Tag Archives: meeting

Grosvenor Park Traffic Review

Grosvenor Park Neighbourhood Traffic Review
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Albert Community Centre – 3rd Floor Loft
610 Clarence Avenue South

Residents of the Grosvenor Park neighbourhood are invited to attend a public meeting to review and discuss a draft neighbourhood-wide traffic plan for their area. The meeting will be hosted by the City of Saskatoon, Transportation Division.

On April 14, 2016 Grosvenor Park residents participated in discussions and identified ideas and solutions to address traffic concerns in their neighbourhood. Based on feedback and information received during this meeting, other sources, traffic counts and existing traffic studies, the Transportation Division has prepared a draft neighbourhood wide traffic plan. The meeting on January 11th will provide Grosvenor Park residents, business owners, property owners, local groups and other stakeholders an opportunity to comment on specific traffic adjustments being proposed for this neighbourhood.

Please join us as we discuss the traffic issues that affect you and your neighbourhood.

Please send comments to:
Justine Marcoux, Transportation Engineer
Transportation & Utilities Department, City of Saskatoon
222-3rd Avenue North Saskatoon, S7K 0J5
Email: justine.marcoux@saskatoon.ca
Ph: (306) 975-2454 Fax: (306) 975-2971

Corner Lot Development meeting

Proposed Regulations for 4-unit Multiple Unit Dwellings on Corner Sites
The amendments for 4-Unit multiple unit dwellings on corner sites will be considered by City Council in 2016.

Discussion of proposal to allow rezoning of corner lots for four unit dwellings
Albert Community Center Auditorium, 7 PM

City website

The Neighbourhood Level Infill Development Strategy recommends development of garden and garage suites. The Strategy is one component of a Comprehensive Plan for infill development within built up areas of the city. The Infill Strategy addresses small scale infill opportunities on individual residential lots, with a scope directed to an assessment of established neighbourhoods within Saskatoon, defined as neighbourhoods located inside Circle Drive, as well as Sutherland and Montgomery.

The Infill Strategy ensures the distinctive development patterns and historic characteristics of pre-war and post-war neighbourhoods are maintained. It proposes regulatory amendments that will help to minimize massing of new developments, regulate infill lot grading, address parking concerns, and protect the streetscape.

Grosvenor Park Neighbourhood Traffic Review

Thursday, April 14, 2016
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Grosvenor Park United Church
Cumberland Avenue & 14th Street

Are there traffic concerns in your neighbourhood? Do you have ideas and suggestions to address the issues? We want to hear from you!

Residents of Grosvenor Park are invited to attend a public meeting to identify and discuss local traffic issues in the neighbourhood. The meeting will be hosted by the City of Saskatoon, Transportation Division.

The Transportation Division will examine the issues identified at this meeting, gather additional information through traffic counts, and prepare a comprehensive plan to ad- dress traffic concerns across the entire Grosvenor Park neighbourhood. The plan will be presented at a follow-up meeting in fall 2016.

All local stakeholders are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please join us as we discuss the traffic issues that affect your neighbourhood.

Please send comments to:
Justine Nyen, Transportation Engineer
Transportation & Utilities Department, City of Saskatoon
222-3rd Avenue North Saskatoon, S7K 0J5
Email: justine.nyen@saskatoon.ca Ph: (306) 975-2454 Fax: (306) 975-2971

Main St. & Wiggins Proposed Traffic Restriction

You are invited to meet with the Transportation Division and the Varsity View Community Association to discuss a proposed temporary restriction of the east-west traffic movement on Main Street at the Wiggins Avenue intersection. In 2014, the City of Saskatoon completed a Neighbourhood Traffic Review for Varsity View. An issue that was raised by residents was traffic on Main Street. The Transportation Division subsequently proposed a temporary solution.

The temporary solution would be left in place for two years, evaluated for effectiveness, and a decision made to either remove the restriction, or make it permanent. City Council subsequently asked that more consultation take place before making its decision.

Accordingly, on Wednesday October 14, 2015, at 7:00 pm, staff from the Transportation Division will be in attendance for the VVCA meeting at the Brunskill School Library. We invite you to come and discuss the proposed restriction with us.

Your cooperation and involvement in developing your neighbourhood traffic plan is greatly appreciated. For more information, or if you have any feedback, questions or concerns, regarding this proposal, please contact:
Jay Magus, Engineering Manager, Transportation, City of Saskatoon
306-975-3171 or jay.magus@saskatoon.ca


Meeting: Rezoning at Main & Cumberland

The proposed rezoning at Main and Cumberland by Black Rock Developments is certainly of interest to many individuals in the neighbourhood. Main Street has gone through tremendous changes in the past two years, and in some ways is the shiniest and most modern block in Varsity View. This change is interesting and challenging at the same time.

