Category Archives: City of Saskatoon

Albert Childcare Co-op playground fundraiser

The Albert Childcare Co-operative is looking to replace an ageing playground on the site of Albert Park beside the Albert Community Centre. While the playground is used by the Childcare Centre, the playground is open for everyone! The proposed playground would expand the space significantly and provide younger children with the “just right” challenge needed to continue to develop their social, gross, and sensory motor developmental needs. The expansion of the playground will fill a need in the community for accessible/safe play space for younger children.

Thank you for considering to contribute to a new playground in Nutana and Varsity View!

Storm Water Flood Control

The City of Saskatoon (City) is proposing a joint storm water management project with the University of Saskatchewan (USask) to help reduce the summer storm flood risk near the intersection of Cumberland Avenue South and 14th Street East. If approved by City Council, it would be the sixth of nine projects under the Flood Control Strategy (FCS) adopted by City Council in 2018.

This project would be similar to the first two under the FCS in W.W. Ashley Park and in Churchill Park, which temporarily hold storm water that would otherwise cause nearby flooding during intense rainfalls. Both of those projects have already proven to be successful at preventing flooding. The City and USask are in discussions to construct a storm water storage area on USask land north of 14th Street East, between Cumberland Avenue South and Preston Avenue North.

As a key stakeholder, I wanted to reach out to you about next steps for the proposed project:

• We are planning a presentation for the Varsity View/Grosvenor Park Community Association on March 20, 2024 at the Brunskill School Library (7:00 PM). Please contact your Community Association if you would like to attend. Attendees will learn about the FCS and preliminary information of this proposed project.

• A report requesting the City enter into an agreement with USask to complete this project will go to City Council later this spring (we will inform you when a date is finalized) where we will request approval to move forward with design and construction plans. Construction is tentatively scheduled to start in February 2025.

This project would reduce the flood risk for as many as 30 properties that typically experience flooding during intense rainfalls.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact the City. To learn more about the FCS, visit

Mitch McMann
Storm Water Utility Manager
Saskatoon Water

February 2024 board meeting

Overview of discussions at Thursday February 29, 2024 VVCA board meeting:
– City Nature Challenge April 26-29 presentation. Take photos of nature and wildlife, possibly win prizes, plus info is useful to the City and Meewasin.
– City Urban Forestry presentation by Cate Francis about plans for President Murray Park. City no longer does irrigation and heat and drought are taking toll on spruce. Park not scheduled for upgrade within 10 years. Asked about budget for irrigating so VVCA could consider this as a project.
– General discussion about tree proposal on 14th Street. City is in early planning stages for water retention pond at 14th and Cumberland, which may effect planting. Major issue is obtaining volunteers to water new trees for 1-3 years. VVCA to firm up budget for next meeting.
– City approved for federal Housing Accelerator Fund, which means increase of density in VV. (board tried to attend City online presentation at beginning of meeting, but it was not working well for the group. A video of the recorded presentation should be posted to City site soon (
– Ski trails groomed (but likely covered over since weekend snowfall)
– Grosvenor Park area looking at expansion of RPP. RPP program is being discontinued?
– newsletter articles and materials to be submitted asap. 15-50 day notice of AGM required.
– no facilitator yet for planning retreat.
– Community Liaison noted City has items for special events (tents, tables, etc). Deadlines for grant applications. Not too early to start planning 40th Anniversary in 2025.
– City / Sask Water attending March meeting to discuss stormwater retention/dry ponds. Two ponds planned in community.
– Finances good. Payments to instructors coming up. E-transfers need to identify the program participant. Would like to pay instructors by e-transfer, policy to be presented at next meeting.
– spring program registration March 14 and 19 in Brunskill School foyer. Cap on badminton registrants. Learn to Skate adult version did not happen – people didn’t show up. Soccer registration open online until March 11. Gift cards for rink crew!
– community clean up date will soon be established.
– some damaged advertising boards in rink. Check with supplier if there are more durable boards. Renewals for sponsorships soon.
– Albert Community Centre booking manager job description being finalized and then will be posted.
– spring programs posted on website and social. City Housing Accelerator Fund info posted on social and website.
– next meeting Wednesday March 20, 2024.

