All posts by VVCA

2020 Construction on Clarence Avenue

In the 2020 construction season (May – October), an important water main construction project will occur on Clarence Avenue from College Drive to 8th Street East and on Aird Street from Clarence Avenue to Munroe Avenue. A letter was recently sent to those residents adjacent to the work area notifying them about this upcoming project.

The project occurring next construction season on Clarence Avenue and Aird Street is still in the planning stages so information is limited at this time. In the meantime, until more information becomes available we recommend that community members sign up to receive project updates prior to and during this project. To sign up, email the City at and provide your name, address and contact information.

The replacement of older water mains and the lead service lines (lead pipes) that deliver the water services into homes in Saskatoon’s most established neighbourhoods is a priority for the City. In 2017, the City committed to removing all lead pipes by the end 2026.

The water main and lead pipe replacement project scheduled to occur in your neighbourhood next construction season will include the following infrastructure improvements:
•  Replacement of 780m of water main
•  Replacement of 48 lead pipe
•  Restoration of roadways, resulting in smooth, ‘like new’ road surface
•  Rehabilitation of sidewalks.

Over the next several months, the City will provide opportunities for residents to learn more about this important infrastructure project:
•  For all residents who have lead pipes, a City representative will be in touch with you over the next couple of weeks to discuss the details and anticipated impacts of this work.
•  In early 2020, an information session will be held in your neighbourhood where you will have an opportunity to learn more about the project and ask any questions you may have.  • Prior to construction beginning, you will receive a construction notice with important information about the project.

Research: Abuse of Older Adults

Under-reporting in Abuse of Older Adults in the Prairie Provinces

Are you an older adult who has experienced some kind of abuse – serious harm, disrespect or assault/abuse? We need your views and thoughts on this important issue.

Your participation will include an interview (about 1 hour long) answering questions on this topic.

If you are interested in participating in this study, please call our confidential voice mail at: 306-966-8025. You may email us at:
Principal Investigator: Kerstin Roger (University of Manitoba)
Co-Investigators: Donna Goodridge (University of Saskatchewan) and Christine Walsh (University of Calgary)
Funded by PrairieAction Foundation
Saskatchewan Community Partner: Age and Opportunity

Women’s Business Hub

The Women’s Business Hub is a new venture for the Saskatoon Open Door Society and we are very enthusiastic about this new program as it creates more opportunities for immigrant women looking to enter the business sector.

This program consists of both in class instruction and hands on training over the duration of 12 months. There will be sessions with mentors and consultants to help the clients succeed in their desired area of business.

Some of the basic requirements for this program include:
· Eligible to work in Canada
· Immigrated to Canada within the last 10 years
· English Language level of CLB 6+

We are having an orientation for potential clients on December 9th 2019 at 10:00am at Saskatoon Open Door Society.

Saskatoon Open Door Society
100-129 3rd Ave. N. Saskatoon, SK S7K 2H4
P. 306-653-4464 (Ext. 215) F. 306-653-7159

Residential Parking Permit Open House

A number of “come and go” style open houses will be held near Saskatoon’s Residential Parking Permit zones.  Proposed amendments to the current program will be presented.  Attendees are encouraged  to provide feedback on potential options for amendments.

Varsity View Zone
Emmanuel Anglican Church
609 Dufferin Avenue
Thursday, November 28th
3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Members of the public can provide feedback on proposed amendments to the Residential Parking Program by filling out this online survey.  The survey will be open for submissions until Friday, December 13th at 5:00 p.m.

City’s ‘Parking for Rent’ Regulations

Do You Know the City’s Regulations Around ‘Parking for Rent’?

Through the Varsity View Local Area Plan (LAP) process, residents noted concerns about residential properties in the northeast portion of the neighbourhood renting out off-street parking spaces to non-residents, which they felt unnecessarily increased commuter traffic flow on local streets and contributed to poor aesthetics in the neighbourhood.

Rental of parking to non-residents on residential property for compensation is not permitted as per the City of Saskatoon (City) Zoning Bylaw No. 8770. To ensure that residential property owners are aware of the regulations and bylaws that apply to rental of parking on their properties, information was distributed to the residential properties in the northeast portion of the neighbourhood, as per Varsity View LAP Recommendation 5.5 – ‘Parking for Rent’ Notification.

