Tag Archives: City of Saskatoon

College Corridor Land Use Survey Now Live

Corridor plans are a framework for future development to transform major streets, or “corridors” near the future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) routes into places for people. The College Corridor Plan covers the area located along College Drive and Preston Avenue, beside the University of Saskatchewan lands.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our land use and density workshops last week. If you were unable to attend a workshop, or had to leave early, we have created an online survey exploring the same questions we did in the meetings. Please feel free to share this newsletter and the survey link with anyone you feel would be interested.

This survey will be open until the end of Wednesday, November 17, 2021. Because some of the questions are quite technical, the Project Team would be happy to help guide you through the survey – email corridorplans@saskatoon.ca for assistance.

To learn more about the College Corridor Plan, including future engagement opportunities, visit saskatoon.ca/engage/college-corridor-plan. You can also send us an email atcorridorplans@saskatoon.ca.

Link to survey.

Clarence Avenue Water Main Replacement Project

The remaining phase of the Clarence Avenue Water Main Replacement Project (Phase 4) is anticipated to begin in the week of April 19th, 2021 and will take approximately 3 months to complete barring weather delays and unforeseen circumstances. 

Phase 4 of construction will take place on: 

  • Temperance Street from Munroe Avenue to Wiggins Avenue; 
  • Munroe Avenue between Temperance Street and back lane of 1200 block of Temperance Street; 
  • Back lane between the 1200 block of Aird Street and Temperance Street. 
  • Wiggins Avenue between back lane of 1200 block of Temperance Street and Temperance Street; 

 In the next two weeks: 

  • On Monday, April 19th, the contractor will begin the replacement of the water and sewer service connections in the back lane of 1200 block of Aird Street and Temperance Street. o There will be a short disruption to the water and sewer services to those properties adjacent to this work on Tuesday, April 20th. If your water and sewer services will be affected you will be provided notice 48 hours in advance of this work. 
  • o Following the completion of the work, your water and sewer services will be restored and the Drinking Water Advisory (DWA) will remain in effect until a green Lifted DWA is delivered to you. 
  • The contractor will also begin the installation of the temporary water system on Monday, April 19th in preparation for the upcoming water main replacement work which is scheduled to begin in early May. o If you are required to have a temporary water line connected to your property, the contractor will be in contact with you prior to the installation of the line. To receive temporary water service, a functioning outdoor faucet without backflow prevention will be necessary in order to connect to the temporary water system. Please speak with the contractor to confirm you have this type of faucet. 
  • The replacement of the water and sewer service connections on the 1100 block of Temperance Street will begin the week of April 26th. o There will be a short disruption to the water and sewer services to those properties adjacent to this work. If your water and sewer services will be affected you will be provided notice 48 hours in advance of this work. 
  • Following the completion of the work, your water and sewer services will be restored and the Drinking Water Advisory (DWA) will remain in effect until a green Lifted DWA is delivered to you. 
  • Weather permitting, the contractor will also begin sidewalk rehabilitation work on Temperance Street between Munroe Avenue and Wiggins Avenue the week of April 26th. Once work begins it will take approximately 1 week to complete. During this work the road will be closed to traffic. 

Throughout the project: 

  • • Some noise and vibration is anticipated as a result of the work. 
  • • Access to parking will be restricted. Residents and visitors to the area are required to find their own alternative parking. 
  • • If blue, black or green cart collections are affected, residents directly adjacent to the work are required to leave their carts as close to their normal pick up location [without placing it in the adjacent work area] prior to 7:00 am on the day of collection. The contractor will coordinate the pickup of your cart. 

Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation while this necessary work is carried out. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Customer Care Centre at 306-975-2476 or by e-mail at customercare@saskatoon.ca. 

University Sector Plan

Have your say in the future of the University Sector Plan

The University of Saskatchewan has nearly 1,000 acres of endowment land located within five kilometers of downtown Saskatoon. These important lands provide critical resources that strategically support the university’s teaching, learning and research mission.

In 2008 a land-use task force was formed, bringing together the University of Saskatchewan, the City of Saskatoon, Meewasin Valley Authority and the Province of Saskatchewan, to create ‘Vision 2057.’‘Vision 2057’, in alignment with the City of Saskatoon’s growth plan and strategic infill initiatives, identifies university endowment lands that are suitable for commercial and residential development opportunities, along with the creation of multi-use community facilities, parks and open spaces, and also preserves abundant space for learning and research activities.

Recognizing the importance of developing these lands in a sustainable way that benefits everyone in Saskatoon, the City and University entered a Memorandum of Understanding to develop a Sector Plan for the area. Developing the Plan involved consultation with community partners and stakeholders, and it provides the framework within which the area will be planned and developed.

The result of this partnership and outreach, the University Sector Plan, is a shared vision of land use and development that will have a positive impact for the city, its residents and the University community.

You can find out more about the University Sector Plan, including a Plan Summary and a short video, by visiting the Engage page at saskatoon.ca/engage/university-sector-plan. You can also email universitysector@saskatoon.ca if you have specific questions or want to find out more about how to participate in the engagement process.

