Tag Archives: VVCA

14th Street Permanent Closure

The City of Saskatoon is undertaking the design of the permanent closure of 14th Street East
between Lansdowne Avenue and Temperance Street. This connection was recommended for
closure through the Nutana Neighbourhood Traffic Review which was conducted in 2014 and
adopted by Council in May 2015. The closure was installed temporarily in 2016. The permanent
closure has been approved by City Council.

Thank you to everyone that has provided input so far. We received your feedback via the design
charrette (September 2017), and multiple stakeholder working group meetings (Spring and
Summer 2018). We considered all of the concerns and feedback as we developed designs for
the permanent closure options.

The proposed design for the 14th Street permanent closure has been posted to Saskatoon.ca/ntr and will be discussed at the Teams Live meeting. We would appreciate the opportunity to get your thoughts on the design. There are two ways to participate and provide us with your feedback:

Microsoft Teams Live Event
Thursday, September 17th, 8:30 pm
Link to the meeting is available at Saskatoon.ca/ntr
You do not need to download the app to participate.

Project Information: Saskatoon.ca/ntr
Go to www.saskatoon.ca/ntr
Click on the 2014 accordion
Details for the meeting will be shown under the Nutana heading

Next Steps
 FALL 2020: Finalize design.
 WINTER 2021: Tender contract.
 SPRING/SUMMER 2021: Construct permanent closure.

Contact Us:
You may also submit your comments directly:
Email: Nathalie.Baudais@Saskatoon.ca
Phone: 306-986-3097

An informational video about the permanent closure will be posted to the Saskatoon.ca/ntr webpage one week prior to the meeting.

Clarence Ave water main project starts Monday, June 22

The City will be installing new water mains on Clarence Avenue between 8th Street and College Drive starting Monday, June 22 at 7:00 a.m. This work is expected to take  about 5 months to complete, weather permitting and barring any unforeseen circumstances.  
Detours will be in place guiding motorists around the construction zone while this work is underway. 

Phase 1– Clarence Avenue from 8th  Street East to 12th  Street East – beginning June 22 for approximately  4  weeks.    
Phase 2– Clarence Avenue from 12th Street East to Colony Street – approximately 5 weeks. 
Phase 3 – Clarence Avenue from Colony Street to College Drive – approximately 6 weeks.    
Phase 4 – Temperance Street from Munroe Avenue to Wiggins Avenue – approximately  7 weeks. 

For more information on the Clarence Avenue Water Main Replacement Project, please visit saskatoon.ca/watermain

Ward 6 Virtual Block Party

Councillor Cynthia Block will host a Virtual Block Party on June 4 at 7pm through Facebook Live to learn more about what is happening in your neighbourhood. The Mayor will also join our event to help answer your questions.

What’s on your mind? Let’s talk.

• Roads and Sidewalks
• Taxes
• Climate
• Core Services
• Safety
• Something else?
Submit your questions in advance at:


To add a little Block Party flavour, the Mayor and Cynthia will each make a potluck dish, and make a contactless delivery following the event. All you have to do is share one of your favourite recipes in the event comments to be eligible for the draw. Cut off time to submit is 7pm on June 4.

Calling bird-lovers

Calling all bird-loving walkers! 

Birds in Real Danger, Saskatoon (B.I.R.D.S) aims to reduce bird-window strikes in the city, and we need your help to do it! All you need is a camera (your phone works great!), some paper, a pen, and a few bags, and you can help document evidence of birds injured or killed by window strikes.

Hundreds of birds are treated at Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation after striking windows – and those are just the ones lucky enough to survive the impact and be found by a caring person.

With the ongoing development of larger buildings, many covered in glass and on or near the riverbank, the City of Saskatoon may well see an increase in the number of bird injuries and mortalities from collisions with glass structures. By documenting occurrences of bird collisions with windows, and by educating the public on the issue, BIRDS aims to gain support for the adoption of bird-friendly guidelines for buildings. 

If you’d like to join us in looking for evidence of window strikes in Saskatoon’s downtown area, on the University campus, or even in your own neighborhood, contact us at lswr@sasktel.net

Your regular walk might just save the birds!

Bike Lane Open House

March Open Houses

14th Street East Corridor
Open house to discuss a bike lane along 14th Street from Cumberland to Sask Cres.

  • present general information to the public regarding active transportation and neighbourhood bikeways;
  • provide participants an opportunity to discuss concerns, considerations and possible improvements regarding all forms of transportation in their area; and
  • to help inform the neighbourhood bikeway designs that will be specifically tailored for each corridor’s transportation needs.

Neighbourhood Bikeways Project.
Wednesday, March 4
7-9 pm (come & go format)
Emmanuel Anglican Church. 609 Dufferin Ave.

May Open Houses

The objectives of the second phase of public engagement open houses, occurring in May (dates to be determined), will be:

  • present the neighbourhood bike designs;
  • communicate how previous public input informed the designs;
  • collect public feedback on the designs to help prioritize the projects; and
  • summarize public feedback on the designs for the final report to City Council.