For more information and to view the Varsity View LAP online, visit

Making a Bylaw Complaint with the City
Residents can make a bylaw complaint to the City’s Bylaw Compliance Section by phone at 306-657-8766, by email at, or on the City’s website at All complaints received are kept confidential. All concerns are investigated and can take varying lengths of time to resolve due to the enforcement process.

Fall Street Sweeping

RE: Declutter your gutter! Fall street sweeping starts October 15

The annual Fall Street Sweeping program starts Tuesday, October 15. Cleaning up leaves in the fall prevents them from collecting in gutters causing flooding in the spring. 

Only the leafiest streets within the following neighbourhoods will be swept: Buena Vista, Caswell Hill, City Park, Exhibition, Holiday Park, King George, Mayfair, Nutana, Riversdale and Varsity View. 

Check out the area maps at see which streets are included. Note: the schedule is different this year and there are no neighbourhoods where every road is swept. 

Watch for the yellow No Parking signs and move vehicles off the street by 7 a.m. on your sweeping day. Tickets and towing will occur so we can access the full curb lane. 

How can I prepare?

  1. Clean up leaves that can blow onto the street. Please do not push or blow leaves onto the street.This is illegal and residents may receive a Bylaw Notice. Excess leaves can delay the cleaning schedule or even cause the entire street to be skipped.
  2. Place yard clippings in your City of Saskatoon green cart or consider taking them to one of the City’s compost depots for free. Learn more at

Find your area sweeping sweeping schedule at Stay up to date with the City of Saskatoon Service Alerts for any unexpected changes that may affect the sweeping schedule. 

Proposed Rezoning Come-and-Go

Proposed Rezoning by Agreement – 301 Clarence Ave N

Applicant: Axbridge Construction Corporation
Date: Thursday, October 17, 2019 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: Brunskill School Library – 101 Wiggins Avenue

A come-and-go public information session regarding the proposed rezoning by Agreement of 301 Clarence Avenue North will be held on Thursday, October 17, 2019, in the Brunskill School Library.

The site is currently zoned R2 District and provides for residential development in the form of one and two-unit dwellings as well as related community uses. The proposed rezoning by Agreement would provide for a three-storey building with four separate dwelling units in the style of brownstone townhouses as shown in the image below. The development would also provide nine on-site parking spaces. A site plan for the development has been included on the back of this page. A rezoning by Agreement is proposed to ensure that only the specific development proposal put forward by the applicant could be constructed.

Representatives of the City of Saskatoon and the applicants will be available at this come-and-go information session to discuss the proposed development, the review process, and receive comments on the proposal. Site plans, renderings, and elevations will be available for viewing.

For more information, please contact:
Jonathan Derworiz Planner
Planning & Development
City of Saskatoon
222 Third Avenue North, S7K 0J5 Ph: (306) 986-0902 Fax: (306) 975-7712

Climate Strike 2019

Friday, Sept 27th, City Hall @ 12pm
A Call for Action


We will gather at City Hall Square for 12:00 noon on Friday September 27th.

We will hold a brief initial rally, then some or all of us will march down to the CBC building. Then we will march to the provincial Cabinet office and draw attention to climate issues at a provincial level. Then we will march to the Federal Building to draw attention to climate issues at a federal level. Then we will march back to City Hall for more communion together.

Bring your vibrant hearts and willing bodies to participate in this MARCH FOR JUSTICE.

As a local community, let’s come together as one and raise our vibration.

Let’s believe a better world is possible and proactively bring it into existence.

If possible, create signs displaying your call for action.

Albert Rec Unit under construction

After many long years of planning and fundraising, the Big Plans for a Little Park park rejuvenation of Albert Recreation Unit park (corner of Clarence and 13th Street) has started construction this fall!

Construction should continue throughout October, with hopes of the park being complete by the end of that month. During construction, the south half of the park will be closed to access. Thank you to Strata Construction and City Gardens for taking on this project.

