Tag Archives: City

Spring Street Sweeping Blitz Underway

The blitz is designed to collect the bulk of the debris left behind over winter, which in turn increases efficiency and cost effectiveness of the City Wide Neighbourhood Sweeping program. The Blitz will also remove sand and debris from medians where snow was stored. Sweepers will go around parked vehicles during the Blitz program; parking enforcement will not be applied.

If the weather cooperates, neighborhood curb-to-curb street sweeping will start Sunday, May 1. Signs will guide you to move your vehicles off the road.

Pothole reporting

Pothole reporting – starts April 4

Once the snow melts and the hot asphalt mix is available for use in the spring, the City begins its annual pothole blitz. City and private crews head out in full force to patch potholes across the city, beginning with high-traffic priority streets. Potholes in driving lanes are prioritized ahead of curbside potholes.

Help guide us to where the worst potholes are by reporting online at: https://www.saskatoon.ca/moving-around/driving-roadways/road-maintenance-repair/pothole-utility-cut-repairs
Or call 306-975-2476 to report emergency locations.

I am the Bridge

I am the Bridge
It’s okay to talk about racism!

Everyone can ‘be the bridge’ to ending racism in Saskatoon by generating ideas of inclusion among residents of the city.

The City of Saskatoon wants to encourage and invite you to talk about racism and ways to eliminate it by sharing videos of your experiences and messages of inclusion.

Racism is a global issue, not unique to Saskatoon. Racism is influenced by a range of historical, social, political and economic factors. It takes different forms in different contexts. An understanding of the nature of racism is essential in order to recognize and counter it successfully.

Share your personal story and messages by answering three questions:
1. What does racism mean to you?
2. How have you experienced racism?
3. I am the bridge to ending racism in Saskatoon by…

You can answer these questions by recording a video on any mobile device (Apple or Android) or computer with a webcam using the OneStory application. Collected personal stories will be woven together to create a final video and public education campaign that will include billboards and social media posts.

Choose to be the bridge. Share your story. Visit OneStory today

City of Saskatoon GROWTH PLAN SUMMIT

at Governance and Priorities Committee
Monday, March 14, 2016
City Council Chambers, City Hall

222 3rd Avenue NorthThe development of the Growth Plan to Half a Million (Growth Plan) for the City of Saskatoon is nearing completion! In advance of requesting a final decision on the Growth Plan, the Administration will be presenting the key directions of the Growth Plan’s major initiatives in a public Growth Plan Summit event as part of Council’s Governance and Priorities Committee meeting on March 14, 2016.

Along with presentations from the Administration on the major initiatives, the Summit will also include a presentation by Mr. Jarrett Walker, author of the book Human Transit, regarding transit planning principles and the recommendations for Saskatoon Transit included in the Growth Plan. Following these topics, stakeholders and members of the public will be invited to provide comments on the Growth Plan to Committee.

If you’d like to provide comments during the Summit, you can do this either by preparing a written submission or by requesting to speak through the Contact City Council form on the City’s website, here. The Summit will also be live-streamed on the City’s website if you are unable to attend in person: www.saskatoon.ca/watchcouncil .

More information on the Growth Plan can be found on the project website at www.growingfwd.ca (no longer valid). The Growth Plan to Half a Million will be brought forward to the Governance and Priorities Committee’s April 18, 2016 meeting for approval in principle.

2:00 – 2:20 p.m. Overall Context for the Growth Plan
2:20 – 3:00 p.m. Transportation Presentation
3:00 – 3:15 p.m. Break
3:15 – 3:55 p.m. Corridor and Strategic Growth Presentation
3:55 – 5:35 p.m. Transit Presentation – including Jarret Walker, author of the book Human Transit
5:35 – 5:45 p.m. Active Transportation Plan Presentation
5:45 – 6:45 p.m. Break
6:45 – 7:00 p.m. Summary of Discussion
7:00 – 11:00 p.m. Requests to Speak (via City’s website) / Open Public Comment (without prior request)

Presentation on Private Sponsorship of Refugees

Do you have questions about becoming a private sponsor of refugees? The City of Saskatoon is working with the Saskatoon Refugee Coalition and the Mennonite Central Committee to offer a short presentation/workshop to provide information and answer questions about the process.

Thursday, December 17, 2015
7:00 – 8:00pm
Cosmo Civic Centre, 3130 Laurier Drive, Saskatoon

For more information contact:
April Sora – Immigration, Diversity & Inclusion Consultant
City of Saskatoon
Ph: 306-975-8459 Email: april.sora@saskatoon.ca

Teen/Parent Drug Talk – Saskatoon Police Services

What can a Cop, a Reformed Drug Dealer and Columbian Immigrant teach you about Illicit Drugs?