At the completion of each phase, summaries of the engagements will be added to the Engage page.


Community Safety Report

Email and report from the Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners:

“The Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners sincerely appreciates the interest of you and/or your organization in community safety. 

The attached report is in follow up to the issues raised by more than 80 residents and community group representatives, from all areas of the city, at the Board’s October 16, 2019 Community Consultation. 

The Board of Police Commissioners listened to your views, captured the messages you delivered, and has identified the actions the Board can take, within the scope of its mandate, and is pleased to report this directly to you and your organization.”

2020 Construction on Clarence Avenue

In the 2020 construction season (May – October), an important water main construction project will occur on Clarence Avenue from College Drive to 8th Street East and on Aird Street from Clarence Avenue to Munroe Avenue. A letter was recently sent to those residents adjacent to the work area notifying them about this upcoming project.

The project occurring next construction season on Clarence Avenue and Aird Street is still in the planning stages so information is limited at this time. In the meantime, until more information becomes available we recommend that community members sign up to receive project updates prior to and during this project. To sign up, email the City at constructionupdates@saskatoon.ca and provide your name, address and contact information.

The replacement of older water mains and the lead service lines (lead pipes) that deliver the water services into homes in Saskatoon’s most established neighbourhoods is a priority for the City. In 2017, the City committed to removing all lead pipes by the end 2026.

The water main and lead pipe replacement project scheduled to occur in your neighbourhood next construction season will include the following infrastructure improvements:
•  Replacement of 780m of water main
•  Replacement of 48 lead pipe
•  Restoration of roadways, resulting in smooth, ‘like new’ road surface
•  Rehabilitation of sidewalks.

Over the next several months, the City will provide opportunities for residents to learn more about this important infrastructure project:
•  For all residents who have lead pipes, a City representative will be in touch with you over the next couple of weeks to discuss the details and anticipated impacts of this work.
•  In early 2020, an information session will be held in your neighbourhood where you will have an opportunity to learn more about the project and ask any questions you may have.  • Prior to construction beginning, you will receive a construction notice with important information about the project.

Residential Parking Permit Open House

A number of “come and go” style open houses will be held near Saskatoon’s Residential Parking Permit zones.  Proposed amendments to the current program will be presented.  Attendees are encouraged  to provide feedback on potential options for amendments.

Varsity View Zone
Emmanuel Anglican Church
609 Dufferin Avenue
Thursday, November 28th
3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Members of the public can provide feedback on proposed amendments to the Residential Parking Program by filling out this online survey.  The survey will be open for submissions until Friday, December 13th at 5:00 p.m.

City’s ‘Parking for Rent’ Regulations

Do You Know the City’s Regulations Around ‘Parking for Rent’?

Through the Varsity View Local Area Plan (LAP) process, residents noted concerns about residential properties in the northeast portion of the neighbourhood renting out off-street parking spaces to non-residents, which they felt unnecessarily increased commuter traffic flow on local streets and contributed to poor aesthetics in the neighbourhood.

Rental of parking to non-residents on residential property for compensation is not permitted as per the City of Saskatoon (City) Zoning Bylaw No. 8770. To ensure that residential property owners are aware of the regulations and bylaws that apply to rental of parking on their properties, information was distributed to the residential properties in the northeast portion of the neighbourhood, as per Varsity View LAP Recommendation 5.5 – ‘Parking for Rent’ Notification.

For more information and to view the Varsity View LAP online, visit saskatoon.ca/lap.

Making a Bylaw Complaint with the City
Residents can make a bylaw complaint to the City’s Bylaw Compliance Section by phone at 306-657-8766, by email at bylaw.compliance@saskatoon.ca, or on the City’s website at saskatoon.ca/webform/report-bylaw-infraction. All complaints received are kept confidential. All concerns are investigated and can take varying lengths of time to resolve due to the enforcement process.

Community Safety Consultation

The Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners, in its role as  a conduit between the public and the Saskatoon Police Service, is hosting a Community Consultation focusing on:

  • Crime and community safety in our neighbourhoods, and 
  • Strategies being used by city-wide and community-based groups to enhance community safety.

Members of the public are invited to attend and participate in this highly interactive Consultation. The Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners will be at the discussion tables to hear, on a direct  basis, what YOU and your organizations  have to say on these issues.

The meeting will include presentations by these groups, with discussion to follow with all attendees on each topic:

·         Safe Community Action Alliance: SCAA purpose, processes and community safety strategies.
·         Community Associations:  Crime and community safety in their neighbourhoods,  and initiatives they employ to increase community safety.
·         Saskatoon Police Service: Key elements of its Strategic Plan, canvassing for issues that matter to you, in your neighbourhood, and in your community.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Saskatoon Farmers’ Market, 19th Street and Avenue B

Your views, your Community Association’s views, your organization’s views, your neighbourhood’s views, are important. The Board of Police Commissioners wants to hear from you!!!

Visit saskatoonpolicecommission.com to view the full agenda for the Community Consultation.