Corridor Proposed Land Use Plans

This work is part of the Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan endorsed by City Council in May 2023 intended to increase available housing in Saskatoon. Since the public engagement sessions in Fall 2023, the City has been working on initiatives identified in the Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan to have even more impact on housing in Saskatoon. As a result, much of what was presented in Fall 2023 is no longer what the City is working toward.

Incorporating the required changes from the Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan and feedback from the fall engagement sessions, the Corridor Planning team has completed revisions to the proposed land use plans. College Drive Corridor and 8th Street Corridor images below.

NOTE: Video recording and presentation slides of February 29, 2024 online information session are now posted on the City page below.…/corridor-land-use-and-rezoning

Corridor Growth Area – Land Uses

The following land use descriptions can be found in the Official Community Plan (OCP) – Revised December 19, 2022.

Corridor Transit Village Land designated as “Corridor Transit Village” has the potential for a mix of medium to high density residential, commercial, institutional, and recreational uses that are located in strategic locations along the BRT network and have the opportunity to significantly contribute to corridor growth objectives and targets in the Growth Plan to Half a Million. These sites are typically located within Urban Centres and are intended to provide a mix of employment, residential, recreational, and open space uses that support and benefit from their location along the BRT network. These sites are typically developed in a phased fashion.

Station Mixed Use Land designated as “Station Mixed Use” has the potential for medium density, generally three to six storey mixed use developments that incorporate transit-oriented development principles and a broad range of residential, commercial, institutional, cultural, and community uses. Depending on the site context or as determined through the Corridor Area Plan process, there will be cases where modest differences in height will be permitted. These lands are located on the BRT routes near to a BRT station as illustrated in the BRT map, (refer to Appendix D, Map 6 – High-Frequency Transit Corridor and Transit Villages) or as determined through a Corridor Area Plan.

Corridor Mixed Use Land designated as “Corridor Mixed Use” has the potential for medium density, two to four storey mixed use developments that are pedestrian-oriented and incorporate transit-oriented development principles. These lands are located on the BRT routes between station locations, or on other major transportation corridors in proximity to the BRT routes or as determined through the Corridor Area Plan process.

Corridor Main Street Land designated as “Corridor Main Street” has the potential for medium density mixed use developments that are pedestrian-oriented and incorporate transit-oriented development principles. These areas are typically existing commercial streets located on the public transit system. Corridor Main Street areas are intended to enhance the existing character, function, and built form in historic or significant commercial districts located within the Corridor Growth Area.

Corridor Residential Land designated as “Corridor Residential” has the potential for ground-oriented, low to medium density residential development. These areas are located near to the BRT routes and are intended to provide a transition of densities from Station Mixed Use, Corridor Mixed Use and/or Corridor Main Street lands into the surrounding neighbourhoods.

January 2024 board meeting

Overview of discussions at the January 17, 2024 VVCA board meeting:

– tree planting proposal on hold until City completes Planting Plan guidelines. City is working with Meewasin.
– VVCA to contact City about replacement of dying trees in President Murray Park. Possible invitation of City rep to attend and speak at future meeting.
– hope to hold VVCA planning retreat before AGM. City rep schedule is too full to assist – what are other options for facilitators?
– VVCA bylaw and constitution are being revised. May have a good start and be able to present at AGM.
– President Murray Park cross country ski trails have been groomed. Grosvenor Park should be soon. Permanent signage (don’t walk on the trails, etc) is not allowed in park, but temporary signage can be installed.
– VVCA will be celebrating 40 year anniversary in 2025. Any plans or ideas? Form a committee at AGM to plan?
– put some of current finances in short term investment?
– all programs running. Registration nights were extremely cold and blizzardy. Learn to skate is going ahead with kids and adult classes. For future years, can we canvas for used skates from community for participants to use? No storage available though.
– Brunskill School community council is planning a community winter event in early February. Would like to partner with VVCA in some way.
– soccer coordinator attended SYSI meetings in early January. Registrations begin early February.
– rink is going great. Thank you to rink volunteers!
– newsletter published and distributed late Dec/early January.
– Albert Community Centre renovations should begin in May, run for about a year. Hopefully minimal disruption to current tenants. ACC determining how to handle short term bookings. ACC preschool planning playground renovation.
– due to February school break, next meeting will be THURSDAY, February 29, 2024, 7PM, Brunskill School.

