Category Archives: City of Saskatoon

City: rezoning application 1414 + 1416 Main Street

Please be advised that the Planning and Development Division has received a rezoning application for 1414 and 1416 Main Street, located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Main Street and Cumberland Avenue South; details are provided in the attached notice and on our website at

An online public information meeting to discuss the proposed rezoning is scheduled for Thursday December 10, 2020 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. The meeting will take place through a Microsoft Teams Live event. Please refer to our Engage Page ( for the meeting user guide, and meeting link.

If you have any questions or wish to provide written comment to the Planning and Development Division regarding this application, please contact:

Jim Charlebois | Senior Planner II

Rezoning Proposal

Blackrock Developments Ltd. has applied to rezone 1414 and 1416 Main Street (located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Main Street and Cumberland Avenue South) to facilitate the development of a multiple-unit dwelling, subject to a Zoning Agreement.

The application will also require an Official Community Plan map amendment from “Low Density Residential 1” to “Corridor Residential” to align with the policy framework established in Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 9700, 2020.  The intent of the “Corridor Residential” land use designation is to enable the development of a range of housing types in ground-oriented low to medium density residential buildings and provide a transition of densities from the nearby identified BRT network corridor on 8th Street.

The proposed development would be a four-story, apartment style dwelling containing 26 units of varying sizes. A total of 42 on-site parking spaces (12 above ground, 30 below ground) have been proposed. The proposed RM4 Zoning Agreement would ensure that only the specific development proposal put forward by the applicant could be constructed. A location map, renderings, and site plan are included with this information package.

The subject properties are currently zoned R2 – One and Two-Unit Residential District, which provides for residential development of one and two-unit dwellings as well as related community uses.

City: Discretionary use approval

Planning and Development has received an application from Realscapes Investments Inc. requesting discretionary use approval to operate a short-term rental property at 320 Hugo Avenue in the Varsity View neighbourhood. One off street parking stall is required and no construction or alterations are proposed as part of this application. This site is located in the R2 Zoning District (One and Two-Unit Residential District) which prescribes short-term rental properties as a discretionary use.

Property owners have until December 7 to respond with questions or comments, following that period Planning and Development will determine if there are items that need to be addressed, or if the application can proceed through the approval process. The approving authority for short-term rental properties in the R2 District is City Administration.

This link details further information on the application and the discretionary use process. This notice has been sent to registered property owners 75 metres from the subject site.

Winter activities

Feeling bored? Want to do something outside in this mild winter weather? Good news!

VVCA Community Rink behind Brunskill School is now open. Please keep in mind our rules for use, and also consider buying some raffle tickets for our rink renovation fundraiser. More information can be found here.

Cross Country Ski Trails have been groomed in President Murray and Grosvenor Park parks. Get your wax out!

Fall 2020 Street Sweeping

RE: Time for your beauty sweep!! 2020 fall street sweeping starts October 13

The annual Fall Street Sweeping program gets underway Tuesday, October 13!
Cleaning up leaves in the fall helps prevents them from collecting in gutters causing flooding in the spring.

Only the leafiest streets in the following 11 neighbourhoods will be swept: Buena Vista, Caswell Hill, City Park, Exhibition, Holiday Park, King George, Mayfair, Meadow Green, Nutana, Riversdale and Varsity View.

Check out the area maps at to see which streets are included. Remember, no neighbourhoods have every road swept.

Watch for the yellow “No Parking” signs and move vehicles off the street by 7 a.m. on your sweeping day. Tickets and towing will occur so we can access the full curb lane.

How to prepare:

  1. Clean up leaves that can blow onto the street. Please do not push or blow leaves onto the street. This is illegal and residents may receive a Bylaw Notice. Excess leaves can delay the cleaning schedule or even cause the entire street to be skipped.
  2. Place leaves and yard clippings in your City of Saskatoon green cart or consider taking them to one of the City’s compost depots for free. Learn more at

Find your area sweeping sweeping schedule at Stay up to date with the City of Saskatoon Service Alerts for any unexpected changes that may affect the sweeping schedule.

Civic Election: mail-in ballots

The 2020 Civic Election is November 9, 2020. Eligible voters in Saskatoon will cast their ballot for Mayor, City Councilors and School Board Trustees. This fall, vote your way, vote safely. Apply today

How to:

Apply in-person by appointment from August 5 to November 8, 2020. Apply online from August 5 to October 30, 2020.