City Growth Plan: Share your views with the City

Regarding the City of Saskatoon Corridor Growth Plan and development on Main Street – this will be discussed and voted on at the next City Council meeting, Tuesday February 22, 2021.If you wish to have your views known on either or both of these issues, consider writing a letter to your Councillor, or applying to speak at the Council meeting.

If you would like to mail a letter, address them to each councillor and to the mayor and send to: City Hall, 222 3rd Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0J5.

Ward 6 – Cynthia Block – Cynthia.Block@Saskatoon.ca
Other council members:
Ward 1 – Darren Hill – Darren.Hill@Saskatoon.ca
Ward 2 – Hilary Gough – Hilary.Gough@Saskatoon.ca
Ward 3 – David Kirton – David.Kirton@Saskatoon.ca
Ward 4 – Troy Davies – Troy.Davies@Saskatoon.ca
Ward 5 – Randy Donauer – Randy.Donauer@Saskatoon.ca
Ward 7 – Mairin Loewen – Mairin.Loewen@Saskatoon.ca
Ward 8 – Sarina Gersher – Sarina.Gersher@Saskatoon.ca
Ward 9 – Bev Dubois – Bev.Dubois@Saskatoon.ca
Ward 10 – Zach Jeffries – Zach.Jeffries@Saskatoon.ca
Mayor Charlie Clark – Charlie.Clark@Saskatoon.ca

Letters can be submitted up to the day before the meeting but requests to speak, or to have something on the council agenda, has to be in the Tuesday before council meets by noon (noon Tuesday the 16th).


Council, Standing Policy Committees, and Governance and Priorities Committee meetings are broadcast live, and can be viewed while the meeting is taking place. Please note that the video may take a moment or two to start playing on your computer and you will only see a live stream if a public meeting is in session. For past meetings, view archived broadcasts of meetings.


14th Street East Bikeway Project

The 14th Street East Bikeway, Pedestrian, and Traffic Safety Improvement Project will be presented to the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation on Monday, February 1. The report is available for review through the public agenda.

If you would like to submit a letter or request to speak at the Committee or Council meetings, please submit the online form by 8:00 am on the day of the meeting. The form and details regarding letters to Committee/Council are available on the City of Saskatoon website.

City of Saskatoon Neighbourhood Bikeways Project website

Boulevard Gardening Engagement

The City of Saskatoon is currently reviewing its Boulevard Garden Guidelines to identify:

  • Options and priorities to consider for a Guideline Update 
  • Any concerns residents have with boulevard gardening
  • Ways that the City can support residents who are boulevard gardening
  • If we have missed anything in the review to date

We are engaging the public and project stakeholders at this time with the goal of having all updates to the guidelines implemented prior to the start of the 2021 gardening season. Boulevard gardening is a great, healthy way to grow vegetables, flowers, and community on your block.

We do understand the significant impact COVID-19 is having on community members and organizations at this time. If you would like to provide your input on this project but are unable to during the timeline described below, please contact greenstrategy@saskatoon.ca to discuss other arrangements.

Engagement Opportunities:

  1. Online Public Survey: will be open until January 14 and can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BoulevardGardens. The survey has 28 questions (multiple choice and short written responses) and we estimate it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.  All responses are completely voluntary.   
  1. Stakeholder meetings: If you would like to request an online meeting or phone call with the Project Manager, please respond to greenstrategy@saskatoon.ca. Depending on interest, we may arrange an online drop in meeting to answer questions and take feedback.
  1. Keep updated: If you’d like to receive notifications on the progress of this project, you can sign up here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WT9WZRZ or check out our Engage Page here: https://www.saskatoon.ca/engage/boulevard-gardens.

City: rezoning application 1414 + 1416 Main Street

Please be advised that the Planning and Development Division has received a rezoning application for 1414 and 1416 Main Street, located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Main Street and Cumberland Avenue South; details are provided in the attached notice and on our website at www.saskatoon.ca/engage/14141416-main-street.

An online public information meeting to discuss the proposed rezoning is scheduled for Thursday December 10, 2020 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. The meeting will take place through a Microsoft Teams Live event. Please refer to our Engage Page (www.saskatoon.ca/engage/14141416-main-street) for the meeting user guide, and meeting link.

If you have any questions or wish to provide written comment to the Planning and Development Division regarding this application, please contact:

Jim Charlebois | Senior Planner II

Rezoning Proposal

Blackrock Developments Ltd. has applied to rezone 1414 and 1416 Main Street (located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Main Street and Cumberland Avenue South) to facilitate the development of a multiple-unit dwelling, subject to a Zoning Agreement.

The application will also require an Official Community Plan map amendment from “Low Density Residential 1” to “Corridor Residential” to align with the policy framework established in Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 9700, 2020.  The intent of the “Corridor Residential” land use designation is to enable the development of a range of housing types in ground-oriented low to medium density residential buildings and provide a transition of densities from the nearby identified BRT network corridor on 8th Street.

