Category Archives: VVCA News & Events

September board meeting

Overview of discussions at the Wednesday September 20, 2023 VVCA board meeting:

– presentation by Josh who is interested in planting trees along 14th Street pathway east of Cumberland. Discussions about process, costs, watering requirements, etc. Some concerns about drought conditions in City and tree survival. Proposal to be fleshed out with better costs.
– discussions about City’s College Corridor Plan session at Field House prior to meeting. Concerns about building height/storeys, access to bike lane on north side of College, bike and pedestrian crossing of busy College Drive, parking requirements.
– discussion about possible community-wide session/meeting about transportation in VV: bicycle, vehicle and pedestrian?
– 14th Street bikeway proposal may be coming to council this fall
– VVCA may be able to get both President Murray and Grosvenor Park ski trails done by City this winter. VVCA will submit both and see what happens. VVCA pays for grooming of trails 4-5 times a season.
– dead trees removed from President Murray park. No timeline for replacements yet.
– all programs are full and operating.
– two teams for soccer, U5 coed and U9 boys. May need a new coach for U5 in January. Possible purchase of new jerseys for U9 team.
– approved software purchase for newsletter editor.
– basketball numbers coming in.
– 4 families have volunteered to deliver newsletters.
– anticipate Albert Community Centre renovations to begin spring 2024 and last about a year. Hoping to minimize disturbance to tenants.
– upcoming project: review and update VVCA bylaws and constitution.
– VVCA to plan for a mission/vision session, including practical considerations on what projects to tackle in the community.

Next meeting: Wednesday October 18, 7PM.

College Corridor Plan

Come discover the next steps in the College Corridor journey.

The City of Saskatoon (City) is creating corridor plans to transform major streets, or corridors, across Saskatoon into places for people. Corridor plans are a framework for future development near the future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) routes. By encouraging infill development (new construction) in these older areas, corridor plans will create opportunities for more housing, employment, retail, recreation and other potential options.

Since 2021 we have been working with residents, businesses and other stakeholders on what a re-imagined College Corridor could look like. We would like to invite you to a come-and-go event where will be talking about changes to land use and zoning for the area.


DATE & TIME: Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Saskatoon Field House – Cafeteria

To learn more about the College Corridor Plan, including future engagement opportunities, visit where you can sign up for the newsletter. 

If you are looking for information on any aspect of the City of Saskatoon’s Corridor Planning Program please reach out to our project team at 

Sidewalk snow clearing

Residents, please clear your sidewalks within 48 hours after a snowfall, and toss the snow onto your property, not onto the street. Businesses, please clear your sidewalks within 24 hours after a snowfall. Sidewalks should have at least 1.2 metres wide of cleared space and have minimal snow pack.

If your neighbour is elderly, has health concerns or mobility restrictions, please lend a hand (and warm their heart!) by clearing their sidewalk. 

Report an uncleared sidewalk

Please call the Bylaw Compliance at 306-657-8766 to report an uncleared sidewalk. We look into all uncleared sidewalk reports. If necessary, the Bylaw Inspector will issue a Bylaw Notice requiring the resident to clear their sidewalk within 48 hours. If the resident doesn’t clear the snow, the City will clear the sidewalk and that resident will be charged on their property tax notice.

Property Maintenance Complaints

Saskatoon’s Property Maintenance & Nuisance Abatement Bylaw 8175 requires property owners in the City of Saskatoon to maintain houses, buildings, and yards to an acceptable standard. Property owners are responsible for ensuring yards are kept free and clean from garbage and debris, junked vehicles, and excessive growth of weeds and grass.

The Bylaw applies to all residential, commercial or industrial properties in the City of Saskatoon.

if you have safety concerns about your house, contact your area inspector at 306-975-2578

if you feel that a building is a threat to public health or safety, contact your area inspector, or Fire Marshal during business hours or call the Safety and Property Maintenance Hotline at 306-975-2828 (Emergencies should be reported to 9-1-1).

June board meeting

Overview of discussions at the VVCA June 2023 board meeting, held Wednesday June 21:

– Councillor Cynthia Block shared items she will be bringing to budget meeting next Wednesday: request a third-party traffic safety audit review of College & Wiggins intersection; update report on active transportation plan; other ‘pinch points’ in bike corridors. Discussion around safety for bicycling in City. Saskatoon Cycles website has a form letter available for concerned cyclists to submit to City.
– Linda from Bridge City Hens made a presentation about movement to allow hens (no roosters) in resident’s yards. Asked for letter of support when proposal is submitted to City.
– President Jon Naylor attended City ‘Community Association President workshop’. Good information about volunteers and record keeping.
– VVBM Community Garden would like their funds to be kept separate and available for future projects. To be discussed in fall with attendance from garden representatives.
– James Cook of University of Saskatoon submitted a written report of USask/City plans for future development: bike/pedestrian lane on north side of College; future medium density housing planned for University endowment lands; water retention pond planned for Cumberland & 14th; new fire hall on Preston to begin service this fall.
– fall program bookings submitted. Basketball and soccer will be submitted later in July. Fall registration dates: September 7 and 12.
– SYSI indoor soccer registration is open now until end of August.
– discussion of upcoming 40th anniversary of VVCA in two or three years. Joint celebration with Nutana? Nutana is closing a street one Sunday a month during summer for residents to use.
– basketball (SMBA) registration open July 10 to September 1. Season starts October 14. Open to grades 3-12. VV player numbers fluctuates and remain low.
– discussions about fall newsletter, deadline for material mid-July. Printed early August, distributed by end of August.
– Josh discussed his proposal from last year to plant more trees along 14th Street walk/bikeway. Some resistance from City and University due to possible interference with ground utilities.
– 15-ish dead trees in President Murray park. VVCA to send letter to City Parks department. Replacement trees?
– ask school janitor to turn off lights to rink during summer.
– next meeting Wednesday September 20, 2023 in the Brunskill School library.