To apply for your mail-in ballot package, you must:
– complete the voter registration and mail-in ballot application form
– have an eligible voter witness your signature when completing the application. Any eligible voter in the 2020 Saskatoon civic election can be a witness

Your mail-in voting package will arrive in the mail in mid-October, along with a ballot and self-addressed, stamped envelope. 
Once you receive your mail-in ballot package, follow these instructions. Return your ballot package back promptly.

Note: In order to be counted, mail-in ballots must be received at the 2020 Civic Election Office at 226 Cardinal Crescent before 8:00 pm on Election DayNovember 9.

City Recreation Programs

FREE programs offered by the City of Saskatoon.

Taking to the Court
FREE one day event for boys ages 10 -14 to get active, learn and practice a mix of sports. Snacks and lunch provided.
Monday, October 26 (originally scheduled to run October 9) from 9:00am-4:00pm
Cosmo Civic Centre Gymnasium (3130 Laurier Drive)

Multi-Sport Sampler Tennis Session
FREE Ages 9-14 years.  A great opportunity for youth to engage in physical activity while developing new and improved skills in tennis.
Monday, November 9 (was originally scheduled for November 6) from 1:00pm-4;00pm
Lakewood Indoor Tennis Centre (1635 McKercher Drive)

Drop N Shop
FREE Ages 6-12 yrs. This holiday season entrust your children with certified leaders who will supervise a number of child-friendly activities including arts and crafts, giving opportunity to get away and get your shopping done!

Lakewood Civic Centre (1635 McKercher Drive)Saturday, November 28 from 1:00pm-4:00pm
Saturday, December 5 from 1:00pm-4:00pm

White Buffalo Youth Lodge (602 20th St. W)
Saturday, December 12 from 1:00pm-4:00pm

Programs/ Events Cancelled in Fall 2020 Due to COVID-19
Fall Freestyle, Fast & Female Champ Chat, Girls in Motion and Multisport Sampler Bowling Session

Outdoor Festival Site

The Permanent Outdoor Festival Feasibility Team is working to identify, select, study and plan for the future development of a City of Saskatoon Permanent Outdoor Site.  Consultants from HTFC Planning & Design are leading the feasibility study on behalf of the City of Saskatoon.

Why a Permanent Outdoor Festival Site?

The riverbank parks near downtown were not designed or constructed to accommodate large outdoor events hosted over multiple days.  As a result, the riverbank parks are susceptible to mechanical and physical damages associated with staging large scale extended events.  Continued use of the riverbank parks by a number of large scale outdoor events has resulted in deteriorating turf and tree conditions.  

The Permanent Outdoor Festival Site Feasibility Study will identify both a location(s) and design plan for a permanent centrally-located festival site, which would take into consideration all the typical needs of outdoor events, including access to water, power, staging, parking, accessibility needs, etc.  The study will also take into account infrastructure requirements for such a festival site to ensure protection and long-term sustainability of any associated green infrastructure.

Online Survey

Our Team is looking to get your input on these three topics:

  • Which of the three sites do you prefer and why?
  • What should be the criteria for an ideal permanent outdoor festival site?
  • What program elements and features would you want to see?

The easiest way to provide your input on these topics is by completing this online survey.  The survey will be open for responses from 8:00am on Thursday, September 17th until 5:00pm on Tuesday, September 28th.

More information:

Work the Civic Election

Work the election. Get paid.

Saskatoon’s Civic Election is on November 9, 2020.
We’re hiring election workers (age 16+) to assist with various voting opportunities this fall. Positions range from $16/hour to $20/hour plus paid training.

Do you speak a language other than English?
Our goal is to recruit workers who speak languages represented in Saskatoon’s diverse community.

There are great reasons to get involved:
• Earn cash
• Build your résumé
• Get involved in your community

Apply before September 20 at or call 306-657-VOTE (8683).

BRT Update – August 2020

Thank you for your continued interest in the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project. These have been unusual and challenging times. The pandemic has more than ever emphasized how important public transit is to the functioning of a city, transporting essential workers to and from jobs and acting as a support for economic stability and social equity. BRT remains a crucial part of the City of Saskatoon’s growth plans and we are happy to provide you with an update on the progress of the project.