The proposed development would be a four-story, apartment style dwelling containing 26 units of varying sizes. A total of 42 on-site parking spaces (12 above ground, 30 below ground) have been proposed. The proposed RM4 Zoning Agreement would ensure that only the specific development proposal put forward by the applicant could be constructed. A location map, renderings, and site plan are included with this information package.

The subject properties are currently zoned R2 – One and Two-Unit Residential District, which provides for residential development of one and two-unit dwellings as well as related community uses.

City: Discretionary use approval

Planning and Development has received an application from Realscapes Investments Inc. requesting discretionary use approval to operate a short-term rental property at 320 Hugo Avenue in the Varsity View neighbourhood. One off street parking stall is required and no construction or alterations are proposed as part of this application. This site is located in the R2 Zoning District (One and Two-Unit Residential District) which prescribes short-term rental properties as a discretionary use.

Property owners have until December 7 to respond with questions or comments, following that period Planning and Development will determine if there are items that need to be addressed, or if the application can proceed through the approval process. The approving authority for short-term rental properties in the R2 District is City Administration.

This link details further information on the application and the discretionary use process. This notice has been sent to registered property owners 75 metres from the subject site.

Fall 2020 Street Sweeping

RE: Time for your beauty sweep!! 2020 fall street sweeping starts October 13

The annual Fall Street Sweeping program gets underway Tuesday, October 13!
Cleaning up leaves in the fall helps prevents them from collecting in gutters causing flooding in the spring.

Only the leafiest streets in the following 11 neighbourhoods will be swept: Buena Vista, Caswell Hill, City Park, Exhibition, Holiday Park, King George, Mayfair, Meadow Green, Nutana, Riversdale and Varsity View.

Check out the area maps at saskatoon.ca/sweep to see which streets are included. Remember, no neighbourhoods have every road swept.

Watch for the yellow “No Parking” signs and move vehicles off the street by 7 a.m. on your sweeping day. Tickets and towing will occur so we can access the full curb lane.

How to prepare:

  1. Clean up leaves that can blow onto the street. Please do not push or blow leaves onto the street. This is illegal and residents may receive a Bylaw Notice. Excess leaves can delay the cleaning schedule or even cause the entire street to be skipped.
  2. Place leaves and yard clippings in your City of Saskatoon green cart or consider taking them to one of the City’s compost depots for free. Learn more at saskatoon.ca/compost.

Find your area sweeping sweeping schedule at saskatoon.ca/sweep. Stay up to date with the City of Saskatoon Service Alerts for any unexpected changes that may affect the sweeping schedule.

Civic Election: mail-in ballots

The 2020 Civic Election is November 9, 2020. Eligible voters in Saskatoon will cast their ballot for Mayor, City Councilors and School Board Trustees. This fall, vote your way, vote safely. Apply today https://bit.ly/2GEHlsF.

How to:

Apply in-person by appointment from August 5 to November 8, 2020. Apply online from August 5 to October 30, 2020.

To apply for your mail-in ballot package, you must:
– complete the voter registration and mail-in ballot application form
– have an eligible voter witness your signature when completing the application. Any eligible voter in the 2020 Saskatoon civic election can be a witness

Your mail-in voting package will arrive in the mail in mid-October, along with a ballot and self-addressed, stamped envelope. 
Once you receive your mail-in ballot package, follow these instructions. Return your ballot package back promptly.

Note: In order to be counted, mail-in ballots must be received at the 2020 Civic Election Office at 226 Cardinal Crescent before 8:00 pm on Election DayNovember 9.

Outdoor Festival Site

The Permanent Outdoor Festival Feasibility Team is working to identify, select, study and plan for the future development of a City of Saskatoon Permanent Outdoor Site.  Consultants from HTFC Planning & Design are leading the feasibility study on behalf of the City of Saskatoon.

Why a Permanent Outdoor Festival Site?

The riverbank parks near downtown were not designed or constructed to accommodate large outdoor events hosted over multiple days.  As a result, the riverbank parks are susceptible to mechanical and physical damages associated with staging large scale extended events.  Continued use of the riverbank parks by a number of large scale outdoor events has resulted in deteriorating turf and tree conditions.  

The Permanent Outdoor Festival Site Feasibility Study will identify both a location(s) and design plan for a permanent centrally-located festival site, which would take into consideration all the typical needs of outdoor events, including access to water, power, staging, parking, accessibility needs, etc.  The study will also take into account infrastructure requirements for such a festival site to ensure protection and long-term sustainability of any associated green infrastructure.

Online Survey

Our Team is looking to get your input on these three topics:

  • Which of the three sites do you prefer and why?
  • What should be the criteria for an ideal permanent outdoor festival site?
  • What program elements and features would you want to see?

The easiest way to provide your input on these topics is by completing this online survey.  The survey will be open for responses from 8:00am on Thursday, September 17th until 5:00pm on Tuesday, September 28th.

More information: https://www.saskatoon.ca/engage/permanent-outdoor-festival-site