! Fall flag football season is just around the corner and we are contacting you to help get your community involved!

Our flag football league is for boys and girls in grades 1-8. We have all girls teams, and mixed teams. As an added bonus the first 500 kids registered will be entered to win a pair of Saskatchewan Roughriders tickets to the September 21st game against the Ottawa Redblacks. The season starts September 6th and will conclude with a year-end Jamboree on October 18th. The cost is $75 per child.

This year we at SMF will handle all registrations and will disperse all teams. For more information and registration, please visit our website!

Registration closes September 2nd!

Workshop for Classroom Students with ADHD

A Workshop for Elementary School Teachers and Support Staff on Creating Classroom “Tool Kits” and Strategies for Students with ADHD

Learn to:
– Recognize characteristics of ADHD that appear in the classroom
– Apply problem solving strategy Benny the Bear – creating a problem solving model for students
– Identify the triggers to behaviours using reflections on classroom situations to develop your own ADHD’ometer or method to use in your classroom
– Create a toolkit for the ADHD child that will be effective and efficient for their academic success
– Understand why rewards, contingencies and incentives are effective for the ADHD student. Think, pair, share, discover how children with ADHD can be motivated
– Use creative writing as a strategy for teaching the ADHD child about goals, behaviours, characteristics and increased self-awareness

Presented by: Christina Johnson-Quan, B.PAS, B.Ed., M.Ed.

9 a.m. – 12 p.m. – Characteristics, Problem Solving, Toolkits and Triggers
1 p.m. – 3 p.m. – Behaviour changes, Creative Writing and Art Therapy

Date: September 26, 2014
Cost: $150
Location: LDAS Saskatoon, 2221 Hanselman Court
Phone: 306-652-4114

Parent Power Workshop

Understanding all the implications of Learning Disabilities can be overwhelming and full of obstacles. Gaining knowledge of what Learning Disabilities are, how they can be managed and knowledge of self-advocacy strategies helps parents avoid problems and pitfalls.

Parent Power offers four sessions that will share information and strategies useful to parents navigating the educational system.

Please join us at 7 p.m. each evening at 2221 Hanselman Court for the following sessions:

October 7, 2014 – Introduction to Learning Disabilities
October 14, 2014 – Helping Students with Learning Disabilities
October 21, 2014 – Developing Parent Advocacy
October 28, 2014 – Helping Student to Advocate for Themselves

Jennifer Amy has been a specialized teacher in the field of Learning Disabilities for over fifteen years. She is also a parent of a child with a Learning Disability and has experienced the challenges of the education system first hand. These workshops offer her expertise as well as a format for parents to share their own unique ideas and experiences.

For further information or to register please call 306-652-4921
Cost for all 4 sessions is $50.

FALL 2014 Program Registration

Registration is Thursday, September 4, AND Tuesday, September 9, 2014, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Brunskill School (Multi-Purpose Room), 101 Wiggins Avenue North.

A membership fee of $5/individual, $10/family per year is required to participate in programs and must be presented at the time of registration. A fee of $10 will apply to late registrations. Varsity View Community Association honours other community association memberships. **Please note that most programs run for 15 weeks**

4-H “Bite Into Summer” camp programs

4-H Saskatchewan has teamed up with Agriculture in the Classroom (Sask.) for a second year to plan a summer camp program held in Saskatoon.

The first summer camp runs from July 7th -11th for youth ages 8-12 and our second overnight youth camp runs from July 14th -18th for youth ages 13-15.

The theme of the “Bite into Summer” youth camp program is food security and agriculture. Youth will have the opportunity to learn about the ever-growing important issue of food security and the impact that agriculture has on our everyday lives—developing a deeper understanding of where our food comes from. This is an exciting opportunity for youth to learn about an important topic while having fun and making new friends along the way. Campers will will go on numerous field trips, do hands projects, and listen to great guest speakers throughout the week.

Junior Day Camp:
July 7‐11, 2014 Saskatoon
Ages: 8 to 12 Cost: $220 (includes GST)

Intermediate Overnight Camp:
July 14‐18, 2014 Saskatoon
Ages: 13 to 15 Cost: $300 (includes GST)

Spots are still available! For more information or to register call 306-933-7727 or visit www.4-H.sk.ca

2014–15 SMHA Hockey Registration

Saskatoon Minor Hockey Association Moves to Spring Registration for 2014

Registration for SMHA for the 2014-2015 hockey season will take place April 15, 2014 – June 15, 2014. There will not be a fall registration.

Why the change to spring registration?

Due to increasing registration numbers and limited ice availability, SMHA registration for 2014-2015 will take place this spring.

The need to gather numbers to insure sufficient ice allocation is paramount. SMHA has grown from 245 teams in its leagues in 2007-08 to 294 teams in 2013-2014. On top of this, SMHA has access to one less sheet of ice now than it did in 07-08.

This type of growth has put pressure on the allocation and scheduling of ice. Having registration numbers in the spring will assist to start ice allocation and scheduling sooner than we do now.

The move to spring registration is a good business initiative for a growing registration base and static ice availability.

We thank all SMHA families for their understanding and cooperation with this change in timing.

There will not be fall registration. Please register in the period noted above in order to secure minor hockey registration for next season.

Register On-Line through your zone’s website April 15, 2014 to June 15, 2014

Aces Zone – www.saskatoonaces.ca

Bobcats Zone – www.saskatoonbobcats.com

Comets Female – www.cometshockey.ca

Flyers Zone – www.saskatoonflyers.ca

Redwings Zone – www.saskatoonredwings.ca

Renegades Zone – www.saskatoonrenegades.ca

Wild Zone – www.saskatoonwild.com

GSHL Tier 1 Tryouts – www.gshlonline.ca

April 15-June 15, 2014 Registration period applies to all age groups – Initiation (born 08-09); Novice (06-07); Atom (04-05); Peewee (02-03); Bantam (00-01); Midget (97-99); Midget Non-Contact (96-99)


(1) All zones will be offering payment programs over the summer months.

(2) A $100.00 fee per registration will be added to all registrations after June 15, 2014.

Visit the SMHA website for more information.

Royal City Soccer Camps 2014

The Royal City Soccer Club presents Soccer Camps 2014!

Canada’s #1 grassroots soccer camp, with July and August weeks, for boys and girls aged 5 to 13, offering full day, morning and afternoon sessions. No charge for early drop off, late pickup care.

Two locations in Saskatoon – visit the website for more details.

To register or for more information, call 1-800-427-0536 or visit www.royalsoccer.com. Register by June 1 for early bird discounts.