The Varsity View LAP completed in 2014 (summary report here at the CoS website or full here. ) promotes balanced growth that must yield a net benefit to the the community. This is a high standard but encourages a balance between new interests and old ones. VVCA has also been active to promote sensible infill guidelines to help shape the changes of individual units on streets just like this.

As interested citizens, I would like to invite each of you to join us Monday, October 5th at 7 pm to 8:30 pm in the Brunskill library to discuss these proposed zoning changes, identify what we like and do not like about the proposed development and explore what our viewpoints are and any common ground we share. I would like us as a neighbourhood to further talk through what development looks like as this will undoubtedly be a theme of the coming decades due to our highly desirable location and aging housing stock.

Please share my invite with other interested or civically minded folks. If you are unable to join us that night, I will be happy to share your comments (with your permission) to the attendees.

– James Perkins, VVCA President

Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners Public Consultation

“Creating a Culture of Community Safety”
Tuesday June 16th 7-9pm at the Farmer’s Market (inside)

This is the first time that the Police Commission has hosted a public forum for a long time. This as a very timely opportunity to have a dialogue with the community about community safety, to hear directly from residents about their experiences and ideas.

The Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners is holding a public consultation to hear directly from Saskatoon residents about these issues:
– Does our community feel safe to you, to your friends and to your neighbours?
– What tells you whether our community feels safe or not?
– Who has the responsibility for creating a safe community?
– What do you believe should be the areas of greatest focus going forward by the police service and other agencies?

This is an opportunity to speak directly to the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners on “Creating a culture of community safety,” an issue that affects every one of us.

More information can be found here

City Hall Open House on the 2016 Budget

Monday June 15th 6-9pm at City Hall

This will be a meeting hosted by City Council directly to discuss the pressure points and priorities for the 2016 City Budget. This is a new and important step in the budgeting process – to invite residents into the discussion months before the City Budget is debated at City Council.

From 6-7pm there will be a “Councillor Conversation Corner” where you can meet with Councillors and the Mayor and talk about your thoughts on the budget. From 7-9pm there will be a special Executive Committee of Mayor and Council to discuss the Budget. The Public is invited to make submissions to this meeting – you are required to submit a request to present by 8am on Monday morning through this site: https://www.saskatoon.ca/write-letter-council

We hope this will be an opportunity for residents to better understand what makes up the City Budget and how budget decisions are made, and also to hear from residents about what you want to see reflected in the next City budget. Please come if you can. You can find more information about the Open House here.

VVCA AGM – April 15, 2015

NOTICE of AGM,and call for volunteers!

The Annual General Meeting for VVCA/Grosvenor Park will take place on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 7 pm at Brunskill School. All community residents are invited to attend for an update on projects and to elect next year’s Executive. A number of members of the Executive will not be standing for re-election, so new volunteers would be more than welcome!

Nutana Neighbourhood Traffic Review

Thursday, January 9, 2015
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Albert Community Centre
610 Clarence Avenue South

On October 1, 2013, Nutana neighbourhood residents participated in discussion and identified issues and ideas to address traffic concerns in their neighbourhood. On September 9, 2014 residents provided comments on the Draft Neighbourhood Traffic Plan.

On Thursday, January 8, 2015 Nutana residents, business owners, property owners, local groups and other stakeholders will have the opportunity to comment on:

– Revised traffic control in the area bound by Clarence Avenue, Victoria Avenue, 12th Street and 8th Street (including Main Street and cut-through traffic)
– Dufferin Avenue sample roundabouts
– 9th Street shortcutting issues – Idylwyld Drive directional closure and removal of roundabout at McPherson Avenue
– The intersections of 14th Street/Temperance Street/Lansdowne Avneue safety issues – roadway realignment

The meeting will be hosted by the City of Saskatoon, Transportation Division.

Please join us as we discuss the traffic issues the affect you and your neighbourhood.

For drawings of the proposed changes please visit the Shaping Saskatoon webpage

VIDO-InterVac public meeting

The Community Liaison Committee for VIDO-InterVac invites you to a public meeting Tuesday October 14 at McNally Robinson Bookstore at 7 pm.

InterVac is a bio-containment Level 3 (CL3) facility where scientists study certain diseases and develop and test vaccines. The term CL3 describes the type of safety measures and equipment needed within the facility to ensure the safety of workers and the community.

The Community Liaison Committee is a diverse group of citizens including experts in emergency measures as well as citizens at large. The CLC is an independent committee established by the University of Saskatchewan to ensure communication on safety issues related to InterVac is open and transparent. The CLC continuously seeks information on activities of community concern, as well as monitors issues related to safety and any incidents of potential public interest. This is especially timely as operations have recently begun.

Dr. Andrew Potter, director, and several senior scientists will be available to answer questions.