Part 1 – Education
Join Constable Matt Ingrouille as he uses his 10 years of policing experience, 5 of which were spent in the drug section to give an overview of the most prominent street drugs in Saskatoon. He will also provide an overview of addiction. A reformed trafficker will tell his story of addiction and recovery. Finally, a Colombian immigrant will share the international impact of the drug trade through a personal story that includes the murder of his family members.
When: December 2, 7-9:30pm
Where: Saskatoon Police Services, 76 25th Street East
Who: All parents and teens

Part 2 – Treatment
Designed for parents who suspect or know their teen to be using. Constable Matt Ingrouille will be presenting with a team of addictions workers and discuss real, hands-on strategies that will help parents on the road to recovery. It is encouraged that you attend Part 1 if you intend on attending Part 2.
When: December 9, 7-9:30pm
Where: Saskatoon Police Services, 76 25th Street East
Who: Parents of teens who may already be using drugs

Main St. & Wiggins Proposed Traffic Restriction

You are invited to meet with the Transportation Division and the Varsity View Community Association to discuss a proposed temporary restriction of the east-west traffic movement on Main Street at the Wiggins Avenue intersection. In 2014, the City of Saskatoon completed a Neighbourhood Traffic Review for Varsity View. An issue that was raised by residents was traffic on Main Street. The Transportation Division subsequently proposed a temporary solution.

The temporary solution would be left in place for two years, evaluated for effectiveness, and a decision made to either remove the restriction, or make it permanent. City Council subsequently asked that more consultation take place before making its decision.

Accordingly, on Wednesday October 14, 2015, at 7:00 pm, staff from the Transportation Division will be in attendance for the VVCA meeting at the Brunskill School Library. We invite you to come and discuss the proposed restriction with us.

Your cooperation and involvement in developing your neighbourhood traffic plan is greatly appreciated. For more information, or if you have any feedback, questions or concerns, regarding this proposal, please contact:
Jay Magus, Engineering Manager, Transportation, City of Saskatoon
306-975-3171 or jay.magus@saskatoon.ca


Meeting: Rezoning at Main & Cumberland

The proposed rezoning at Main and Cumberland by Black Rock Developments is certainly of interest to many individuals in the neighbourhood. Main Street has gone through tremendous changes in the past two years, and in some ways is the shiniest and most modern block in Varsity View. This change is interesting and challenging at the same time.

The Varsity View LAP completed in 2014 (summary report here at the CoS website or full here. ) promotes balanced growth that must yield a net benefit to the the community. This is a high standard but encourages a balance between new interests and old ones. VVCA has also been active to promote sensible infill guidelines to help shape the changes of individual units on streets just like this.

As interested citizens, I would like to invite each of you to join us Monday, October 5th at 7 pm to 8:30 pm in the Brunskill library to discuss these proposed zoning changes, identify what we like and do not like about the proposed development and explore what our viewpoints are and any common ground we share. I would like us as a neighbourhood to further talk through what development looks like as this will undoubtedly be a theme of the coming decades due to our highly desirable location and aging housing stock.

Please share my invite with other interested or civically minded folks. If you are unable to join us that night, I will be happy to share your comments (with your permission) to the attendees.

– James Perkins, VVCA President

Public Information Meeting – Proposed Rezoning

Proposed Rezoning by Agreement

1414 & 1416 Main Street (corner of Cumberland and Main)
Thursday, September 10, 2015
6:00 – 8:00 PM
Formal presentation at 6:30 PM, followed by Q&A
Brunskill School – Library (101 Wiggins Avenue)

You are invited to review a proposed rezoning of 1414 and 1416 Main Street. The applicant, BlackRock Developments, has applied to rezone the properties through a Rezoning Agreement, in order to develop a multiple-unit dwelling with 26 residential units at this location.

The purpose of the meeting is to provide neighbouring residents and property owners the opportunity to learn details of the proposed rezoning, obtain public input on the matter, and to provide details on the rezoning process.

(Come to the presentation and you can still make it to the Varsity View Movie in the Park afterward!)

For more information, please contact:
Brent McAdam, MCIP, RPP
Planning and Development Division, Community Services Department, City of Saskatoon
222-3rd Avenue North, Saskatoon, S7K 0J5
Email: brent.mcadam@saskatoon.ca PH: (306) 986-0902 Fax: (306) 975-7712

Message from City Councillor

Best of the fall season to you.

At City Hall, we are still doing an overhaul of our growth plans with the Growing Forward Shaping Saskatoon process, including plans for a Bus Rapid Transit system and an Active Transportation Master Plan. These plans all have impacts on Varsity View as an area bounded by key transportation corridors that are central to these plans.

There will be meetings coming up in the fall with opportunities for on-line engagement that you can check out at www.growingfwd.ca. Now is a very good time to make your voice heard. We are also working to invite more citizens into the City Budgeting process earlier, which you can learn more about at www.saskatoon.ca/city-hall/budget-finances.

The Federal election campaign is now well underway. It has become very clear to me as a City Councillor that decisions made in Ottawa have a big impact on our ability to build a strong healthy community here. Out of every tax dollar collected in Canada, cities take about 8 cents. We are dependent on strong partnerships with other levels of government to deliver necessary infrastructure, programs and services that provide a good quali-ty of life to all citizens.

As we move ahead with plans for a Bus Rapid Transit plan it will be essential to have support from the Federal government to help pay for new buses, and better shelters and stations, just as we rely on support for bridges and overpasses. Solid commitments to infrastructure spending make a huge difference in our ability to ensure we can keep our roads, bridges, sewer and water lines in good condition.