Project planning has continued according to projected timelines. The following developments have occurred, moving us ever closer to the launch of Bus Rapid Transit:

On March 29th, existing high frequency transit service (routes 8, 81, 82, 83, 84 and 86) was rerouted from the Sid Buckwold Bridge to Broadway Avenue. Routes 1 and 6 were rerouted from Broadway Avenue, to the Sid Buckwold Bridge, to maintain transit service along 8th Street west of Broadway Avenue.

Technical drawings have been received for each BRT station location, including design of the operational components.

Plans are being developed to build a pilot station to test the physical and technical requirements of each BRT station, to ensure they work well in all seasons. The testing phase will start upon installation and will be observed by a technical team including transit operators and staff.

Coordination between software companies continues to evolve to ensure the traffic signals and transit software systems will work together to provide Traffic Signal Priority (TSP).  Three intersections will be used as test sites.

We will continue to update you regularily as the project moves forward. Feel free to pass this newsletter along to anyone else you may feel would be interested.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Bus Rapid Transit project, please email us at

Saskatoon Transit Update

Saskatoon Transit has had major disruptions to normal business due to COVID-19; however, as many doors closed, Saskatoon Transit remained open providing an essential service. Modifications were made to keep customers and employees safe.

Due to the rapidly evolving changes to Saskatoon Transit service, please frequently visit or follow on Twitter at @stoontransit for current information.

Curb Side Swap 2020

List your own event or partake in events created around the city to refresh your space—all while making room at the landfill. #yxeCurbsideSwap

Let’s redefine “what’s old is new again” Saskatoon!

Reduce the amount of garbage ending up in the landfill by giving away your stuff to someone or finding free stuff of your own. At a Curbside Swap, you place your unwanted items in good condition on your property (next to the sidewalk or curb) and mark them as free for anyone to pick up or go out on a treasure hunt of your own to find what your neighbours are giving away for free.

Plan a curbside swap this summer or join the annual city-wide curbside event on September 19, 2020.

Good Neighbour Guide

The City is pleased to launch the first edition of Saskatoon’s Good Neighbour Guide. The Guide is intended to provide a handy overview of the most common bylaws, standards and regulations to help keep Saskatoon neighbourhoods safe, clean and beautiful.

The Guide includes information on:

  • Boulevard and Back Lane Maintenance
  • Property Drainage
  • Fences
  • Fire Pits
  • Garage and Yard Sales
  • Garbage, Recycling and Composting
  • Home-based Businesses
  • Home Development
  • Hot Tubs and Swimming Pools
  • Landscaping
  • Noise
  • Parking
  • Responsible Pet Ownership
  • Snow and Ice on Sidewalks
  • Untidy Properties
  • Making a Bylaw Complaint

For more information and to download a copy of the Guide, visit

14th Street Permanent Closure

The City of Saskatoon is undertaking the design of the permanent closure of 14th Street East
between Lansdowne Avenue and Temperance Street. This connection was recommended for
closure through the Nutana Neighbourhood Traffic Review which was conducted in 2014 and
adopted by Council in May 2015. The closure was installed temporarily in 2016. The permanent
closure has been approved by City Council.

Thank you to everyone that has provided input so far. We received your feedback via the design
charrette (September 2017), and multiple stakeholder working group meetings (Spring and
Summer 2018). We considered all of the concerns and feedback as we developed designs for
the permanent closure options.

The proposed design for the 14th Street permanent closure has been posted to and will be discussed at the Teams Live meeting. We would appreciate the opportunity to get your thoughts on the design. There are two ways to participate and provide us with your feedback:

Microsoft Teams Live Event
Thursday, September 17th, 8:30 pm
Link to the meeting is available at
You do not need to download the app to participate.

Project Information:
Go to
Click on the 2014 accordion
Details for the meeting will be shown under the Nutana heading

Next Steps
 FALL 2020: Finalize design.
 WINTER 2021: Tender contract.
 SPRING/SUMMER 2021: Construct permanent closure.

Contact Us:
You may also submit your comments directly:
Phone: 306-986-3097

An informational video about the permanent closure will be posted to the webpage one week prior to the meeting.