U of S Stone Barn discussions

Constructed between 1911 and 1912, the University of Saskatchewan Stone Barn is a landmark building that serves as symbol of the ambition the people of Saskatchewan had for its University. Prominently located on College Drive, the Stone Barn has fallen into disrepair and the future of this important heritage structure is uncertain.

The University is seeking a renewed, realistic and informed path forward for this iconic structure. To that end, they are hosting a Community Visioning Event on Wednesday, May 24th from 4:30-6:30pm at the Holiday Inn Express (College Drive) to hear from the community on their ideas on the barn’s future re-use possibilities.

They will also be sharing a survey via their website:…/stone-barn-heritage.php…

Please consider attending, submitting your ideas, and sharing the event details with anyone you think would be interested!

May board meeting

Summary of discussions at May’s VVCA board meeting, held on Wednesday, May 17, 2023.

– Community cleanup on May 13 went well. Approximately 2.75 bins of garbage picked up, and we had 12 participants and a couple of trucks volunteer. Final report yet to come from City. Saskatoon Coop Home Centre provided work gloves and garbage bags – thank you! Photos to come.
– Programs are in good shape. Deadline for school bookings for fall programs not known yet.
– New principal at Brunskill next year, Shalene Herron.
– Lockbox to be installed for rink use.
– May have a possible new newsletter editor. To be confirmed.
– Our Lady of Lourdes church (12th & Wiggins) is scheduled to have massive garage sale August 10-12. Community members are encouraged to have garage sales during same weekend to increase overall traffic.
– Upcoming Curbside Swap coming up on June 3. One scheduled in the fall for September 9.
– Community BBQ planned for May 18, preceding the SUM Theatre show in Grosvenor Park. SUM Theatre flyers delivered by volunteers.
– James Cook from the University will be in attendance at next meeting to discuss College Quarter.
– Upcoming discussion session on the future of the U of S Stone Barn, Wednesday, May 24.
– Next meeting Wednesday, June 21, 2023, in the Brunskill rink. Bring a lawn chair.

Annual General Meeting 2023

The VVCA AGM was held Wednesday, April 19, and we are happy to welcome some new (and old) members to our board and to recognize and thank some others.

President: Jon Naylor
Treasurer: Ted Stensrud
Indoor Coordinator: Barb Giles and Tammy Harkema (basketball)
Albert Community Centre: Lisa Kirkham
Rink Coordinators: Fredy McDougall, Mahdi Toliat, Luke Rempel
Social Coordinator: Diane McDougall
Members at Large: Mary Ann Rubin, Allan Woo, Douglas Tompson, Matthew Wiens

NOTE we are still in need of a newsletter editor!

– Thank you to Barb for her 30+ years of service as VVCA’s Indoor Coordinator! And, still going strong.
– Thank you to Kevin, our City of Saskatoon Community Liaison, who will be representing a different area of the City. We will miss his assistance and input.
– Thank you to Luke and Angela for organizing and leading the Brunskill rink fundraising! Amazing work for such a well-used and appreciated community asset.

April board meeting

Summary of discussion of the April board meeting that followed the AGM on April 19, 2023.

– Councillor Cynthia Block provided information about the College Corridor plan and the Downtown Arena District: Corridor plan centred around bus rapid transit (BRT) on College; increase density on College, Preston, maybe some places on Wiggins and Cumberland; how to increase density but still be respectful to neighbourhood character; medium density of 3-6 stories along corridors; City engagement sessions to continue this year; try to prioritize pedestrian and bicycle over traffic; 14th Street bikeway needs to be connected to other routes to be successful.
– financial books reviewed for AGM, in good shape. Finances have rebounded since pandemic.
– spring programs up and running, except for Art for Children. Some Spanish classes may need to be partially on zoom.
– Basketball is all done for season.
– Kinder soccer has 10 registrants so far and 3 teams have been formed
– Basketball equipment has been stored and soccer is getting ready. May need to purchase more soccer equipment.
– Rink is wrapped up for the season.
– Luke to talk to VVCA about removing snow from rink and perhaps grooming ski trails before next season.
– Newsletter editor has stepped down. Need a new editor!
– Albert Community Centre has a building walk-thru to assess where renovations are needed. Room on board for a few more people. Would like ACC to have online booking presence.
– Community garden will have their first meeting next week.
– SUM Theatre is performing Thursday May 18 in Grosvenor Park. VVCA would like to organize a hamburger BBQ before the show. Volunteers needed.
– Community cleanup is Saturday May 13, 8:30AM – 1PM, Church of Latter Day Saints parking lot, 10th and Cumberland. Volunteers and trucks needed.
– Next meeting: Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 7PM, Brunskill School library.

