Category Archives: VVCA News & Events

Varsity View Water Main Replacement Project

In the 2023 construction season (May – October), the City of Saskatoon will be completing infrastructure upgrades in the Varsity View neighbourhood as part of the Varsity View Water Main Replacement Project. Details of this project can be found below and information scheduled to be issued to area residents January 24th can also be found below.

Work will include:
– The replacement of 1,367m of water main.
– Maintenance of 174m of water main.
– Replacement of 70 lead water and sewer service connections.
– Road, sidewalk and curb rehabilitation

In an effort to keep residents and businesses informed about this important infrastructure project:
– A construction notice will be issued in advance of work beginning to area residents and businesses within a 1-block radius of the project areas.
– Prior to and throughout the duration of the project, bi-weekly project updates will be issued to residents and businesses who subscribe to the updates and can also be found online at
– A project video that details what residents can expect will be issued to all those that subscribed to the bi-weekly project updates.

For community members who wish to subscribe to our project updates for the Varsity View Water Main Replacement Project, please email us at and include your name and contact information. For those who do not have access to an email and wish to receive these updates, please contact us as 306-975-2476.

January 2023 board meeting

Overview of discussion at our January 18 2023 VVCA board meeting at Brunskill School.

– possible City rezoning coming to Varsity View to increase density of housing along College Corridor.
– ski trail at Grosvenor Park is great. Has been groomed four times this winter already. Signage asking people to not walk on the trails has been installed by a user. Possibly do another grooming soon – City will evaluate.
– new extension to RPP is in place with new signage. Residents are happy to be able to park near their homes again. But, there is an awareness of difficulties of parking for health services workers. Solutions??
– VVCA 40th anniversary will be noted in 2025!
– concept plan for small park near D’Lish (in Nutana) is close to completion. Hopefully construction will begin in 2023. Members hope some recognition/commemorative signage will be installed in memory of Cathy Watts.
– Albert Community Centre has secured some federal and civic funding for building upgrades.
– outdoor spring soccer will be done online via soccer RAMP site beginning February 1.
– rink is great. Thank you to all the volunteers!
– new newsletter coordinator to begin in the spring
– all scheduled programs are running, except for two new ones which did not get enough registrants. Learn to skate will go ahead later in January.
– Cost as a barrier program to be promoted more. Written policy to be created.
– new badminton birds to be purchased.
– spring program registration discussion.
– Water catchment projects in Grosvenor Park likely to happen in 2025. More detail from City maybe this year, or in 2024.
– discussion about needed sidewalk construction in VV.
– next meeting Wed. Feb. 15, 2023 (to be confirmed)

Clarence Ave. & Main Street Engagement Session

The City of Saskatoon completed a traffic review at the intersection of Clarence Avenue and Main Street this summer after several residents reached out with concerns about safety. Channelization on Main Street is recommended to address these safety concerns. 

A second engagement session is planned to collect feedback and additional comments from community members in Nutana and Varsity View on the recommended channelization.

WHEN: Wednesday, February 1, 2023, from 6:30-8 pm
WHERE: Albert Community Centre loft (3rd floor, wheelchair accessible)

BACKGROUND: To improve safety at the intersection and address collision patterns, channelization on Main Street is recommended. This involves modifying the existing medians on Main Street at both approaches to create right turn only lanes. Drivers on Main Street would be required to turn right at the intersection and would no longer be able to drive straight through or turn left onto Clarence Avenue.

Varsity View RPP expansion

The Varsity View Residential Parking Program (RPP) area is expanding, with signage scheduled to be installed late December or early January 2023.

The expanded streets include the following:

  • 200 Block of Cumberland Avenue;
  • 300 Block of Cumberland Avenue;
  • 300 Block of McKinnon Avenue (east side);
  • 1000 Block of 14th Street East;
  • 1100 Block of 14th Street East;
  • 1200 Block of 14th Street East;
  • 1300 Block of 14th Street East;
  • 1400 Block of 14th Street East;
  • 1200 Block of 13th Street East

Information on RPPs can be found here:…/residential-parking-program

November 2022 board meeting

Thanks for those who attended our November board meeting on Wednesday November 16. Here is a broad overview of some of the items we discussed:

– VVCA to order tent for outdoor events (City to partially reimburse such permanent promotional items)
– Grosvenor Park ski trail may be done this week by City. VVCA is holding discussions with a community member about having President Murray Park done.
– UPDATED: Main and Clarence intersection City decision postposed until the new year. More City public engagement is planned for Winter/Spring 2023.
– encourage community members to view City videos about College Corridor Plan and partake in surveys, here:
– Residential Permit Parking (RPP) is expanding in Varsity View and signage should be go up late December or early January
– small external group held discussions regarding petty crime and Grosvenor Park Shopping Centre noise and disturbances. Some recommendations from group: 1) start 8th Street Business Improvement group to speak with one voice about concerns, 2) stronger police response to nuisance and disturbances (ticketing), 3) install No Loitering signs on affected businesses so enforcement is easier, 4) encourage community members to report issues to police, either by phone or online – police need data to prioritize response, 5) provide awareness article and police phone and online links in newsletter.
– new basketballs bought for program
– thanks to Fredy for work on rink. One flood has been done by Kenton!
– programs beginning January 2023 listed on website. Registration nights are January 10 and 12.
– appoint Gary Ayotte as VVCA rep at Albert Community Centre board.
– newsletter deadline is November 22. Will be published and distributed to neighbourhood between Christmas and New Years.
– let Zoom licenses lapse. Not currently using them.

College Corridor Plan – surveys

Surveys on Prioritizing Public Realm Improvements

The feedback the City received on public realm improvements was compiled and shared in September – please see

The City has taken the feedback and developed a list of potential open space and streetscape improvements for the area. Now, we would like your help in prioritizing where resources should be focused when we develop the plan.

If you have the time we would appreciate it if you could share your preferences in one or both of the following surveys.

Open Space survey:

Streetscape survey:

In addition, we are hosting a walk-through of the surveys on November 21 at 7pm to allow for questions and clarifications. This will be a hybrid event (online and in-person) and will be recorded and posted to the website. It isn’t intended to be a traditional engagement event: rather the focus will be solely on helping people fill out the survey.

Meeting Details
When: Monday November 21, 2022 at 7:00 pm
To Join Virtually: Find link on our website here:
To Join in Person: Meeting room #3, Saskatoon Field House (2020 College Drive, main floor).

January 2023 program registration

Welcome back everyone! Can’t believe it is that time again!  Mark January 10th & 12th from 7-8:30 pm in the small gym at Brunskill School, on your calendars! It is winter registration!

I am excited to tell you we are offering two new programs. For all who want to try something different come and check out Fibre Explorations and Going Within

FIBRE EXPLORATIONS – A new project will be started most weeks, some will take two classes. All are suitable for beginners. Needle felting; Spiderweb weaving – using paper plates; Amish Knot Coaster – use old t-shirt; Botanical Printing – silk or paper; Embroidered Bookmark; Decorated Sewing kit – using wool blanket.

GOING WITHIN – a series of meditative activities. All are suitable for beginners. Vision Board/Treasure map; Rattles – pottery; Rattles – leather and wood/bone/antler handle with option to embellish with simple beading; Soul Stones – clay “stones” with impressed words such as peace, love, solace; Mandalas – using natural materials pencil crayons, ink, etc.; Neurographica – off loom weaving; faceless doll/red dress/orange shirt; embroidered item – book mark. The instructor is a juried member of the Saskatchewan Craft Council and has extensive teaching experience.

Time to get busy, try yoga or badminton! If you are planning a trip, brush up on your Spanish! If stick men are your artistic capabilities, broaden your capability by taking an art class! Want something to do with whole family, then come on out and give Tae Kwon Do a try!

How about learning a new skill, skating on our new rink! (we need some workers to step up or this will not be a possibility)

There are a few options to consider!!! See you soon!

If you cannot make the registration nights, you may contact me at and I will be happy to assist.

– Barb

Rink volunteers needed

The rink workbee last Saturday got about half the rink done. Thanks to all the volunteers who came out to assist!

Another workbee will be held Saturday October 29 to complete the work. Please come out at 10AM and/or 1PM if you can help.

For more information, contact Jon, our VVCA president at, or just show up Saturday morning! Thank you!

VVCA is looking for community volunteers to assist in flooding and clearing the rink this coming winter. Does this sound like something you can commit some time to?

Contact Barb at if you want more details or to volunteer.

October 2022 board meeting

VVCA October board meeting took place Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at Brunskill School library. Thanks to all those that came out.

Here is a brief overview of some items of discussion:

– Clarence and Temperance intersection (as discussed in September’s meeting) will not be changing. It conforms to Transportation of Canada guidelines and accident data is low.

– decision about Main and Clarence intersection change is anticipated next month at council.

College Corridor Plan is held up due to discussions between BRT team and landowners along College Drive. Another round of public input is still anticipated this year on public realm and pen space design.

– City will groom ski trail at Grosvenor Park only this winter. VVCA is getting a quote for an individual to groom a trail in President Murray Park.

– Workbee held at the rink on Saturday got about half the rink complete. Another workbee is scheduled for Saturday October 29.

– will be adding some metal pipe supports behind bulged netting at ends of rink.

– THANK YOU to volunteers who mowed and removed weeds in the rink area!

– VVCA still looking for volunteers to assist with snow clearing and flooding the rink this winter.

– winter programming coming up. Two new art classes will be added. Registration in January.

– looking for an instructor to teach Learn to Skate program.

– new soccer coordinator will be starting soon.

– basketball program needs coaches. Teams are finalized, with 6 teams from VV.

– community garden got a new-to-them shed and bins from another community garden that shut down.

– small stakeholder meeting about car noise and nuisance from Grosvenor Park Shopping Centre will take place hopefully next week. Date and venue yet to be determined.

– repeated concerns about vandalism and crime in neighbourhood.

– VVCA to purchase tent for outdoor events. Partial reimbursement from City for awareness items.

– VVCA looking good financially. December will see payment of program instructors.

Next meeting: Wednesday November 16, 7PM, Brunskill School library.

Fall 2022 Soccer registration

Soccer registration will be June 15 – Aug 22 for fall/winter soccer.

Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc. is excited to announce that Zones are aiming to open registration for Indoor 2022-23 Season as early as June 15th (just around the corner!) and it will remain open until late August. Families are encouraged to register by August 21 to avoid late fees.

Community Associations will be opening their registrations as early as June 15th but each each community may vary on when their registration opens and will remain open until late August.

As communities confirm details with SYSI, we will update information on our website. Please visit for more information or questions can be directed to SYSI at 306-975-3413 or email

Community Clean-up 2022

Saturday May 7, 2022
8:15 am to 12 Noon
Location: west end of parking lot of Church of Latter Day Saints (10th and Cumberland)

Drop off your spring cleaning junk in the big bins. And/or volunteer to drive the neighbourhood alleys and do some cleaning and hauling.

Gloves provided. Volunteers with or without trucks are welcome.

VVCA Spring 2022 Outdoor Soccer

We are launching registration for the outdoor soccer season. This year we will offer Under 5 and Under 7 leagues in VVCA.

Registration will close on March 14. Teams need to be in by March 21.

We are also looking for coaches. The number of coaches will depend on the number of players registered.

Cost is $65 per player.

SEASON LENGTH: May 2nd to June 28th

UNDER-5 (born 2017 only) – CO-ED 
• 3 vs. 3 format; no goaltenders
• 1 regular game per week (day to be decided)
• 8 games plus Mini FOS Tournament (June 10-12)
• Practices: TBD (at discretion of coach)

UNDER-7 (born 2015 & 2016) – CO-ED 
• 4 vs. 4 format, includes goalkeeper
• 1 regular game per week (Day to be decided)
• 8 games plus Mini FOS Tournament (June 10-12)
• Practices: TBD (at discretion of coach)

We need coaches for each team and looking for volunteers. If interested please email David Pupo at

Register at:

College Corridor Plan survey

College Corridor – Land Use Scenarios

Please budget at least 15-20 minutes to complete this survey. This survey will be open until the end of Friday December 10.

Corridor plans are a framework for future development to transform major streets, or “corridors” near the future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) routes into places for people. The College Corridor Plan covers the area located along College Drive and Preston Avenue, beside the University of Saskatchewan lands. For a map of the College Corridor Plan study area, background information about this project’s objectives and process, and to sign up for our Corridor Planning email newsletter, please visit

In response to the input received from the community in early November, the project team has developed a few potential scenarios for distributing density in the study area. The goal of this survey is to build a single, refined option based on community input on the different potential scenarios presented here:
1) College Drive Scenario #1
2) College Drive Scenario #2
3) College Drive Scenario #3
4) Preston Scenario #1
5) Preston Scenario #2

Survey results are anonymous and no identifying information will be included in our reports, unless you are completing the survey on behalf of an organization and choose to provide your organization’s name in the “Tell us about yourself” section.

Survey Link