Land Use Along 8th Street Corridor Areas

Public Engagement Opportunity

The City will be working with the community to create land use and zoning plans for five specific corridor plan areas (largely within Circle Drive) to enable new housing development. Community members are invited to offer input on proposed land use plans that are intended to go to City Council for approval Spring 2024. If the proposed land use plans receive City Council approval, the City will lead the rezoning process in these areas at no cost for any interested landowner within a Corridor Plan Area. For landowners and other stakeholders, the ultimate purpose of the project is to simplify the process of creating new housing.

The next come-and-go engagement opportunity, for the 8th Street Corridor, is coming up next week and we are hoping you can attend and provide feedback. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023
5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
The Centre Mall (west side, door #1), 3310 8th Street E

An interactive online survey is available for people who want to participate virtually or are unable to attend in person. Project updates will be available at

If you have any questions about the upcoming land use and rezoning engagements, please send an email to and someone will get back to you.

The City of Saskatoon is committed to working with the community to find ways to increase housing availability for all. More projects with a similar aim will be coming up as part of the Action Plan. You can find out more information at

If you are interested in joining our mailing list to stay informed of this rezoning opportunity and to find out about potential related incentives, please click this link and fill out the form.  

If you are looking for information on any aspect of the City of Saskatoon’s Corridor Planning Program please reach out to our project team at We are looking to make the Corridor Plans as inclusive as possible, so please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think may be interested.

October board meeting

Overview of some of the discussions at the Wednesday October 18, 2023 VVCA board meeting:
– update on tree planting proposal of last meeting. Costs for trees and upkeep added. Proposal to go to City for review and approval. If approved, then presentation to VVCA for possible financial contribution and/or community fundraising.
– board planning retreat possibly in the new year. Explore mission, mandate, community involvement and financial/project supports
– Airbnb still operating in VV without proper permitting or community consultation? No action yet from City on bylaw investigation.
– presentation from Bridge City Hens, looking for support for pilot project of allowing chickens within the City and to help spread word and get feedback. Web and form links to be shared on VVCA website and social media.
– work beginning on revisions/updating to VVCA policies and bylaws
– requesting two ski trails maintained this winter.
– some Sask Lotteries grants may be available for community events or projects.
– programs running smoothly.
– soccer players all assigned to a team. First game on Sunday. Niran may take over soccer coordinator position in spring.
– Finances in good shape. Instructor fees to be paid later in November. Rink funds to be broken out of totals for better clarity.
– City hosting engagement sessions on Land Use/rezoning along Corridors in October and November. Upcoming Preston Ave and 8th Street sessions may be of interest to VV. More info:
– VV street sweeping on Oct. 20.
– next meeting is Wednesday, November 15, 7PM.

Land Use Along Corridor Areas—Public Engagement Opportunities

In May 2023 Saskatoon City Council approved the Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan.

As part of this, the City will be working with the community to create land use and zoning plans for five specific corridor plan areas (largely within Circle Drive, see map above) to enable new housing development. Community members are invited to offer input on proposed land use plans that are intended to go to City Council for approval Spring 2024. If the proposed land use plans receive City Council approval, the City will lead the rezoning process in these areas at no cost for any interested landowner within a Corridor Plan Area. For landowners and other stakeholders, the ultimate purpose of the project is to simplify the process of creating new housing.

We will be holding engagement sessions for this project in each of the five plan areas over the next couple of months, and everyone is invited to attend and give their feedback.