Security camera registry

The Security Camera Registry is a completely voluntary program where community members (individuals or businesses) can register their security camera(s) with the Saskatoon Police Services.

If you register your camera(s) with the Security Camera Registry, you may be contacted by the SPS to request footage you may have available, if a crime is being investigated in your area. It is up to you if you provide any footage to the SPS and you are under no obligation to do so.

Help us keep your neighbourhood safe by registering your camera(s) here.

March board meeting

Summary of discussion at the March 15, 2023 board meeting:
– SUM Theatre will again be offering free theatre performances in City parks this May and June. First public show is Thursday, May 18, 7PM at Grosvenor Park. Volunteer ushers needed. Volunteers to drop handbills in the neighbourhood before the show. Honorarium granted by VVCA.
– SEIU West, union representing health care workers, presented their “A Safe Spot Means a Lot” campaign. With less parking available for workers and an increased occurance of harassment and assault, they are looking for a solution.
– College Corridor Plan just out with priorities of: finish missing sidewalks; safe street crossings on College; and bicycle paths along College, possibly Wiggins. Full report available on City website.
– discussion of downtown Convention Event and Entertainment District. Info session at Roxy Theatre not well publicized.
– winter programs winding up. Spring registration on March 21.
– Community Cleanup on Saturday May 13, 8:30-1:00PM
– Basketball wrapping up.
– Community Garden meeting to be held mid to late April.
– discussion about rink operation improvements: larger sign about snow removal (shovel over boards); group chat for volunteers; more volunteers needed (minor hockey is a large user so maybe parents can volunteer?); key lockbox possible?
– newsletter has been printed and delivery by Girl Guides has been scheduled.
– next meeting Wednesday April 19, 7PM incorporating the AGM.

College Corridor Plan

A summary report of the Public Realm Engagement is available on the City of Saskatoon website: College Corridor Plan: Public Realm Engagement Report February to December 2022

From February to December 2022, the Corridor Planning team conducted community engagement and technical analysis on the public realm. This built upon the preliminary decisions made in earlier stages regarding land use and density of future development to determine potential public realm improvements that are desirable and feasible.

Background and further information can be found here:

February board meeting

Brief overview of discussions at the VVCA board meeting of Feb. 15, 2023.

– SUM Theatre will attend next meeting.
– Constable Tomaz of the Saskatoon Police Services attended the meeting to discuss neighbourhood crime and safety. While crime stats haven’t really changed year to year, there seems to be increase of alcohol, drugs and weapons. Big percentage of his day involve people with alcohol and drug addiction problems. Police have started a zero tolerance operational plan for incidents, issuing tickets for mischief, loitering, etc. Multiple tickets can mean criminal offence and arrest and banning from area (ie: 8th Street).
– ALL incidents, no matter how minor, should be reported to police. Helps police ‘connect the dots’ and deploy resources to where they are needed. No reports = no extra policing. Minor incidents can be reported online. May be revamping of online reporting and bike registry for better user experience.
– Saskatoon is growing and is experiencing bigger city problems. Police budget is comparable to other cities. Police budget is a large part of City budget (more policing = higher taxes).
– possible article in spring newsletter with advice and contact information for police.
– latest expansion to RPP has created more awareness of parking issues for University/hospital staff. University and hospital are responsible for parking requirements, but are now more engaged with City about possible solutions and transportation.
– Councillor Block to hold in-person meet-and-greet along with the Mayor on March 22, 7-8:30 at Aden Bowman cafeteria.
– neighbourhood spring cleanup City orientation on March 2. Details about cleanup date and location should be determined by next meeting.
– 14th Street parklet (adjacent D’Lish in Nutana) design has been revealed. Construction to begin in summer hopefully.
– Main and Clarence intersection community engagement session was held on Feb. 1. Well attended. Concerns about pedestrian and bicycle crossings. Decision will be in spring.
– City received grant for renovations to Albert Community Centre. Interest in other areas of City in preserving older ‘castle’ schools for community use?
– spring program registration will be on March 21, 7-8:30pm. Offering yoga, tae kwon do, art, badminton and Spanish. Website will be updated soon.
– outdoor spring soccer registration is coming, likely offering U5, U7.
– rink is well used and being maintained well by rink crew. Thank you!
– newsletter should be out mid-March, in time to announce the AGM in April.
– VVCA social at the Escape room was enjoyed by all who attended.
– next meeting Wednesday March 15.