Tag Archives: neighbourhood

May 2024 board meeting

Overview of discussions at VVCA board meeting of Wednesday, May 15, 2024:

– Concern that many residents don’t know about the proposed zoning changes. VVCA to fund distribution of zoning information flyers to Varsity View and Grosvenor Park neighbourhoods. Flyer to printer tomorrow and then delivered this weekend or early next.
– Jon to attend (via video submission?) Municipal Planning Commission (May 28) and City Council (June) to ask that zoning changes be delayed. Too many changes, too fast. Concerns about infrastructure, schools capacity, parking, BRT implementation, etc.
– date of Community Cleanup changed to June 15.
– introduction of committee to plan VVCA’s 40th Anniversary event next year. Committee will do research and gather ideas and ballpark pricing for event. Grants or sponsorship could be available. Sask Lotteries grant application due mid-January. Possible dates in early June 2025.
– ask from Brunskill Grade 8’s for funds for graduation party. VVCA will donate in exchange for help at a community event, such as flyer delivery or working at the Community Cleanup.
– Brunskill SCC ask for joint sponsorship of Movie in the Park on Thursday June 13. Earlier start to movie with a daylight screen, selling popcorn and pizza. VVCA will joint sponsor.
– Tree planting on 14th street planned. Tree species picked. Grass must be killed and rototilled. City paying for trees, shrubs and mulch. 22 volunteers signed up. Water tanks should be on site by June 6. Planting on June 9.
– SUM Theatre in the Park on Thursday May 16, 7PM. VVCA holding a bbq at 5:30 before the show. Food will be purchased later in the day. Concerns about the weather?!
– August newsletter deadline for ads, articles, photos is July 1.
– signing authority has been changed to new board members.
– indoor programs going great. Fall programs to be submitted early next week. Registration dates and program listing will be ready next meeting.
– basketball coordinator has created a ‘job description’ for future coordinators.
– rink will be sprayed for weeds in the future. Possibly install a ‘no dogs’ sign due to inconsiderate owners not cleaning up after their pets. Add stabilizer to snowblower fuel.
– community garden is underway with 15 new gardeners. Had their workbee on May 11.
– Sask Polytech planning to relocate to Innovation Place location. May be some community engagement/info sessions coming up.
– next meeting tentatively planned for Wednesday June 12, Brunskill School library. To be confirmed.

Join us for tree planting!

Join us for tree planting Sunday, June 9, 2024 at 11:00am

The 14th street multi-use pathway between Cumberland and Preston will be getting new trees and shrubs this spring!

This enhancement will make for a better experience for all those using the pathway, will help clean the air and provide additional habitat for pollinators.

Use the QR code to vote for which types of trees you want to see!

If you would like to help, bring a shovel/rake, some water and a chair. We could always use more hands. RSVP to trees@vvcasaskatoon.com.

The trees and shrubs are being planted through a partnership between the City of Saskatoon and the Varsity View Community Association.

Corridor Proposed Land Use Plans

This work is part of the Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan endorsed by City Council in May 2023 intended to increase available housing in Saskatoon. Since the public engagement sessions in Fall 2023, the City has been working on initiatives identified in the Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan to have even more impact on housing in Saskatoon. As a result, much of what was presented in Fall 2023 is no longer what the City is working toward.

Incorporating the required changes from the Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan and feedback from the fall engagement sessions, the Corridor Planning team has completed revisions to the proposed land use plans. College Drive Corridor and 8th Street Corridor images below.

NOTE: Video recording and presentation slides of February 29, 2024 online information session are now posted on the City page below.


Corridor Growth Area – Land Uses

The following land use descriptions can be found in the Official Community Plan (OCP) – Revised December 19, 2022.

Corridor Transit Village Land designated as “Corridor Transit Village” has the potential for a mix of medium to high density residential, commercial, institutional, and recreational uses that are located in strategic locations along the BRT network and have the opportunity to significantly contribute to corridor growth objectives and targets in the Growth Plan to Half a Million. These sites are typically located within Urban Centres and are intended to provide a mix of employment, residential, recreational, and open space uses that support and benefit from their location along the BRT network. These sites are typically developed in a phased fashion.

Station Mixed Use Land designated as “Station Mixed Use” has the potential for medium density, generally three to six storey mixed use developments that incorporate transit-oriented development principles and a broad range of residential, commercial, institutional, cultural, and community uses. Depending on the site context or as determined through the Corridor Area Plan process, there will be cases where modest differences in height will be permitted. These lands are located on the BRT routes near to a BRT station as illustrated in the BRT map, (refer to Appendix D, Map 6 – High-Frequency Transit Corridor and Transit Villages) or as determined through a Corridor Area Plan.

Corridor Mixed Use Land designated as “Corridor Mixed Use” has the potential for medium density, two to four storey mixed use developments that are pedestrian-oriented and incorporate transit-oriented development principles. These lands are located on the BRT routes between station locations, or on other major transportation corridors in proximity to the BRT routes or as determined through the Corridor Area Plan process.

Corridor Main Street Land designated as “Corridor Main Street” has the potential for medium density mixed use developments that are pedestrian-oriented and incorporate transit-oriented development principles. These areas are typically existing commercial streets located on the public transit system. Corridor Main Street areas are intended to enhance the existing character, function, and built form in historic or significant commercial districts located within the Corridor Growth Area.

Corridor Residential Land designated as “Corridor Residential” has the potential for ground-oriented, low to medium density residential development. These areas are located near to the BRT routes and are intended to provide a transition of densities from Station Mixed Use, Corridor Mixed Use and/or Corridor Main Street lands into the surrounding neighbourhoods.


Calling bird-lovers

Calling all bird-loving walkers! 

Birds in Real Danger, Saskatoon (B.I.R.D.S) aims to reduce bird-window strikes in the city, and we need your help to do it! All you need is a camera (your phone works great!), some paper, a pen, and a few bags, and you can help document evidence of birds injured or killed by window strikes.

Hundreds of birds are treated at Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation after striking windows – and those are just the ones lucky enough to survive the impact and be found by a caring person.

With the ongoing development of larger buildings, many covered in glass and on or near the riverbank, the City of Saskatoon may well see an increase in the number of bird injuries and mortalities from collisions with glass structures. By documenting occurrences of bird collisions with windows, and by educating the public on the issue, BIRDS aims to gain support for the adoption of bird-friendly guidelines for buildings. 

If you’d like to join us in looking for evidence of window strikes in Saskatoon’s downtown area, on the University campus, or even in your own neighborhood, contact us at lswr@sasktel.net

Your regular walk might just save the birds!

Curbside Swap 2018

Saskatoon Curbside Swap
Have clean, usable stuff to give away? Want free stuff? Swap it!
Reduce the amount of garbage ending up in landfill by giving away your stuff to someone or find free stuff of your own. At a curbside swap, place your unwanted items in good condition on your property (next to the side walk or curb) and mark them as free for anyone to pick up or go out on a treasure hunt of your own to find what your neighbors are giving away for free.

Let’s SWAP it Saskatoon !!
Plan a curbside swap this summer or join the annual city-wide curbside event on September 08, 2018. Contact your Community Association to find out if a Curbside Swap is planned for your neighbourhood. Promote your event online on the Curbside Swap Facebook event page at Saskatoon City News. Check out the Curbside Swap Host Manual for information.

How you can Swap!
• Mark all your items free that you wish to give away.
• Do not put out items with potential safety hazards, for example weapons, chemicals, mattress infested with bedbugs, broken furniture or expired child car seats.
• Do not block traffic, sidewalks or place items on road.
• Do not trespass on other people’s property, block other people’s driveway or park illegally.
• Be in compliance with the Temporary Sign Bylaw No. 7491.
• Return unclaimed items into your homes by 6:00 p.m.


Neighbourhood Clean-up


WHEN: Saturday May 12, 2018, 8:30am
WHERE: Brunskill School Parking lot
WHAT: empty out your garage, basement, storage room, or backyard; or shed! Bring your items to the large garbage bins that will be in the Brunskill school parking lot for disposal!

This is the event at which each year the same half dozen committed volunteers donate their Saturday morning to removing trash (think sodden couches), fire hazards (tree and bush clippings piled against wooden garages) and junk (the odd stove or three) from our back alleys.

You can help in two ways:
1) Bring your own junk to the dumpsters that will be parked at the back of Brunskill school on the morning of May 12th, 8:30 to 11:30 am (please do not use the small school dumpsters – you will get me in trouble) or
2) join us as a volunteer – just show up at the parking lot behind Brunskill by 9 am. You get an extra donut if you bring your own truck.

Seedy Saturday 2018

This year, the 20th annual Seedy Saturday will take place on Saturday March 10th, 2018, from 10am to 3pm at Station 20 West (1120 20th St W).

Admission will be $2 regular or free for students/children. Local seed suppliers and environmental/horticulture themed vendors will be there.

20th Annual Seed Exchange and Eco-Fair featuring 20+ exhibitors and vendors, workshops, musical entertainment and children’s activities.

More info on Facebook @CHEPGoodFood: https://www.facebook.com/CHEPGoodFood/

Jane’s Walk 2018 – volunteers

Do you have a favorite spot that tells a story about Saskatoon – perhaps about your own neighbourhood?

Jane’s Walk, the 1st weekend in May 2018, is making the call out for walk leaders. A typical walk takes about an hour and is free. This event, now in 212 cities, is inspired by the life of Jane Jacobs, a writer, and urban activist who championed the voices of everyday people in city-building.

A user-friendly form for walk leaders is on our new website and this is also where you will check in late April for the 15 or more walks in Saskatoon that you might join: http://janeswalksaskatoon.ca/index.php/about/. Samples of topics and locations of past walks are on the blog http://saskatoonjaneswalk.blogspot.ca. Visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/JanesWalkSaskatoon/.

PD Day activities

Parents’ Child Development Co-operative offers a program for school age children on Professional Development Days and other non school days such as Christmas break, Easter break and through the summer.

We operate in three schools: Brevoort Park School, St. Bernard School and St. Philip School.

For more information you can visit our website: www.mypcdc.ca

U of S Master Plan

The University of Saskatchewan is developing a new Campus Master Plan which will guide how the University will grow and develop over the coming years.

In June we are reaching out to our stakeholders for input. This will be an opportunity to provide input on topics such as connectivity to neighborhoods surrounding campus, transportation networks, outdoor landscapes, community gathering spaces, indigenous place-making, sustainability, winter city design and more.

We are planning a casual come and go event at Amigos on June 13th between 5pm and 7pm. This event is intended for the communities surrounding campus to have an opportunity to share their ideas. Please mark this in your calendars.

The event:
Our project team will be present to provide a brief overview and display sample images but the main objective is to provide an initial opportunity to share ideas, through candid conversation, on campus growth and development.

Urban Agriculture report

Last summer, you may have participated in a study on urban agriculture in Saskatoon. Now the final report has now been published! If you would like to read the full report, it’s available online at: https://urbanagresearchsk.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/asap-report-april-20171.pdf

Thank you again for your help with the project – regardless of whether it was participating in the online brainstorming exercise, coming to one of the community meetings, completing the questionnaires online, or just sharing our poster with people in your community, your help and interest was appreciated!

The purpose of this research was to inform changes to urban planning, including changes to the built environment, in order to promote access to high quality food and active living. This can contribute to improved health and self-reliance, and it is aligned the City of Saskatoon’s strategic plan.

Saskatoon Curbside Swap

Saskatoon Curbside Swap – Saturday, September 10, 2016

Do you have clean, usable stuff to give away? Want free stuff? Swap it!

Join in the city-wide Curbside Swap on Saturday, Sept. 10. It works like this – Place unwanted items in good condition on your property (next to the sidewalk or curb) and mark them as FREE for anyone to pick-up. You can also search for free items for your own household! At the end of your Swap day, return your unclaimed items to your home along with your own newfound treasures.

Giving used items a new home keeps them out of our landfill and swapping helps to build a sense of community. To find out more, visit: saskatoon.ca/curbsideswap.

Block Parties

Meet your neighbours, know your community.

Block parties are a great way to build social connections and improve your community. Knowing your neighbours can make a difference:

It’s easier to get help from neighbours we know in a medical or other emergency than from a friend 10 minutes away.
Research shows that when neighbours know and trust each other, streets are safer and people are healthier and happier.

Organizing a block party with the City of Saskatoon is as easy as 1, 2, 3:
1. visit saskatoon.ca/blockparty for an application form
2. collect signatures from 51% of the homes on your block
3. return the form with a $20 application form

The City will deliver barricades to close your street on the date you choose and pick them up when the party is over. All noise and alcohol bylaws must be observed.

For more information, visit saskatoon.ca/blockparty