22nd Street
Wed. October 11
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Station 20 West
1120 20th St W

Wed. October 18
6:00­–8:30 p.m.
Cosmopolitan Seniors Centre
614 11th St E

Thurs. October 26
6:00­–8:00 p.m.
Round Prairie Library
250 Hunter Rd – #170

Wed. November 1
6:30­–8:30 p.m.
St. Michael Community School
22 33rd St E

8th Street
Thurs. November 9
5:30-7:30 p.m.
The Centre Mall (West)
3310 8th St E (West side -door 1)

An interactive online survey is available for people who want to participate virtually or are unable to attend in person. Project updates will be available at

If you have any questions about the upcoming land use and rezoning engagements, please send an email to and someone will get back to you.

The City of Saskatoon is committed to working with the community to find ways to increase housing availability for all. More projects with a similar aim will be coming up as part of the Action Plan. You can find out more information at

If you are interested in joining our mailing list to stay informed of this rezoning opportunity and to find out about potential related incentives, please click this link and fill out the form.  

If you are looking for information on any aspect of the City of Saskatoon’s Corridor Planning Program please reach out to our project team at We are looking to make the Corridor Plans as inclusive as possible, so please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think may be interested.

College Corridor Plan

Come discover the next steps in the College Corridor journey.

The City of Saskatoon (City) is creating corridor plans to transform major streets, or corridors, across Saskatoon into places for people. Corridor plans are a framework for future development near the future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) routes. By encouraging infill development (new construction) in these older areas, corridor plans will create opportunities for more housing, employment, retail, recreation and other potential options.

Since 2021 we have been working with residents, businesses and other stakeholders on what a re-imagined College Corridor could look like. We would like to invite you to a come-and-go event where will be talking about changes to land use and zoning for the area.


DATE & TIME: Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Saskatoon Field House – Cafeteria

To learn more about the College Corridor Plan, including future engagement opportunities, visit where you can sign up for the newsletter. 

If you are looking for information on any aspect of the City of Saskatoon’s Corridor Planning Program please reach out to our project team at 

Sidewalk snow clearing

Residents, please clear your sidewalks within 48 hours after a snowfall, and toss the snow onto your property, not onto the street. Businesses, please clear your sidewalks within 24 hours after a snowfall. Sidewalks should have at least 1.2 metres wide of cleared space and have minimal snow pack.

If your neighbour is elderly, has health concerns or mobility restrictions, please lend a hand (and warm their heart!) by clearing their sidewalk. 

Report an uncleared sidewalk

Please call the Bylaw Compliance at 306-657-8766 to report an uncleared sidewalk. We look into all uncleared sidewalk reports. If necessary, the Bylaw Inspector will issue a Bylaw Notice requiring the resident to clear their sidewalk within 48 hours. If the resident doesn’t clear the snow, the City will clear the sidewalk and that resident will be charged on their property tax notice.

Property Maintenance Complaints

Saskatoon’s Property Maintenance & Nuisance Abatement Bylaw 8175 requires property owners in the City of Saskatoon to maintain houses, buildings, and yards to an acceptable standard. Property owners are responsible for ensuring yards are kept free and clean from garbage and debris, junked vehicles, and excessive growth of weeds and grass.

The Bylaw applies to all residential, commercial or industrial properties in the City of Saskatoon.

if you have safety concerns about your house, contact your area inspector at 306-975-2578

if you feel that a building is a threat to public health or safety, contact your area inspector, or Fire Marshal during business hours or call the Safety and Property Maintenance Hotline at 306-975-2828 (Emergencies should be reported to 9-1-1).

Security camera registry

The Security Camera Registry is a completely voluntary program where community members (individuals or businesses) can register their security camera(s) with the Saskatoon Police Services.

If you register your camera(s) with the Security Camera Registry, you may be contacted by the SPS to request footage you may have available, if a crime is being investigated in your area. It is up to you if you provide any footage to the SPS and you are under no obligation to do so.

Help us keep your neighbourhood safe by registering your camera(s) here.

College Corridor Plan

A summary report of the Public Realm Engagement is available on the City of Saskatoon website: College Corridor Plan: Public Realm Engagement Report February to December 2022

From February to December 2022, the Corridor Planning team conducted community engagement and technical analysis on the public realm. This built upon the preliminary decisions made in earlier stages regarding land use and density of future development to determine potential public realm improvements that are desirable and feasible.

Background and further information can be found here: