Tag Archives: VVCA

RPP Open House

Residential Parking Program Review
Varsity View Open House

The City established the Residential Parking Program (RPP) Bylaw in 1999 in response to parking concerns in residential areas that experience significant on-street parking congestion.
The program designates certain streets as Residential Parking Zones which limit non-resident parking to a short period of time. 

With the rapid growth of the city in recent years, demand for on-street parking has increased.  A comprehensive review of the RPP is required to identify revisions to the bylaw that will better address current needs and pressures.

We invite you to provide your input in the following ways:
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
4 to 8 p.m.
Albert Community Centre, 610 Clarence Ave. S.
Come & Go Format

RPP Online Survey
Survey closes Sunday, June 30, 2019

Send your feedback to parking.permits@saskatoon.ca

For more information on the RPP Review, please visit saskatoon.ca/engage.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

Summer BBQ

VVCA Summer BBQ & Park Fundraiser

Sunday, June 2, 2019
12:00 NOON – 4:00 PM
Raoul Wallenberg Park, 10th St E & Munroe Ave.
• Balloon Guy
• Community BBQ
• Fun
• Families
• Reflexology Park Opening!

VV Community Clean Up 2019


WHEN: Saturday June 8, 2019, 8:30am
WHERE: Brunskill School Parking lot (101 Wiggins Avenue)
WHAT: empty out your garage, basement, storage room, or backyard; or shed! Bring your items to the large garbage bins that will be in the Brunskill school parking lot for disposal!

This is the event at which each year the same half dozen committed volunteers donate their Saturday morning to removing trash (think sodden couches), fire hazards (tree and bush clippings piled against wooden garages) and junk (the odd stove or three) from our neighbourhood back alleys. 

You can help in two ways:
1) Bring your own junk to the dumpsters that will be parked at the back of Brunskill school on the morning of June 8th, 8:30 to 11:30 am (please do not use the small school dumpsters – you will get me in trouble) or,
2) join us as a volunteer – just show up at the parking lot behind Brunskill by 9 am. You get an extra donut if you bring your own truck.

MVA: College & Clarence Condo Meeting

Friday May 3, 2019


At this public meeting, MVA will review the proposed College Drive & Clarence Avenue Condo development.

The public is welcome to attend and make a presentation related to the proposal, limited to 5 minutes. Registration for public presentations must be made by NOON, Wednesday, May 1, 2019. Written submissions will also be accepted if received prior to the deadline.

The meeting will be held at the MVA offices, 402 – 3rd Avenue South, MVA Boardroom.

For more information, please contact the Manager of Planning & Construction at 306.665.6887.

What park project next?

What park project do we tackle next?

VVCA is asking for community feedback and ideas on parks and facilities in the Varsity View and Grosvenor Park neighbourhoods. With the Raoul Wallenberg park enhancement nearly complete and Albert Rec Unit hopefully beginning construction in fall of 2019, our major initiatives are wrapping up.

So, what’s next? We have been thinking about Albert Oulton Park (corner of Cumberland Avenue and 12th Street/Garrison Crescent), or Cumberland Park (Cumberland Avenue and 8th Street), or continue to further enhance Raoul Wallenberg Park (Munroe Avenue and 10th Street).

Google map of neighbourhood

Are there other parks or areas that need some love and attention? What should we accomplish in these (or other) areas? More benches? Bicycle racks? Games tables? Exercise equipment? Public art? Something else?

Feel free to email your ideas to the VVCA President, or find us at any community function to discuss your thoughts. Come out to the VVCA Summer BBQ on June 2 2019 in Raoul Wallenberg Park and chat with us. We’d love to get your input!

Spring 2019 Outdoor Soccer

SEASON LENGTH: May 1st to June 27th

KINDER Soccer (born 2015 & 2016) 
• 1 session per week (night & time TBD, led by volunteer VVCA parents)
• All sessions held at President Murray Park

UNDER-5 (born 2014 only) – CO-ED 
• 3 vs. 3 format; no goaltenders
• 1 regular game per week (Monday or Tuesday at 6 or 7 pm – to be decided)
• 8 games plus Mini FOS Tournament (June 7-9)
• Practices: TBD (at discretion of coach)

UNDER-7 (born 2012 & 2013) – CO-ED 
• 4 vs. 4 format, includes goalkeeper
• 1 regular game per week (Wednesdays or Thursdays – to be decided)
• 8 games plus Mini FOS Tournament (June 7-9)
• Practices: TBD (at discretion of coach)

UNDER-9 (born 2010 & 2011) – COED (separate girls or boys teams with sufficient demand only)
• 5 vs. 5 format, includes goalkeeper 
• 1 regular game per week (Mondays or Tuesdays – to be decided)
• 8 games plus Mini FOS Tournament (June 7-9)
• Practices: TBD (at discretion of coach)

Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vvca-soccer-registration-spring-2019-tickets-58395050167

Are you a Jane’s Walks leader?

You may already be familiar with this world-wide Spring event, May 3rd to 5th, now in 212 cities, inspired by the life of Jane Jacobs, a writer, urbanite and activist.  Jane insisted the voices of everyday people were heard in neighbourhood planning and city-building.   This 2019,  Jane’s Walk’s 10th anniversary in Saskatoon expects to match the record turn out last year of over 600 participants.

The only catch is the Varsity View/Grosvenor Park  walk needs a volunteer leader.  Organization and promotion is looked after by our Saskatoon planning group. 

Jane’s Walks can be led by anyone who wants to share with others what they believe makes their new or old neighbourhood a special place to live. A typical walk takes an hour.

 The volunteer planning committeeprovides a website for anyone who wants to lead a walk, or join one or more walks being offered free of charge.   The committee also looks after the Saskatoon publicity for all the walks.

The process to register your neighbourhood hosting of a walk this year is easy. 

A user-friendly form is on our new website: http://janeswalksaskatoon.ca/index.php/about/. Check out our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/JanesWalkSaskatoon/

Committee members also respond to email inquiries, promote the walks to encourage participation, and act as co-hosts with walk leaders.

We look forward to seeing you at a walk in 2018!

Public Meeting: Rezoning for High-rise


Date:Thursday, September 13, 2018
Start time: 7:00 PM
Location: Brunskill School – 101 Wiggins Avenue (Small Gymnasium)
Re: 1006 College Drive & 421 Clarence Avenue North Proposed Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning
Applicant: North Prairie Developments

The City of Saskatoon has received applications from North Prairie Developments to amend the Official Community Plan and rezone 1006 College Drive and 421 Clarence Avenue North in the Varsity View neighbourhood (the vacant property adjacent to the intersection of College Drive and Clarence Avenue North).

The purpose of these applications is to facilitate the development of a multiple-unit residential building at this location consisting of:
– 12 floors above grade with approximately 170 residential units; and
– 4 parking levels below grade with approximately 230 parking spaces.

These applications require approval from City Council.

The purpose of this meeting is to provide neighbouring residents the opportunity to learn details of the applicant’s proposal and the rezoning process, and to gather public input on this matter.

Representatives of the City of Saskatoon and North Prairie Developments will each make a presentation, followed by a question and answer session.

Online Basketball Registration

2018-19 VARSITY VIEW Basketball Registration

Season length: October- Late February/ Late March (Depending on Age Group)

Age Groups:

Dunkaroo’s Basketball: is a development program based on the sport of basketball for boys and girls (co-ed) who are in GRADE ONE OR GRADE TWO. The players have one hour a week for 12 to 14 weeks in developing basketball skills in a fun atmosphere. REGISTRATION FOR THIS PROGRAM IS NOT FOUND HERE. Please go to www.smba.ca to register online.

Spuds Basketball: is a game based on the sport of basketball for boys and girls (co-ed) who are under ten years of age as of December 31 of the season in play (OR IN GRADE FOUR OR LOWER). The teams play cross court and the coaches referee their own games.

Mini Basketball: is a game based on the sport of basketball for boys and girls who are under 12 years of age as of December 31 of the season in play (OR IN GRADE FIVE OR SIX). The teams play cross court and referees are provided. Mini A Pool teams play full court.

Bantam Basketball: is a game based on the sport of basketball for boys and girls who are under 14 years of age as of December 31 of the season in play (OR IN GRADE SEVEN OR EIGHT). No player in high school can play bantam ball. Teams play full court and referees are provided.

Games will be played on Saturdays and practices will be once per week and will be scheduled by coaches at a later date.

If cost is a barrier for you to register your child/children, you are encouraged to apply for funding from Kidsport. Please click on the link below for the application form.
If there is no way for you to pay via credit card on this site, please email the VVCA basketball co-ordinator Jason Kovitch at: thekovitchs@gmail.com.



Terms & Conditions
Note that a community association membership is required for registering in basketball. Please purchase either a $10.00 (plus credit card fees) single member membership or a $20.00 family membership (plus credit card fees) prior to registering for a basketball program.

Rezoning for High Rise


Date:Thursday, September 13, 2018
Start time: 7:00 PM
Location: Brunskill School – 101 Wiggins Avenue (Small Gymnasium)
Re: 1006 College Drive & 421 Clarence Avenue North Proposed Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning
Applicant: North Prairie Developments

The City of Saskatoon has received applications from North Prairie Developments to amend the Official Community Plan and rezone 1006 College Drive and 421 Clarence Avenue North in the Varsity View neighbourhood (the vacant property adjacent to the intersection of College Drive and Clarence Avenue North).

The purpose of these applications is to facilitate the development of a multiple-unit residential building at this location consisting of:
– 12 floors above grade with approximately 170 residential units; and
– 4 parking levels below grade with approximately 230 parking spaces.

These applications require approval from City Council.

The purpose of this meeting is to provide neighbouring residents the opportunity to learn details of the applicant’s proposal and the rezoning process, and to gather public input on this matter.

Representatives of the City of Saskatoon and North Prairie Developments will each make a presentation, followed by a question and answer session.

Proposed Non-Conforming High Rise at College & Clarence Avenue

There is a proposal to rezone the corner of College and Clarence to allow a 12-storey 171-unit high rise with four below- grade parking levels. A public consultation meeting is scheduled for mid or late September. It will likely be on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evening. The date is not yet set. If you would like to be kept informed of this development, please email me at president@vvcasaskatoon.com

Rezoning for high density housing has both supporters and detractors. Supporters suggest that high density housing will:
• Reduce development costs and taxes
• Reduce loss of farmland
• Increase public transit ridership
Detractors wonder why:
• Increased housing density in Saskatoon has been accompanied by higher taxes
• Space for people to live a healthy life is not equally important as farmland
• Non conforming development is allowed when we took so much time to develop local area plans which allow for a wide variety of housing types within Varsity View

What do the facts say about these positions? Infill and high density housing have the advantage of requiring less new roads and sewer pipes. However, there are many other contributions to our overall tax bill. One major area is policing. Between 2006 and 2015 spending on policing jumped by 80% or 64% on an inflation adjusted basis, population growth was 23%. There is evidence that violent crime is linked to areas of high population density. Cities that demolish low income high density housing and disperse the residents to lower density housing reduce the City wide violent crime rate. It is not a coincidence that Toronto’s gun crime is centered on a few apartment complexes.

Reduce loss of farmland is self evident. How important that is in a Country that is one of the largest in the World is a matter for debate. When it comes to biodiversity, there is clearly a greater variety of plant and animal life in the average backyard in Varsity View than you will find in the average wheat field.

Increased public transport use goes to the high density camp. Overall, about 7.3% of Varsity View residents take public transport to work compared with 4.3% for the City as a whole. At a guess, a new 171-unit high rise will add an extra 5 riders compared to a combination of development within our zoning rules and low rise development in the ‘burbs.

Wherever you sit on this issue, please attend the meeting with the City to discuss the rezoning application. Meetings with good attendance carry a much greater weight than those with poor attendance.

VVCA Newsletter: Fall 2018 available

The View, VVCA’s newsletter for the Varsity View and Grosvenor Park neighbourhoods, is now available for download on our site. Printed copies will be distributed to the community later in August – watch your mailboxes.

The next issue, Dec. 2018/Jan. 2019, will be distributed digitally only, with a PDF available to download on this site.

VVCA Newsletter: Help Wanted!
VVCA is run by volunteers who organize and attend meetings, provide programs and activites for youth and adults, work with the City regarding development, parking and other issues, keep the rink in good condition, publish a newsletter and website, raise money for community events and projects, and generally try to make your neighbourhood a little nicer to live in.

Sounds fun, right? If something on that short list fills a need in you, or you have other ideas on how to improve your neighbourhood, come out to a monthly VVCA board meeting and have your say. We’d love to hear your ideas and would be more than happy to find you a spot on our board if you are interested.

Right now, the VVCA is looking for a Newsletter Editor – putting together three issues a year (one printed, two digital) full of information of interest to our community. Does this interest you, or do you know someone who would be a perfect fit?

Email info@vvcasaskatoon.com for more information, or check out the dates of our next board meeting and just come out!

VVCA Help Wanted

Interested in making your community a little better? VVCA is always looking for volunteers!

VVCA is run by volunteers who organize and attend meetings, provide programs and activites for youth and adults, work with the City regarding development, parking and other issues, keep the rink in good condition, publish a newsletter and website, raise money for community events and projects, and generally try to make your neighbourhood a little nicer to live in.

Sounds fun, right? If something on that short list fills a need in you, or you have other ideas on how to improve your neighbourhood, come out to a monthly VVCA board meeting and have your say. We’d love to hear your ideas and would be more than happy to find you a spot on our board if you are interested.

Right now, the VVCA is looking for a Newsletter Editor – putting together three issues a year (one printed, two digital) full of information of interest to our community. We do have someone filling the chair for the next few issues, but would like to see someone new take this on. See information about our newsletters and previous issues here.

Email info@vvcasaskatoon.com for more information, or check out the About Us page for information on the dates of our next board meeting.

Bingo de Mayo THANKS!

Thanks to all those in the community who came out the the annual spring social – Bingo de Mayo – on Saturday May 5! A great time was had by all, with great Mexican food from La Bamba Cafe (labambacafe.ca), some fun and wacky bingo games and also a chance to do some visiting with friends and neighbours.

A special thank you to those businesses and individuals in the community who donated items for prizes. The prizes were coveted by the winners of the games and made a special night even better – so thanks very much to:
– Collector’s Choice Art Gallery & Framing
– Amigos Cantina
– Broadway Cafe
– Broadway theatre
– Outter Limits
– The better good
– Tammy’s hair care
– Nica’s women’s clothing and accessories
– Darma Chakra imports
– Rocket Mental (Dean Shaw)
– Traxx Footwear
– Allan Woo
– Dr. Frank Hohn

Recycle for VVCA

Do you like to collect pop cans and bottles for recycling? Do you like to donate to worthy causes?

Now you can do both! Drop off your recyclable containers at any Saskatoon SARCAN location and either tell them to put your refund toward “VVCA” or use the Drop & Go system with the group account “VVCA“. Your refund will be directed to VVCA and then used for community projects in our neighbourhood.

With Drop & Go there is no waiting in line. Just punch your account into the terminal, tag your bags with the sticky labels generated and then drop your bags off at the counter. Easy.

Drop & Go is a new service that SARCAN is offering at our larger depots in cities and towns across Saskatchewan. When the line gets long, Drop & Go is an easy way to drop off your containers without having to wait.

SARCAN Drop & Go information