Other important issues in our city also require a strong partnership with the Federal government to be successful, such as: tackling homelessness and affordable housing, building a path to reconciliation between First Nations, Metis and Non-Indigenous people, creating good jobs in a well-diversified economy, taking meaningful steps towards addressing climate change and building a stronger renewable energy sector, ensuring good policy and programs to support settlement and integration of new immigrants.

These are issues I will be talking to candidates about as the election unfolds, and I hope you will too. Our country continues to have tremendous potential even as we face tremendous challenges. Creating a healthy diverse nation for future generations depends on creating healthy and diverse communities!

Please sign up for my Civic e-newsletter for more information about the debates and decisions happening at City Hall.
Regards, Charlie Clark

City-Wide Curbside Swap

September 12, 2015 is city-wide Curbside Swap day

Got free, useable stuff?
Want free, usable stuff?
Swap it!

At a Curbside Swap, unwanted items in good condition are placed on the curb and marked as free, for anyone to pick up. Giving these items a new home keeps them out of our landfill and reduces our community’s environmental footprint.

Join the city-wide Curbside Swap day on Saturday, September 12, by placing items on your curb that you want to give away and/or by searching for free treasures that others set-out. Make sure whatever you set-out or pick-up is clearly marked as “FREE.” The swap ends by 6:00 p.m., when it’s time to return your unclaimed items to your home along with your newfound treasures.

– Clearly mark all items that you wish to swap as “FREE” and remove any items you wish to keep from your lawn and curb.
– Do not block roads/sidewalks with items.
– Obey all traffic laws and watch for children.
– Do not drive/walk on other people’s lawns.
– Do not discard items on someone else’s lawn/curb.

Check out https://www.saskatoon.ca/services-residents/waste-recycling/recycling/saskatoon-curbside-swap for further information, including downloadable “FREE STUFF” signs

Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners Public Consultation

“Creating a Culture of Community Safety”
Tuesday June 16th 7-9pm at the Farmer’s Market (inside)

This is the first time that the Police Commission has hosted a public forum for a long time. This as a very timely opportunity to have a dialogue with the community about community safety, to hear directly from residents about their experiences and ideas.

The Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners is holding a public consultation to hear directly from Saskatoon residents about these issues:
– Does our community feel safe to you, to your friends and to your neighbours?
– What tells you whether our community feels safe or not?
– Who has the responsibility for creating a safe community?
– What do you believe should be the areas of greatest focus going forward by the police service and other agencies?

This is an opportunity to speak directly to the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners on “Creating a culture of community safety,” an issue that affects every one of us.

More information can be found here

City Hall Open House on the 2016 Budget

Monday June 15th 6-9pm at City Hall

This will be a meeting hosted by City Council directly to discuss the pressure points and priorities for the 2016 City Budget. This is a new and important step in the budgeting process – to invite residents into the discussion months before the City Budget is debated at City Council.

From 6-7pm there will be a “Councillor Conversation Corner” where you can meet with Councillors and the Mayor and talk about your thoughts on the budget. From 7-9pm there will be a special Executive Committee of Mayor and Council to discuss the Budget. The Public is invited to make submissions to this meeting – you are required to submit a request to present by 8am on Monday morning through this site: https://www.saskatoon.ca/write-letter-council

We hope this will be an opportunity for residents to better understand what makes up the City Budget and how budget decisions are made, and also to hear from residents about what you want to see reflected in the next City budget. Please come if you can. You can find more information about the Open House here.

Proposed Rezoning Meeting – 418 Cumberland Ave. N.


Proposed Rezoning by Agreement
418 Cumberland Avenue North
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Starting at 7:00 PM
Brunskill School – Library (101 Wiggins Avenue)

You are invited to review a proposed rezoning of 418 Cumberland Avenue North.

The applicant, Slade Desrochers, has applied to rezone the land through a Rezoning Agreement in order to redevelop the property.

A 3-storey building, with a main floor restaurant and 6 residential units on two floors above, is proposed to replace the building currently located on the property.
The purpose of the meeting is to provide neighbouring residents and property owners the opportunity to learn details of the proposed rezoning, obtain public input on the matter, and to provide details on the rezoning process.

For more information, please contact:
Brent McAdam, Planner
Planning and Development Division, Community Services Department, City of Saskatoon
222-3rd Avenue North, Saskatoon, S7K 0J5
Email: brent.mcadam@saskatoon.ca
PH: (306) 986-0902 Fax: (306) 975-7712

Doors Open Saskatoon – Volunteers Needed!

Doors Open Saskatoon – Join us! Get involved and volunteer!

Have some fun and volunteer on Sunday, June 7 from 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM or 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM. Help us help the people of Saskatoon to appreciate our built heritage!

If you or any of your friends, family, coworkers are interested in getting involved in this event – please direct them to register online here http://surveymonkey.com/s/DOSYXEvolunteer or have them email Megan, the Doors Open Saskatoon 2015 Coordinator, at morr@onpurpose.ca for more information.

Anyone who registers by this Friday, May 29 will be entered to win a draw prize!