The Big Plans committee wishes to thank all the donors and supporters of this project! This is your little park, and you made it happen. Thank you!

Community Safety Consultation

The Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners, in its role as  a conduit between the public and the Saskatoon Police Service, is hosting a Community Consultation focusing on:

  • Crime and community safety in our neighbourhoods, and 
  • Strategies being used by city-wide and community-based groups to enhance community safety.

Members of the public are invited to attend and participate in this highly interactive Consultation. The Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners will be at the discussion tables to hear, on a direct  basis, what YOU and your organizations  have to say on these issues.

The meeting will include presentations by these groups, with discussion to follow with all attendees on each topic:

·         Safe Community Action Alliance: SCAA purpose, processes and community safety strategies.
·         Community Associations:  Crime and community safety in their neighbourhoods,  and initiatives they employ to increase community safety.
·         Saskatoon Police Service: Key elements of its Strategic Plan, canvassing for issues that matter to you, in your neighbourhood, and in your community.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Saskatoon Farmers’ Market, 19th Street and Avenue B

Your views, your Community Association’s views, your organization’s views, your neighbourhood’s views, are important. The Board of Police Commissioners wants to hear from you!!!

Visit to view the full agenda for the Community Consultation.

Ladies Learning Code

National Ladies Learning Code Day: Intro to User Experience (UX) Design
Sat Sep 21, 2019 10:00AM – 4:00PM

Atrium Building,, Saskatoon SK

Why learn about UX design?

With great design comes great responsibility. User experience (UX) design isn’t just about creating pretty or functioning websites – it’s about creative solutioning and trying to make people’s lives and experiences better.

As designers, we need to remember that we aren’t designing products for ourselves, but for other people. Being a UX designer allows you to work with and problem solve for a variety of different people, and empathy plays a huge part in this.

During this collaborative learning experience, we’ll explore the difference between UI and UX, and how they work together. We’ll walk through the design cycle; including discovery, user testing, and user personas. Learners will also have a chance to experience different UX methods through hands-on exercises, including building physical and digital prototypes.

City of Saskatoon Youth Activities

Girls in Motion

FREE one-day event to inspire girls ages 10-14 to live healthy, active lives. Physical activities facilitated by qualified instructors. Shaw Centre Nov 8 F 09:00 AM-04:00 PM. (Registration Code:  SC4314-01)

Taking to the Court

FREE one-day event for boys ages 10 to 14 to get active and learn and practice a mix of sports. Snacks and lunch provided. Cosmo Civic Centre Nov 8 F 09:00 AM-04:00 PM (Registration Code: CD4366-01)

Drop N’ Shop

 6-12 yrs. This holiday season entrust your children with certified leaders who will supervise a number of child-friendly activities including arts and crafts, giving you the opportunity to get away and get your shopping done!  All programs FREE.

  • Lawson Civic Centre Dec 7 Sa 01:00 PM-04:00 PM (Registration Code:  CD4627-02)
  •  Lakewood Civic Centre Dec 14 & 21 Sa 01:00 PM-04:00 PM (Registration Code CD4627-01)
  •  Shaw Centre Dec 22 Su 01:00 PM-04:00 PM (Registration Code: CD4627-03)

Multi-Sport Sampler

A great opportunity for youth ages 10-14 to engage in physical activity while developing new and improved skills in a wide variety of sport activities. Cosmo Civic Centre. A ll programs FREE.

  • Fencing           Sep 5               Th        03:45 PM        -05:45 PM        (Registration Code: CD4626-01)
  • Soccer            Sep 9               M        03:45 PM         -05:45 PM        (Registration Code CD4626-02)
  •  Doubleball       Sep 12             Th        03:45 PM         -05:45 PM        (Registration Code: CD4626-03)
  • Football            Sep 16            M         03:45 PM         -05:45 PM        (Registration Code: CD4626-04)
  • Baseball          Sep 19             Th        03:45 PM         -05:45 PM        (Registration Code: CD4626-05)
  • Curling             Sep 23             M        03:45 PM         -05:45 PM        (Registration Code: CD4626-06)